
发布时间:2017-03-31 21:09



在英语中,表达喜欢或不喜欢有很多方法,不同的方法反映了不同的程度。 如果你爱某样东西,可以说"I love..."

"I love eating ice-cream."

"I love travel."

如果你很喜欢某样东西,可以说"Be fond of", "I like"

"She's fond of Chinese food."

"I like swimming very much."

如果你喜欢某样东西,可以说"I like..."

"He quite likes going to the cinema."

"I like cooking."

如果你既不喜欢也不讨厌某样东西,可以 说"I don't mind..."

"I don't mind doing the housework."

"I don't mind walking to work."

如果你不喜欢某样东西,可以说"I don't like..."

"She doesn't like cooking very much."

"I dislike wasting time."

如果你很不喜欢某样东西,可以说"I can't bear...","I can't stand...", "I hate..." "I don't like sport at all."

"He can't stand his boss."

"She can't bear the noise from the street."

"I hate being disturbed when I am working."

"He detests being late."

"She loathes celery."


Dislike这个词比较正规,Fond of多用于和别人谈论食品。而一般用like的话,则要跟名词或动名词,如:I like something or like doing something. very much 或a lot这类副词要跟在名词后面。如:For example, "I like reading very much", 不是 "I like very much reading".


There's a whole range of english expressions you can use to talk about how much you like or dislike something.

【if you love something】

"I love eating ice-cream."

"I adore sun-bathing."

【if you like something a lot】

"she's fond of chocolate."

"I like swimming very much."

【if you like something】

"he quite likes going to the cinema."

"I like cooking."

【if you neither like nor dislike something】 "I don't mind doing the housework."

【if you don't like something】

"she doesn't like cooking very much."

"he's not very fond of doing the gardening."

"I dislike wasting time."

【if you really dislike something】

"I don't like sport at all."

"he can't stand his boss."

"she can't bear cooking in a dirty kitchen."

"I hate crowded supermarkets."

"he detests being late."

"she loathes celery."

【things to remember…】

dislike is quite formal.

fond of is normally used to talk about food or people.

the 'oa' in loathe rhymes with the 'oa' in boat.

【grammar note】

to talk about your general likes or dislikes, follow this pattern: like something or like doingsomething.

【common mistake】

be careful where you put very much or a lot. these words should go after the thing that you like.

for example, "i like reading very much." not "i like very much reading."
