
发布时间:2016-12-02 05:50



1.There are a variety of furniture and blankets in the palace and a huge swimming pool behind it in the shape of a heart ,The king and the queen used to have a rest on the grass after they swam .在这个宫殿里又各种各样的家具和地毯 .而宫殿之后有个心形的游泳池 .国王和皇后过去在游泳之后会在草地上休息 。

2.In the ordinary course of event ,after he has breakfast, he connects to the Internet to read some business news unless he feels ill .通常说老 ,吃完早饭之后 ,除非他感觉不舒服 ,他会上网阅读一些财经新闻。

3.The reason why he is so fat is that he is simply crazy about fruit salad, pizza ,Italian noodle ,steak and coffee and never tries some vegetables such as carrots and cabbage .他如此胖的原因在于他沉迷于水果色拉 ,匹萨 ,意大利面 ,牛排和咖啡而且从不尝试吃些蔬菜 ,例如胡萝卜和卷心菜。

4.Since your father has gone to buy some sweet snack , please put the pork in the oven to roast before I am ready for the sauce.因为你父亲出去买甜点了 ,所以请在我准备好酱汁之前把猪肉放进烤箱烤起来 。.

5.Scientists are investigating the effects of medicine on human’s body , for example , the slow response .科学家正在调查药物对人体的影响 ,比如,反应变慢 。

6.When the host looked out from the window , he found there were several holes in a row of wood fence around the new house .当主人向窗外看时,他发现新房子四周的一排木制篱笆上有几个洞 。.

7.Before you are present at debate , remember to shine the pair of shoes and put on the tidy trousers and never forget to wear a tie that matches your shirt.在你出席辩论赛之前 ,记得要擦亮你的鞋子,穿好整洁的裤子。还有别忘了戴好能搭配你衬衫的领带 。

8.The librarian pointed to the man and said she saw him stealing a key to the car from a reader’s jacket pocket .图书管理员指着那个男的 ,说她看见他从一个读者的夹克口袋里偷走了车钥匙 。.

9.To our surprise , this new type of robot is even able to understand the Chinese poems , and then manages to translate them into English accurately .令我们吃惊的是 ,这种新型机器人甚至能够理解中文的诗词 ,然后能够将其精确地翻译成英语 。.

10.If this hardworking student wants to go abroad to go on his study , the foreign university will test his language level before the beginning of the term .如果这个努力勤奋的学生想出国深造 ,外国的大学生将在学期开始前对他的语言水平进行测试 。

11.Since the late of the 20 century , more and more Chinese companies have played an active role in the international market and it leads to more and more dialogues and links between China and other countries .自从 20世纪后期开始 ,越来越多的中国国公司在国际市场中扮演着积极的角色,这也导致中国和其他国家有越来越多的对话和联系。

12.She didn't know why her son was always coughing until she found a pack of cigarette under the jeans while he was taking a bath.直到她儿子在洗澡 ,她发现了牛仔裤下面的一包香烟时 ,她才知道为什么她的儿子老咳嗽。

13.If you see the steam rising , it means the water in the pot boils and then you can put the dumplings into the pot .如果你看到水蒸气冒出来了 ,就意味着水开了 ,你可以把饺子放到锅里了。.

14.The snow storm suddenly started at 9 p.m. and we had to wear coats and sit together to keep warm because the heating pipe was frozen.晚上 9点突然来了暴风雪,我们不得不穿上大衣,坐下一起取得因为暖气管被冻住了。.

15.When she was cycling to the store at the corner of the block , she found his classmates smiling at her and waving .当她正骑车前往街区角上的商店时,她发现她的同学正朝她微笑招手。.

16.The town is divided into six parts and the post offices usually make sure which part the mail belongs to before it is delivered .整个城镇分成了6个部分.邮局在寄送给信件前会先弄清信件属于哪个地区 。.

17.Even the pupils know that three plus nine equals twelve and twenty minus nine is eleven , but you , a university student , make these two elementary mistakes.甚至小学生都知道三加九等于十二和二十减九等于十一,而你,一个大学生却犯了这两个低级错误 。

18.The girl cried when she reached the railway station because she missed the last train to the capital .当这个女孩到达火车站时 ,她哭了 ;因为她错过开往首都的最后一班火车。

19.Once you have a back pain, don't hesitate to press the bell beside the bed and the doctor on duty will deal with the situation .一旦你背疼 ,立马按床边的铃,值班医生会过来处理情况的 。.

