
发布时间:2017-03-19 13:19


霸王龙的英文单词: tyrannosaurus rex


1. The debate over the parental instincts of the T. Rex is now academic.


2. The Rexes may track us, too, if they feel we're a threat to their infant.

霸王龙也可能跟上我们, 如果它们觉得我们对它们的幼崽造成威胁.

3. Tiny the T - Rex: I have a big head, and little arms.

霸王龙: 因为我的脑袋太大, 胳膊太短.

4. Additionally, Spinosaurus teeth and Tyrannosaurus teeth were completely different.

另外, 棘龙的牙齿与霸王龙的牙齿有着本质的不同.

5. It was a relative of Tyrannosaurus Rex . Albertosaurus was smaller than T - Rex.

它是霸王龙的亲戚, 比霸王龙要小一些.

6. Description - What Tyrannosaurus Rex looked like.


7. Habitat - When and where Tyrannosaurus Rex lived.


8. Tyrannosaurus rex was a large carnivore.


9. Sometimes, rex is as T . rex.

有时候, 暴龙是指霸王龙.

10. Skeletons have been found with holes in their bones and deep gashes a T - Rex tooth perfectly.


11. In some movies, Tyrannosaurus rex 3 is shown running at top speed 4 after cars and helicopters 5.


12. The giant meat - eating reptile , as a pliosaur, had a bite four as as T . rex.

一方面是一种被称为上龙的巨型食肉爬行动物, 咀嚼力度是霸王龙的四倍.

13. T - Rex was a meat eater. Another Tyrannosaurus Rex could kill and eat a T - Rex.

霸王龙是肉食动物, 它们会捕食同类.

14. Did you really think you could stand against full fury of both Megatrons?


15. A - size robotic Tyrannosaurus Rex gave the museum an eye - catching attraction on its Piazza in early 1997.

一九九七年初,科学馆广场上出现了一件瞩目的展品 ─ ─一只如实物般巨大的机械霸王龙.
