
发布时间:2016-12-02 05:50



1.It is not good for you to do homework while you are listening to the music or watching the cartoons.在听音乐或者看卡通片的时候做作业对你来说是不好的。

2.Generally speaking, the class teacher is in charge of the class while the school is in the charge of the headmaster.一般来说,班主任管理一个班级,而学校是由校长管理的。

3.Because of the toothache, he hasn’t enjoyed the delicious dinner for several days so he has no choice but to ask the dentist for help.由于牙疼,他已经好几天没有好好享受美味的餐点了,所以他别无选择只能去看牙医。

4.66With the development of science and technology, researchers will get more and more knowledge about space and other planets.随着科技的发展,研究院将获得越来越多的有关太空和其他星球的知识。

5.The film “avatar” is too popular to get a ticket. The film “avatar” is so popular that it is hard to get a ticket. It is hard to get a ticket of the film” avatar”. How hard it is to get a ticket of the film “avatar”! What a popular film “avatar” is!

6.The top student was too nervous about the exam to review her lessons and sleep well and in the end she didn't get a satisfying score.那个优秀学生对于那个考试太紧张了,以至于没有复习好,也没有睡好觉,最后没有得到令人满意的成绩。

7.Though both china and Japan are located in the east Asia, there are still a lot of differences in culture and traditional custom.尽管中国和日本都坐落在东亚,但是文化和传统习俗上仍有很多不同之处。

8.This brave wounded fireman deserved the praise because he was not frightened by the danger of fire and saved all the citizens from the burning building.这个勇敢的受伤的消防员值得表扬,因为他不害怕活在的危险,从那个着火的大楼里救出了所有的市民。

9.The math teacher begins to be interested in this smart little kid for he can calculate even faster than a computer but never makes any mistakes though he is not good at expressing himself.数学老师开始对这个聪明的小男孩感兴趣,因为他能比计算机更快的计算而且不犯任何错误,虽然他并不擅长表达他自己。

10.It is ordered that if the driver has drunk some wine, he or she is not allowed to drive the car in case the traffic accident takes places.根据命令,如果驾驶员喝了一些酒,他是不准开车的,以免发生交通事故。

11.The survey shows that greenhouse gas is harmful to the earth but until now we haven’t the perfect method to solve the problem.调查表明,能引起温室效应的气体是对地球有害的,但是知道现在,我们还没有最好的办法解决这个问题。

12.74There are 12 months in one year-January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December, and it is rather difficult for many English learners to learn them by heart.一年中有 12个月 ---一月,二月...,对许多学英语者来说,记住它们是相当难的。

13.During the concert, it is not polite to use the camera with the flash or often move in front of their audiences, and it is even rude to communicate with your friends.在听音乐会的时候,用闪光灯拍照和在观众前面不停的走动都是不礼貌的,如果和你的朋友交流更是粗鲁的表现。

14.He just moved to the new senior high school so the class teacher asked him to introduce himself to the whole class and arranged his seat beside the monitor.他刚刚转到一个新的高中,因此他的班主任要求他把自己介绍给全班,然后把他的座位安排到班长的旁边。

15.The soldier is strong enough to lift this heavy bag.士兵足够强壮能够提起这个重包。

16.The waiter brought a menu to me and suggested that I should taste the new meal and tell him my opinion about it.服务员拿了一本菜单给我,然后建议我品尝一下新的菜式,之后告诉他我的意见。

17.When his wife began to decorate the bedroom with some photos of their baby and some white roses, the husband has been brushing the sitting room with paint.当他妻子开始用他们宝贝的照片和白色玫瑰装饰卧室时,丈夫已经在用油漆刷客厅了。

18.Unluckily, the businessman felt so tired that he soon fell asleep without realizing that he had left his luggage, speech material and expensive camera in the taxi.很不幸的是,那个生意人感到如此的累以致于他很快就睡着了,并没有意识到他把行李,演讲的材料以及贵重的照相机都落在了出租车上。

