'I have no name;我无姓名
I am but two days old.' 我只两天大。
What shall I call you? 我将如何来称呼你呢?
'I happy am,我很快乐,
Joy is my name.' 喜悦就是我的名字。
Sweet joy befall thee!愿甜蜜的快乐降临你身上!
Pretty Joy!漂亮的喜悦!
Sweet Joy, but two days old.甜蜜的喜悦,才两天大。
Sweet Joy I call thee:我称你为甜蜜的喜悦:
Thou dost smile,你就微笑,
I sing the while,当我唱歌的当儿,
Sweet joy befall thee!愿甜蜜的快乐降临你身上!
Into the sunshine,阳光下,
Full of the light,充满着光辉,
Leaping and flashing 跳跃着、闪烁着
From morn till night!从日出到日落!
Into the moonlight,月光下,
Whiter than snow,比雪更白,
Waving so flower-like 当风吹拂时,
When the winds blow!波动有如花!
Into the starlight,月光下,
Rushing in spray,急溅起泡沫,
Happy at midnight,午夜里欢乐,
Happy by day.白天里雀跃。
Ever in motion,永远跳动着,
Blithesome and cheery,愉快又欢欣,
Still climbing heavenward,永远向天高攀,
Never aweary;从不疲惫;
Glad of all weathers,适应各种天气,
Still seeming best,永远活力充沛,
Upward of downward 上上下下
Motion thy rest;是运动也是休息;
Full of a nature 充满着活力
Nothing can tame,不受拘束,
Changed every moment 时时有变化,
Ever the same.永远一样。
Ceaseless aspiring,不断升高
Ceaseless content,不断满足
Darkness or sunshine 黑暗里,阳光下
Thy element;都是你活动范围;
Glorious fountain!辉煌耀目的喷泉!
Let my heart be 但愿我心如你般
Fresh, changeful, constant,清新,多变,坚定
Upward like thee!永远向上!