Business at the Qingfeng Steamed Dumplings chain has boomed since the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, visited an outlet in Beijing in December. The chain's sales grew at least 35% and the number of calls seeking to join the franchise has overwhelmed their head office, reports the Beijing Youth Daily.
The dumpling house shot to overnight fame after photos of Xi lining up and paying for his own meal at the shop appeared on the Internet on Dec. 28. A single store's sales per day have increased by 5,000 yuan on average to 13,000 - 14,000 yuan.

文中的###steamed dumplings即解释为“包子”,其中steamed是形容词,意思是“蒸煮的”,又如steamed mandarin fish(清蒸桂鱼)。我们常常把dumpling和“饺子”联系在一起,但其实dumpling原意是指“做熟的面团”,可以有馅儿,所以诸如“包子”、“饺子”、“粽子”和“汤圆”,都可以用dumplings来表达,而在别的国家,dumpling又有其他各种不同的做法。