20.The terrible marks on this butterfly’s wings can prevent other animals from killing itself .蝴蝶翅膀上可怕的记号可以防止其他动物将它吃了。

21.This stupid man selected a lot of dear products in the mall and when he saw the bill for these goods, he realized that he had only fifty pounds in his bank card .这个愚蠢的男人在商场里挑选了许多昂贵的产品,而当他看见这些货物账单时 ,他意识到他的银行卡里只有 50英镑 。

22.Even in the North Pole, a lot of animals are still being hunted and killed either for pleasure or for business .甚至在北极,要么是为了取乐,要么是为了商业,许多动物仍在被猎杀。

23.Fables and novels have a lot in common but usually fables include more wisdom so they pass on from generation to generation .寓言和小说有很多相似之处 ,但是通常寓言包括了更多的智慧所以他们一代一代流传下来 。

24.The real root of the word “china” is none but in China because china was created in various colours by wise Chinese.“陶瓷”这个单词的真正来源就是在中国,因为颜色各异的陶瓷是由聪明的中国人创造出来的。

25.Through discussion, only a few students correct their mistakes while 70 percent of students are still confused.通过讨论,只有一部分学生改正了错误,而其他的 70%的学生仍然很困惑。

26.Though he won the victory of the second round of the race, he went pale and felt tired.虽然他赢得了第二轮比赛,但是他脸色苍白,感到十分疲惫。

27.The young man stopped in front of the mirror to put his golden tie straight, had a look at his gold watch and walked downstairs to have a supper with his girl friend.这个年轻人在镜子前整理了一下他的金色领带,看了一眼他的金表,走下楼和他的女朋友共进晚餐。

28.Since we have no ropes at hand, where do you suppose that we ought to hang these spare clothes that we have just washed?既然我们手上没有绳子,你认为我们应该在哪里挂这些刚洗好的衣服.

29.Unit Six is on Page 56, and you can find many useful figures about this item.第六单元在 56页上,你可以找到关于这个项目的有用的数字。

30.The shower is coming for there are a lot of dark clouds in the sky. So you had better carry an umbrella with you.天空上乌云密布,马上就要下阵雨了,你最好随身带一把伞。

31.After he won the indoor bicycle race, he received an award of a computer with 23 inch screen.在他赢得室内自行车比赛之后,他得到了一台有 23寸屏幕的电脑作为奖励。

32.What they argued about finally led to fight, so their son had no choice but to beg police for help.他们的争论最终演变成打架,他们的儿子不得不向警察求助。

33.He joined in the junior tennis club at the age of 5, and his aim was to be well-known throughout the world as a tennis player.他 5岁加入了这个青少年网球俱乐部,他的目标是成为一名举世闻名的网球运动员。

34.If you hold a plot of ice, the message of cool feeling will be carried from the skin to the brain.如果你握着一块冰,感觉凉爽的信号就由皮肤带给了大脑。

35.To our amusement, this model from Paris has formed a habit of wearing a pair of thin stocking even in winter in order to look attractive.令我们感到有趣的是,这个来自巴黎的模特为了引人注目养成了在冬天穿薄的长袜的习惯。

36.The silly boy thought that if he mixed cream with jam and put it in the fridge for some time, he would get much ice cream.这个傻男孩认为只要将奶油和果酱混合起来,放进冰箱一段时间,他就能得到许多冰激凌了。

37.After such a serious traffic accident, he was still alive because he wore the safety belt.在如此严重的交通事故之后,因为他戴着安全带所以他仍然活着。

38.Ocean and sea are different from each other, because the ocean is far away from the land while the sea is close to the land. Hence, to some degree, the Pacific belongs to ocean rather than sea.洋和海是不一样的,因为洋是远离陆地的地方而海是靠近陆地的地方。因此,在某种程度上,太平洋属于洋而非海。

39.If you want to get the occupation in this advertisement company, sign your name on the straight line.如果你想在这个广告公司里得到职务,请在横线处签上你的名字。

40.The customer dialed the company’s telephone number to know why all these free taps couldn't work at all.客户拨打了公司的电话,想知道为什么这些免费的水龙头根本无法使用。

