
发布时间:2017-06-07 13:47




( )1.A.I’ve got a bad cold.

B.I have been to the Great Wall.

C.I went there on foot.

( )2.A.I think traveling by train is not safe.

B. I think traveling by ship is more comfotable.

C. I think traveling by air is the fastest way.

( )3. A.listening music B.Rich food C.Tennis

( )4.A.Yes ,he will do it at once .B Yes ,he has. C.No,he didn’t water the trees.

( )5.A.So do I B.No ,it won’t C.I’m on study today


( )6.A.They are over there.B.They are right here.C.They are on the bed.

( )7.A. He is at work. B. He is in the hospital C He is at home .

( )8.A.James B.Jim C.Jane

( )9.A. No,she won’t B.Yes ,she will C.No,she didn’t

( )10.A.Thursday B.Tuesday .C.Wednesday


( )11.How was the man?

A. Too tired . B.Terribly ill. C.Strong

( )12.Where did the man want to go?

A.Back home. B.Countryside. C. All over the world.

( )13.How many hours a night did the man sleep?

A.As the same as before. B Less than two hours C .More than two hours

( )14.What did the doctor ask the man to do?

A.Everything he wants to do.

B. Everything except working

C. Everything that can keep himself healthy.

( )15.When would the man decide to travel?

A. After his son finished studing.

B. After he finish the work.

C. After he was better.


( )16.How old was Clinton when he became the 42nd US president?

A.About forty .B Thirty C.Forty-seven

( )17.When did Clinton’s father die?

A.Before World War Two B. Before Clinton was born C.After 1946

( )18.Why was the boy’s name changed?

A.Because his father died

B.Because he became a president

C Because his mother remarried Norger Clinton

( )19.What did Clinton go to the city of Washington for in 1963?

A. To have a meeting with Kennedy

B. For a visit

C. To take part in an exam

( )20.Which one of the following is NOT ture?

A. Everybody can visit the president in the White House

B. All the U.S President work in the White House

C. Clinton wanted to be a president after he saw President Kennedy


第一部分 听力部分(25分)

Ⅰ听句子,选答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分) 1.A.Tuesday. B.Sping. C.May1.

2. A.Yes,he’s sixteen. B.Yes,he’s from America. C. Yes,he’s tall 3. A.She’ fine. BShe’s a nurse.. C.She’s forty-two. 4.A.Good news. B.Let’s go. C.Thanks a lot. 5.Ayes,he does . BOn foot .. C.On Sturday.

Ⅱ下面每小题中有一段对话和一个问题,请根据对话内容选出一个正确答案。对话和问题读两遍。(5分) 6.A.3. B.6. C.12.

7.A.Because he was reading a story and forgot the time.. B.Be cause he was watching TV and forgot the time.

C.Because he was writing to his penfriend and forgot the time. 8. A.He’s going to help his mother with her housework. B.He is going to the park

C.He is going to help his father plant some trees. 9.A.February28. B.February27. C.March1. 10.A.Sturday. B.Sunday C.Monday Ⅲ听对话,回答问题。每段对话读两遍。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11—12小题。

11.What does Jenny want to do this afternoon?

A.To do some reading B. To see a movie C. To have a swim 12.What time will they leave?

A.3:00pm. B.4:00pm C.5:00pm.

听第二段对话,回答第13—15小题。 13.Where is the new sports center?

A.On Station Road B. In Bridge Street C.On Long Road 14.What did Tony do in the sports centre last week? A.He played football and basketball BHe played tennis and basketball. C.He played table tennis and volleyball

15.When will Mary and Tony go to the sports center? A.Next Tuesday B. Next Thurday C.Next Friday

Ⅳ听短文, 根据你所听到的短文内容完成下列任务。短文读3遍。(10分) 听第一遍短文,完成第1—4小题。 根据短文内容把下列句子正确排序。 A. Then join us

B. Are you looking for something fun?

Would you like to help other people in your free time?.

C. Anyong, from twelve-year-old children to 80-year-old people,can become one of us. D. We have jobs for people of all ages. 1___ 2____ 3_____4______


一. A: Life must _______ ________ ___________ when you were a kid. B: Oh, not really. Why do you say that?

A: Well, you didn’t have many ______________ ________________.Like, you probably didn’t have a telephone, right?

B: Of course we did. How old do you think I am?The telephone _______ __________ in __________.

A: How about cars? I bet cars weren’t invented yet.

B: ________ ________ __________.Cars were invented in __________. My family had a car .I think you need to ________ _____ __________ _________, Alice.

A:Ha ,ha! Well, did you have aTV?

B: No, we didn’t. The TV was invented around _____________, I think.______ ________ ____ _______ had one.But in those days,TVs were really __________, and we couldn’t ________ one.

A: And I bet you didn’t have caculators and computers and stuff. That’s something I do know. We learned in school that hand-held caculators were invented in________ and personal computers were invented in ________. B: You are right. I didn’t have those things when I was young.But I do now.


1.Battery-operated slippers are used for_________________________. 2.The heated ice cream scoop is used for __________________________. 3.The shoes with adjustable heels can change _______________ the shoes. 4.____________ invented Battery-operated slippers,__________invented The heated ice cream scoop and ____________ invented the shoes with adjustable heels.

A. Jayce Coziar and Jamie Ellsworth. B. Julie Thompson C.Chelsea Lanmon

三,A.Hey, did you know that potato chips were invented ______ ___________?B: Really?What do you mean? A:Well, here on the bag it says that they were invented ______ ______ _____ _____ ______George Crum.B:When was that? A: Oh, it was back in _______. B: So, why was it an accdent? A: Well, one day, a customer in the restaurant where George worked sent back his plate of fried potatoes because he said they were cut ______ ______. B:So _______ ________?A:Well,George was in a ____ mood,so he cut the potatoes really really _____, and he cooked them for a long time until they were _______.And he ______ ____ ___ _____ ____ them so they were really ______. He thought the customer would hate

them.B:And? A: And the custmor loved them and _____ ______ ______.He told the other customers about them and soon everyone was ____________ thiniy-sliced, crispy salty patato chips.