19.The weather forecast said this Sunday was fit for a camp, so these friends organized a picnic in the forest and they carried some food and knife and fork.天气预报说本周日适合野营,所以朋友们组织去森林野餐,并自带食物和刀叉。

20.All the Chinese people will never forget the wonderful 2008 Beijing Olympics because the whole world focused attention on China and on Beijing.全中国人民永远也不会忘记 2008年令全世界瞩目的北京奥运会。

21.The fans say that this film star has been married for 4 years, but actually she just married that rich gentleman 2 years ago in Germany.影迷称这位电影明星已经结婚4年了,但其实这位明星是2年前在德国与一位富商结婚的。

22.During the childhood, we often depended on our parents when we were in trouble while we try to be independent of them after we grow up.小时候,凡是遇到困难我们总是依靠父母,长大后,我们靠自己。

23.It is impossible for you to guess right who will take part in our party as guests of honor but I am sure that you will feel amazing when you know the answer.你肯定猜不出谁会作为荣誉嘉宾出席我们的派对,我肯定你知道了一定会惊讶。

24.When we find the TV program is very dull, we will change the channel until we are attracted by some programs.当我们发现电视节目很枯燥的时候,我们会一直换频道,直到找到感兴趣的节目为止。

25.Except the local farmers, no one dare to cross that narrow field at night because he can’t even see his fingers when he goes across it.除了当地农民,没人敢在深夜穿越那伸手不见五指的狭长地带。

26.The pilot had enough experience to deal with danger when the plane was out of control and finally he succeeded in landing on the ground safely.那位经验丰富的飞行员在飞机失控时处理了危险,最后安全降落。

27.Every summer holidays, a lot of male students and some female ones pretend not to notice the rule on the board that the teenagers under the age of 18 mustn't enter the Internet bar and spend amounts of time in it.每个暑假,许多男女学生会假装看不到板上有关十八岁一下青少年禁止去网吧,也不能上网太久的规定。

28.It is a precious memory that when he was still a Young Pioneer from the primary school, he went to the estate to sweep the floor, pick up the litter and water the plants every March the fifth.这是一段珍贵的记忆,当他是个小学少先队员时,没到三月五日他就去别人家拖地板、捡垃圾、浇花。

29.At the moment, the aged artist achieves the ambition of holding his personal oil painting exhibition and the price of the tickets is very low so that he can share his view of natural beauty with the public.此时,这位老艺术家实现了他开个人油画展的愿望,因为门票价格很低,所以他能和大众一起分享他的自然美的观点。

30.This winter holidays, they are eager to travel around the Europe, such as France, Italy, Germany, Britain and so on.这个寒假,他们渴望去环游欧洲,例如法国、意大利、英国等。

31.During rush hours, many clerks still choose undergrounds or buses rather than their own private cars as main traffic tools and some young ones even ride bicycles because it is too difficult to park cars in the city centre.高峰期时,一些职员仍旧选择地铁或者公交车,而不是自己的私家车作为交通工具,一些年轻人甚至骑自行车,因为市中心停车太难了。

32.Before the lecture in the college, the inventor raised a question who had the ability to take out a coin at the bottom of the bottle without touching it or breaking it into pieces.在大学里做讲座前,这位发明者提出了一个问题,谁能从瓶底取出一个硬币而不碰到它,也不能把瓶子打碎。

33.At the weekends, especially when it is sunny and warm, many people can be seen swimming on the surface of the sea; in addition, many families relax themselves at the beach and take a sun bath.周末,特别是晴朗温和的天气,能看到一些人在海上游泳,此外,一些家庭在海岸上放松自己,晒日光浴。

34.The bund that has already been rebuilt is open to the public again and plenty of tourists stand at the sightseeing platform and enjoyed the opposite Oriental Pearl Tower.外滩已经重建好了,重新向公众开放,许多游客在观景台上,欣赏对面的东方明珠塔。

