
发布时间:2016-11-19 12:00


For about 66 per cent of us, being with your phone at all times is an obsession that occupies every waking minute.

If you think you may suffer from nomophobia - or 'no mobile phone phobia' – then the warning signs are:

■ An inability to ever turn your phone off;

■ Obsessively checking for missed calls, emails and texts;

■ Constantly topping up your battery life;

■ Being unable to pop to the bathroom without taking your phone in with you.

The number of people afflicted with nomophobia — revealed in a recent study — shows a rise from a similar study four years ago, where 53 per cent of people admitted the fear of losing their phone.



■ 从来都不关手机;

■ 时不时地查看有无漏接的来电、邮件和短信;

■ 频繁地为手机充电;

■ 上厕所、洗澡,都得要把手机带在身边。




文中的###nomophobia就是“无手机焦虑症”的意思,是指在手机丢失、手机没电或余额不足、不在服务区时,手机用户的焦虑反应。正如文中第二段提到的,这个词由no-、-mo-和-phobia三个词缀(词素)构成。其中no-为否定含义,-mo-是手机(mobile phone)的缩写,而-phobia是英语中常见的一个后缀,带有“害怕、忧虑”的意思,又如acrophobia 恐高症、hydrophobia 恐水症(如狂犬病)、nyctophobia 黑夜恐怖症和trypophobia 密集恐惧症等。