41.After her leader talked with her and told her to repeat the task, she felt very upset.在她的领导和她谈话并让她重复任务之后,她感到很不安。

42.Would you mind shutting the door? I smell something unusual outside the room.你介意我关门吗,我在门外闻到一些异味。

43.The chicken farm on the hill is in the distance so it is impossible for you to return on foot before the night.位于山丘上的养鸡场很远,所以你不可能在天黑前徒步回来的。

44.She pulled the door open and hurried inside to find the answers to this quiz.她推开门,匆匆跑进去找这次测试的答案。

45.The temperature in summer will be above 38 degrees while in winter it will be below the zero.夏天的气温将会超过 38度,然而到了冬天,气温就降到零度以下。

46.It is predicted that the number of readers will continue to reduce so the leader decided to stop selling this kind of magazine forever.预计读者数量将会继续减少,领导决定永远停止出售这种杂志。

47.Although both juice and coffee water are drinks, neither juice nor coffee can take the place of water.虽然果汁和咖啡都是饮料,但两者都无法取代水。

48.The student thought the course is very boring so he began to play some trick on his deskmate.这名学生认为这门课程很无聊,所以他开始去恶作剧他的同桌。

49.Every time I passed this way, I walked with a quick step because I was afraid the dog might bite me even though it was lock.每次我经过这条路,我都加快脚步,因为我恐怕那条狗可能会要我即使它被锁住了。

50.Both his teachers and parents thought he was very foolish because he couldn’t count up to ten at an early age.他的老师和父母都认为他很傻,因为他小时候数数都数不到十。

51.When the danger comes, the male elephants will form a circle and shake their big ears to protect their children.当危险来临时,雄性大象会形成一个圈,然后摇动他们的大耳朵来保护他们的孩子。

52.My brown bicycle went wrong at the top of the hill so I had to push it all way down,我的棕色的自行车在山丘顶上坏了,所以我不得不把他一路推下来。

53.Though the honest boy was born in Africa, he went to America by ship and wished that he could rely on himself in America.虽然这个诚实的男孩出生于非洲,但他坐船来到美国并希望在美国能自力更生。

54.They still remembered that after dinner, they ever used to play Chinese chess under the street lamp while eating the pears.他们仍记得以前常常在晚饭过后,坐在路灯下边下象棋边吃梨的情景。

55.Although I had read the book several times, I still failed to understand its title.虽然我已经把这篇文章读了几遍,但我仍无法理解他的标题。

56.The weather throughout the world becomes more changeable so the scientist decided to adopt new ways to forecast it.全世界的天气都变化多端,所以科学家决定采取新的方法来预报。

57.The river is not only wide but also about eight kilometers in length so you can always see a lot of boats on it.这条河不仅宽而且有 8000米长,所以你总能看见许多小船在河上。

58.You will certainly go mad if you continue to work in such a noisy place.如果你继续在如此喧嚣的环境中工作,你一定会疯掉的。

59.The net was broken so the wild animal must have escaped from the hole on the net .由于网破了,野生动物肯定从这张网的洞里逃走了。

60.As the saying goes, “Strike the iron while it is hot.” Since you have left the last step of the task, why not finish it tonight?既然你还剩下任务的最后一步,为什么不在今晚完成他呢。

61.It is generous of you to share the delicious seafood with us and in return we will send you some foreign sweets.你能和我们分享这些可口的海鲜,真是太慷慨了。作为回报,我们送你一些海外的糖果。

62.Before she threw these useless files into the litter bin, the secretary took the pins away for the future use.在把无用的文件扔进废纸箱以前,这位秘书拿走了上面的别针以便以后使用。

63.It is a pity that all the tickets for the airline from Beijing to Shanghai have been sold out .很遗憾所有从北京到上海的机票都卖完了。

64.She was a bit sad when she read the headline of the newspaper.当他读了报纸的把标题后,有点悲伤。

65.As a top student, you should feel a deep sense of shame for you haven’t handed in your homework for several days.作为一名优等生,你应该为几天没上交作业感到羞耻。

The mother had lay the table and hoped that his son would knock at the door as soon as possible.这位母亲已经布置好了餐桌,希望他的儿子尽快敲门。
