
发布时间:2016-12-01 08:42




英 [sə'fɑːri] 美 [sə'fɑːri]



n.Safari 苹果系列产品的默认浏览器名称


I'll go for a Safari in Africa after my wedding.


Ted and Sue are on safari in Africa.




A surgeon returned from a safari in Africa.


Only the rich can afford to go in safari these days.


He'd like to go on safari to photograph snakes and tigers 他想进行一次观兽旅行,拍摄一些蛇类和老虎的照片。

He had been on safari in East Africa with his son 他曾和他儿子到东非游猎。

When we go on safari we like to cook on an open fire 我们远行狩猎时,喜欢露天生火做饭

A team of African bearers came with us on safari 有一队非洲脚夫和我们一起进行狩猎旅行

She went on safari out of Nairobi, and swam in the Indian Ocean 她到内罗毕市外去远足; 在印度洋中畅游

AM Long press to select blocks of text in SafariAM而在Safari中长按一段文字来进行复制

Spotted in a safari sark: Elephants! Please stay in your car! 野生动物园标语: 有大象! 请呆在您的车里!

Spotted in a safari park: Elepants! Please stay in your car! 野生动物园标语: 有大象, 请呆在你车里!

My trip to South Africa was out - of - this - world -- especially the safari 我的南非之旅棒极了 -- 尤其是狩猎

I wouldn't go on a safari a three - piece suit 我不会穿三 件套 西服去进行一次探险

Stand by for an out - of - this - world trip - a safari through the universe 地球不过宇宙间的其中一个星球,在其他星系当中,有否存在著其他生物?

Many tourists think mainly about seeing the Big Five while on safari 大多数的观光客来非洲主要就是想看看“大五”

It's like going on a safari in Africa only it's in Asia 我们就好像是在非洲旅行但这是在亚洲

The animals are close up and enjoyed the safari trip 能如此近的看到动物所以我们很享受这样的旅程

They went on safari searching for the rare black rhinoceros 他们进行探险旅行,搜寻那稀有的黑犀牛

Or indulge your wild - child side with a safari or eco - tour 狩猎或是生态旅游能让你野性十足的天性得到释放

There are several general rules to follow when traveling on safari 在探险观光中要遵守几个普遍的规则

I'll go for a Safari in Africa after my wedding 婚后我会去非洲旅行

Many safari groups offer luxurious hotels with personal chefs 很多狩猎之旅团提供有私人主厨的奢侈旅馆

It's like going a safari in Africa only it's in Asia 虽然这是在亚洲,但感觉就像只有在非洲才会有的游猎远征之行
