
发布时间:2016-11-12 07:04


菜式 Menu

三文治、水果 鮮果,雪糕筒加忌廉 各式茶类 咖啡 香槟

Finger sandwiches tarts

Fresh fruit

scones and cream

Serve a broad assortment of teas A little coffee for the java-swilling set

Champagne punch for toasting



餐单 Menu

主菜: 鸡胸 牛脊肉 三文鱼 意大利粉

chicken breast

Beef tenderloin

Poached salmon

Pasta primavera

伴菜: 蔬菜沙律 鲜果沙律 烩蔬菜 Side Dishes Green

salad Fruit salad

Grilled vegetables

小食: 牛油面包 芝士及苏打饼干

The Little Things

Gourmet bread and butter Assorted cheese and crackers


餐单 Menu

沙律及通粉 冻三文鱼及鸡 烤薄饼或法式乳蛋饼 香槟或水果槟治

Salads and pastas

Cold salmon or chicken

Toss a few quiches or crepes into the mix

Light drinks like champagne punch

along with fruited lemonades.


建议小食 各类芝士、法式面包

提子、士多啤梨 多款香肠配酱料


餐单 Menu

头盘: 汤 鲜果沙律 番茄酱蘸虾

Soup or consomme

Fruit salad Pasta with vegetables Shrimp cocktail

二道菜: 磨菇蔬菜沙律 果汁牛奶冻或冰糕 鲜番茄 芝士 五香火腿拌青瓜

Salad greens with portabello mushrooms Fresh tomatoes mozzarella and basil Prosciutto and melon slices

主菜: (拌薯菜或饭) 鸡胸 牛脊肉 龙虾 烤吞拿魚 羊排 烤大虾 纽约牛柳 茄汁鸡

chicken breasts

Beef tenderloin

Lobster ravioli

Seared tuna

Baby rack of lamb

Grilled prawns

New York strip steak

Ginger chicken

第四道菜: 鲜蔬菜沙律 各类芝士

Fresh green salad

Selection of cheese

咖啡或茶 Tea or Coffee