35.After a horrible flood attacked this poor village, these homeless people went hungry and thirsty and needed medical help, and some of them even robbed the supermarkets of the daily goods. The army used the ferries to move them to the near kindergarten and the church..一场可怕的洪水袭击了这个穷山庄后,这些无家可归的孩子们又饥又渴,需要医疗帮助。一些人抢劫了超市的日用品。军队用渡船将他们运送到附近的幼儿园和教堂。

36.Although the president of every nation sticks to the fact that human beings love peace, hate wars and fear death every country still pay a large amount of money for armies and weapons.尽管每个国家的总统都坚持人们热爱和平、憎恶战争,害怕死亡这一事实,但是每个国家仍旧话很多钱在军队和武器上。

37.The reason why he is used to England life so quickly is that he used to listen to the foreign broadcast on radio and his recorder was usually used to record what he pronounced when he read after the tape.他问什么这么快习惯英国的生活是因为他曾经用受经济听国外的广播,而且他经常跟着磁带读时用录音机录下他的发音。

38.Although the developed countries promised to provide money and technology for the developing countries to protect environment, they themselves are still eager for the natural products such as fuel, oil to meet the needs of heat and electricity power.尽管发达国家许诺提供给发展中国家钱和技术来保护环境,但他们自己仍旧渴望自然资源,例如燃料、汽油来满足热力和电力的需要。

39.The secretary usually wakes up with the help of the alarm clock, but yesterday it was broken, so she stayed in bed until the telephone rang.这位秘书通常在闹钟的帮助下醒来。但是昨天,闹钟坏了,所以他一直躺在床上直到电话铃响。

40.Just after the dinner, he had the ice-cream in a hurry and got serious stomachache so his grandma offered him some medicine and hot water.就在晚饭之后,他匆匆就吃了份冰淇林,然后胃疼的厉害。因此,他的外婆给他一些药和热水。

41.While all the fans outside celebrated his success, the winner of the Winter Canadian Olympics in Canada did the interview at the international conference center and said he would continue to train for another competition.当粉丝们在外面庆祝他的胜利时,这位加拿大奥运会的冠军在国际会议中心接受了采访,说他将为下一场比赛继续训练。

42.This ancient cave is very deep and dark so even with the lantern the captain of the group still failed to observe the animal pictures in the cave.这个古老的洞穴既深又黑,所以即使打着灯笼,小组的队长仍无法观察洞穴的动物壁画。

43.The persons in the town didn't believe the truth that the lake had been polluted by the nearby chemical factories until the lake was covered with the dead fish.直到湖里全是死鱼时,镇里的人们才相信这个事实,即湖泊已经被周围的化工厂污染了。

44.During the spring festival, people usually set off fireworks to say goodbye to the past year and welcome the New Year.春节期间,人们通常放烟火辞旧迎新。

45.During the National Day, the whole nation is filled with happy atmosphere, streets full of balloons and red flags and every Chinese hopes our mother country become more and more powerful.国庆节期间,整个国家处处都是欢乐的氛围,街道上也处处是气球和红旗。每一位中国人都希望自己的祖国越来越强大。

46.After the army attacked enemy's base, the battle broke out in the north area and just after 2 hours, the enemy gave up the base.部队攻击了敌人的基地。战斗在北部爆发了仅 2小时之后敌人放弃了基地。

47.This blind Australian singer was very popular with teenagers and in yesterday's charity show, he sang his favorite songs while some actresses were dancing around him.这位澳洲盲人歌手在年轻人种很受欢迎。昨天在一场慈善表演中,他演唱了自己最喜欢的歌曲,同时一些女演员在其周围伴舞。

48.Some articles and the pictures of these magazines about geography and journey aren't printed clearly, so this section can't publish these magazines.这本杂志中有关地理和旅行的一些文章和照片印的不是很清楚,所以该部门无法出版这些杂志。

49.Before my grandpa took the letter out of the envelope, he found that the letter didn't belong to him because the address was wrong.在我外公从信封中拿出信之前,他发现信不属于他,因为地址错了。

50.If the weather is fine and windy, this couple will fly kite at the hill; however, if the weather is awful, they will go to the cinema to see the funny movies.如果天气晴朗且有风,这对夫妻就会在小山上放风筝,如果天气恶劣,他们就会去电影院看电影。

