
发布时间:2017-03-16 15:53

以下是小编整理的书信类英语美文欣赏: 乔治.华盛顿致妻,希望对你有所启发。


You may believe me, when I assure you in themost solemn manner that, so far from seeking thisemployment, I have used every effort in my power toavoid it, not only from my unwillingness to partwith you and the family, but from a consciousnessof its being a trust too great for my capacity; and Ishould enjoy more real happiness in one month withyou at home that I have the most distant prospectof finding abroad; if my stay were to be seven timesseven years. But as it has been a kind of destinythat has thrown me upon this service, I shall hope that has my undertaking it is designed toanswer some good purpose...

I shall rely confidently on that Providence which has heretofore preserved and beenbountiful to me, not doubting but that I shall return safe to you in the fall. I shall feel no painfrom the toil or danger of the campaign; my unhappiness will flow from the uneasiness Iknow you will feel from being left alone. I therefore beg that you will summon your wholefortitude, and pass your times agreeably as possible. Nothing will give me so much sinceresatisfaction as to hear this, and to hear it from your own pen.

George Washington


您应当相信我,当我以最庄严的方式向您保证时,我没有谋求这个职位, 我已就我所能竭力回避这个职位。 不仅仅是我不愿意与您和家人离别,而是由于我有自知之明,深感力不从心,难以胜任, 我宁愿与您在家享受一个月人间的天伦多乐,要是我在那呆七七四十九天,这乐趣在异乡得到最好的期望也无法比拟。 但既然命中注定委任我, 我只愿接受此任是为了实现崇高的目的……

我将完全依赖于上帝,上帝一直在保佑和厚待我。 今秋我一定安全无恙地回到您的身边。 我不会因军营的磨练和危险而感痛苦, 您独自一人在家,我知道您会感到不安,您的不安却会使我忧心忡忡。 正因如此,我求您鼓足勇气,尽可能愉快地欢度时光。 再也没有比这更令我欣慰,再也没有什么比您亲笔写信能给我欣慰。



生 词 本文含义

assure v.向…保证告知确实如此,以解除怀疑

solemn adj.庄严的极认真,严肃和庄严的

agreeably adv.令人愉快的,惬意的符合某人的爱好的;令人愉快的

destiny n.注定一个事件预先决定的,超越了人的能力和控制的过程

undertaking n.任务;承担的任务;事业

乔治.华盛顿致妻George Washington (1732-1799),美利坚合众国的奠基人、第一任总统(1789-1797)。大种植园主家庭出身,早年在英国殖民军中服务。1775年北美独立战争爆发,同年6月15日被任命为13州起义部队总司令,7月3日在马萨诸塞州剑桥就任,直到胜利。下面的这封情书是他在任职前写给其妻的。正是“屡别华容改,长愁意情微。义将恩爱隔,情与故人归。”
