
发布时间:2016-11-12 14:49


It’s inevitable in life that those that we work with, live with and play with will, at some point in time or another become sick or be involved in an accident. We can all stand and stare at the racks and racks of get well cards in dollar stores, drug stores, department and card stores until we go cross-eyed and end up buying some silly card that we regret buying the moment we leave the store. However, it is much more personal, more from the heart, and much more meaningful to the recipient when we create our own get well cards for those that we care for.

Creating an encouraging get well card can, at times, be an overwhelming task and cause a few more gray hairs. Fretting over the exact phraseology of the contents, we can overthink the content and in doing so we can make it even tackier than the average store-bought get well card. The easiest thing to do in preparing the prose for the card is to sit down and make a short list of the characteristics that you like the best about the patient. You want to include what you think of them, in an “I don’t know what to say, but I love you and wish you a speedy return to your normal, wonderful self” type of start to your personalized get well card.

在生活中不可避免的, 在某个时刻那些与我们一起工作,一起生活,一起玩的人,某一个生病或出现一个意外。我们都可以在一元店站着凝视机架和机架上的康复卡,药店,百货商店和卡片商店直到我们对眼和最终购买一些愚蠢的卡片,我们离开商店的那一刻后悔买了这些卡片。然而, 对于那些我们在乎的人来说,这是更加个性的,更多的来自内心的,更有意义的当收件人收到我们自己制作的卡片时。

制作一个鼓励康复卡,有时,是一个艰巨的任务,导致更多的白发。我们可以多种内容,这样做我们可以做得比一般的现成的康复卡贴近实际情况。在准备的散文卡之前最简单的事情是坐下来,做一个简短的列表的列出你喜欢病人最好的特点。开始制作你的个性化的康复卡时,你想要包括你的想法,比如说“我不知道该说什么,但是我爱你,希望你早日回到正常,做一个很棒的自己” 的类型。

The one thing that makes a get well card encouraging is to point out things that the patient has to look forward to when they get better. Do they have children, a spouse or a great career? Have they recently bought a nice house, cottage, car or boat that they are particularly proud of? Do they enjoy camping, shopping, travel or parties? Figure out the things that they would look forward to the most when they got better and make those the main focus of your encouraging get well card.

If you don’t know the extent of the not-so-well person’s religious beliefs, it is usually best to forego a religious tone in writing your own content for an encouraging get well card. But if they are religious then adding something from their religious beliefs in your message could have a great impact on the patient.



Once you have your list of things that the patient has to look forward to and the most important parts of their lives, all you have to do is put it all in into your own words, and then find the perfect picture(s) for the cover art and the inside fold’s background, or ghost picture. Write personal notes over top of the ghost picture on the inside fold, and type an encouraging note on the outside of the card surrounding the picture, or running alongside or under it.



The perfect pictures to put in your encouraging get well card are usually those of earlier and happier times, with their new family or the one they were born into. When that is not a viable option, try pictures of their pets, their favourite scenic sites, favourite places to visit and people that they hang out with.


After pouring over so many racks of greeting cards over your lifetime, try to stay away from the tacky messages and personal jokes that are so prevalent in them when writing content for an encouraging get well card. The best starting message is one that lets the patient know how much you care for them, and how you look forward to doing your favourite things that you do together with them again once they recover.


The most important aspect of making your own encouraging get well card is that it comes from you, from your heart, with a personal message and pictures that remind the patient of times to look forward to or times to reflect upon. The picture(s) that you select to print on your personalized card should be ones that do pretty much the same thing as the message, and since a picture is worth a thousand words your card becomes a novel as opposed to a novelty.


Use a good, heavy stock paper when printing the final version of your encouraging get well card, so that it will be able to stand up on a table. Add a few of the patient’s favourite flowers to liven up the atmosphere of the hospital room and bring a new and pleasant odour into their depressing situation. Nobody wants to be in the hospital, but once there having people bring them personalized and encouraging get well cards and a small bouquet of flowers will make them feel a lot better, even if just for a little while.

印刷你的鼓励的康复卡的最终版本时,使用好而有重量的纸,以便它能够立起来放在桌上。添加一些病人最喜欢的花,让医院房间的气氛, 在令人沮丧的情况带来一个新的和令人愉快的气味。没有人想要在医院里,但是一旦让人们把他们个性化和鼓励的康复卡和一小束鲜花带到医院,会使他们感觉好受一点,哪怕只是一会儿。