51.Last night, he was caught in a heavy rain and the whole body was completely wet and this morning, he got a bad cold and headache. Now he is resting in the bedroom.昨天,他被大雨淋得浑身湿透。于是今早,他感冒了并伴有头疼。现在他正在卧室休息。

52.Those two females heroes select some potatoes and tomatoes in the supermarket.这两位女英雄在超市里挑选了些番茄和马铃薯。

53.In his diary, he wrote down the trip to the zoo, especially that he fed the monkeys on bananas and he also made some videos of wolves, lines, tigers, bears.在他的日记里,他写下了去动物园的游玩,尤其记录了用香蕉喂猴子的场景。另外,他也拍摄了一些狼,狮子,老虎和熊。

54.Although the maths teacher was very strict with these students, finally all of them felt thankful for the teacher's patient and careful guide because they got grade A.虽然数学老师对这些学生很严格,但最终所有这些学生都恨感激他耐心而仔细的指导因为他们都得了优。

55.The sentences of the story in this thick book are too long for the children to understand and in addition, the story is not described in detail.这本厚重的书中的故事所采用的句子对孩子们来说太长了以至于他们无法理解。另外,故事本身也表述得不详细。

56.If you spread out and read the world map, it will enable you to know that the land area of the People's Republic of China nearly equals that of the United States of America.如果你翻开查阅地图,它会让你知道中华人民共和国的领土几乎等同于美国的领土。

57.Between he and his brother who practices high jump, his brother is taller, but among his college classmates. His height is the greatest.他和他练跳高的哥哥比,他哥哥比他高,但在大学同学中,他是最高的。

58.It very kind of you to fix our computer or it is not likely for us to send the E-mail about recent sales to Paris before 5 o'clock.你能为我们修好电脑真是太好了,否则对于我们而言. 5点前发送有关最近销售情况的电子邮件到巴黎是不可能的。

59.Although the clerk was on duty, he still looked forward to watching tonight's exciting football match. As soon as he heard the cheers, he ran upstairs out of breath to see who kicked the goal.虽然这名员工在值班,但他仍然期待看今晚刺激的足球赛。一旦他听到欢呼声,就气喘吁吁的跑上楼上去看谁进的球。

60.The population of the city is greater than that of the country while the empty space in the city is not as enough as that in the country.诚实是人口比乡下的人口密度高,但是城市的闲置空间不如乡下。

61.She bought her bakery an automatic oven which can process and the soft chocolate cakes and cheese cakes.她为自己的面包店买了台自动化烤箱,这个烤箱可以加工好生产松软的巧克力蛋糕和芝士蛋糕。

62.“Is it fair exchange that I offer you the service of a balanced diet and you do some housework such as washing these dishes and bowls or cleaning the kitchen, honey?” the wife made a joke at his lazy husband.“我为你提供均衡的膳食,你来做些诸如洗碟子和碗或者清理厨房的家务不是很公平的交易吗,”妻子对她那慵懒的丈夫开玩笑道。

63.When you are at table, you must obey the following rules: Don't make any sounds when you eat the soup with the spoon and don't speak with others when your mouth is full of food.当你吃饭时,要遵守以下规矩,用勺子喝汤时不要发出任何声响,以及不要在满嘴食物时和他人说话。

64.During the high season such as spring and autumn , there is little chance for you to book a double room in this hotel on the island , because it is very close to the seaside .在春天和秋天这样的旺季,在岛上的这个酒店订双人房是很难的 ,因为酒店离海滩很近 。

65.He is always making excuse for being late for work and this has already caused his leader to choose another one to investigate the case .他老是为上班迟到找借口 ,导致了他的领导选了另一个人查这个案子。

The careless chief hit her face on the glass gate and a lot of blood from her nose dropped on her skirt so her assistant went to find cotton for her.这名粗心的领导一脸撞上了玻璃门 ,许多鼻血滴在了她的裙子上 ,因此她的助手去给她找棉花了 。
