
发布时间:2016-11-30 11:04


A strange, new dilemma faces Chinese pedestrians: should youhelp an elderly person who has fallen into the street?


The answer seems simple. Your conscience compels you to help someone in danger.


But many Chinese are discovering that some of these injured people are scammers. They accusegood Samaritans of having knocked them over in the first place, and they lodge complaints inhopes of receiving large amounts of compensation.


There are frequent reports on such incidents and ensuing disputes. On Sept 8, a new casehappened in Huainan, Anhui province.




Yuan Chen, a 20-year-old college student from Huainan Normal University, claimed that shehelped an injured elderly woman on the street. But the woman’s family has demanded that Yuantake full responsibilities for the injuries, The Beijing News reported.


Since the incident happened in the security cameras’ blind spot, both sides are looking forwitnesses to clear their names. The local police department is also investigating the case.


But how can you possibly solve a case like this, where the only evidence comes from twoconflicting viewpoints?


“This kind of cases should follow the principle of ‘the burden of proof lies with the person makingthe claim’,” Ye Lin, a law professor from Renmin University of China, told China Central Television.


The burden of proof means the collection of proof or evidence. In civil cases, “if you accusesomeone of causing you harm or losses, you should collect convincing proof to back your claim,”said Ye. “If you cannot do that, the law will not be able to support your claim.”


The law may not resolve all the problems, however. Some elderly people choose to blackmail theirhelpers because they do not have health insurance. To prevent this, the country needs to put inplace a better social security net, China Youth Daily noted.

