5,我想那是因为,夏季中,7、8月份是比较热的,冬季的2月份比较冷,所以就让学生回家休息。其实,有些地区寒假时 间长于暑假时间,那也是相同的道理,冬季寒季大于夏季暑季
6,国家规定,夏季凡是高于38度气温的日子,所有工厂、学校等等都要放假在家休息!夏季热的时间比较长,而冬季冷的日子比较少,所以寒假比暑假短! 再有就是按照教学任务分配,以暑假为一学年的起止,那么自然寒假就短,为了衔接上半学年的课程!
1.Play outside 出去玩
2.Go to summer school 参加暑期学校
3.Go campling 去野营
4.Go swimming 去游泳
5.Do gymnastics 做体育运动
6.Play baseball 打棒球
7.Go to the beach 去海边
8.Go fishing 去钓鱼
9.Go to the library 去图书馆
10.Go on a trip 去旅行
11.Play soccer踢足球
12.Do karate 玩空手道
13.Blow bubbles吹泡泡
14.Visit people拜访别人
15.Watch a movie 看场电影
16.Bake cookies 烤饼干
17.Go to the farm 去农场
18.Play tennis 打网球
19.Go bowling 打保龄球
20.Go out to dinner 出去吃晚饭
21.Go the arcade 去游乐场
22.Take a walk 散散步
23.Go to the fair 去集市
24.Go shopping 去购物
25.Watch TV 看电视
26.Play with a friend 跟朋友玩
27.Play football 玩橄榄球
28.Go to a park 去公园玩
29.Go to a theater 去看电影
30.Play racketball 打壁球
31.Go on a vacation 去度假
32.Play hopscotch 玩跳房子
33.Sleep late 睡个懒觉
34.Go to discovery zone 去探索基地
35.Play on a playground 去操场玩
36.Go to Fiesta Texas 去德州Fiesta
37.Go roller skating 去轮滑
38.Go ice skating 去溜冰
39.Go to a water park 去水上乐园
40.Play video games 打电子游戏
42.Jump rope跳绳
43.Have a party 开个晚会
44.Go sailing 去远航
45.Read a book读书
46.Go to the zoo 去动物园
47.Play hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏
48.Go to a friend's house 去朋友家玩
49.Fly a kite放风筝
50.Ride your bike 骑自行车
51.Go to your grandparent's home 去爷爷奶奶外公外婆家玩
52.Do your chores with a smile 带着微笑做家务
53.Eat ice cream 吃冰淇淋
54.Take a nap 睡午觉
55.Draw 画画
56.Plant something种植点什么
57.Write a letter 写封信
58.Play with your pet 和宠物玩
59.Color 涂色
60.Make a cake 做蛋糕
61.Order a pizza 点个披萨
62.Go to Mcdonald9;s 去麦当劳
63.Have a picnic 去野餐
64.Play checkers 下国际跳棋
65.Play bingo 玩bingo游戏
66.Help your parents 帮助爸爸妈妈
67.Go to the mall 去逛商场
68.Have a slumber party 开个睡衣晚会
69.Play cards 打牌
70.Clean your room 打扫房间
71.Play "I spy" 玩“i spy”
72.Listen to music 听音乐
73.Call a friend 给朋友打电话
74.Go to SPACE CENTER HOUSTON 去休斯敦太空中心
75.Jog 慢跑
76.Make a banana split 做个香蕉冰淇淋圣代
77.Paint 涂颜料
78.Cook something 烧点什么菜
79.Read the comics 看连环画
80.Write in your journal 写日记
81.Play in the water sprinkler 跟洒水机玩
82.Play volleyball 打排球
83.Make an art project 做个艺术品
84.Play musical chairs 玩音乐椅的游戏
85.Write a poem 写首诗
86.Play with clay or play dough 玩彩泥
87.Write a book 写本书
88.Play basketball 打篮球
89.Play with your brother or sister 和哥哥姐姐玩
90.Play with your cousins 和表兄妹玩
91.Watch birds 观察小鸟
92.Pick flowers 采花
93.Put a puzzle together 玩拼图
94.Catch butterflies or bugs 抓蝴蝶或者虫子
95.Make a paper airplane 做纸飞机
96.Wash the car 洗车
97.Climb a tree 爬树
98.Sing a song 唱歌
99.Call your grandparents 给爷爷奶奶外公外婆打电话
100.Have fun!玩得开心!