be able to的同义词

发布时间:2016-12-01 23:12

be able to释义:会; 能。以下是小编为大家整理的be able to的同义词和例句,以供参考。

be able to的同义词:

can, have the ability to

be able to的同义词例句:

You can count on me.


I don't have a pen. Can yon lend me one?


As long as he comes,the problem can be solved.


be able to的英语例句:

A good lawyer might be able to get you off.


You'll be able to come, won't you?


She bet me 20 that I wouldn't be able to give up smoking.


Will they be able to finish the work come the end of this year?


If we change places you will be able to see better from here.


It took him three months to be able to run a mile.


Unless you change your mind (=If you don't change you mind), I won't be able tohelp you.


Will you be able to glance over my report before I send it to the committee?


I'm sure the girl will be able to look out for herself. 我相信女孩会自己照料好自己的。

You should then be able to save and reload these overlays as required. 然后,您应该能够根据需要保存和重新加载这些覆盖值。

If you hope to have something in your life someday, you should be able to havesome piece of it in your life today. 如果你希望一些事情将来某天会出现在你的生活里,你今天就应该实现那件事情的一部分。

It was anguishing for us, because as a doctor I would like to be able to help them in any way I can. But it was not the protocol we agreed to. 也正是这一点让我们感到很苦恼,因为作为医生,我理应尽我所能去帮助患者,但是那样的话,就会违反之前我们与国防部的协定。

All I can and will ever be able to do here at TMP is continue this learning processwith you. 全部我所我做的就是曾经能够在这里在终端程序继续这个有你的学习过程。

And to be able to see our context in this larger sense at all scales helps us all, Ithink, in understanding where we are and who we are in the universe. 能够帮助我们在一个更广大的尺度和感知下看到我们的处境,我想,对于我们身处何处以及我们在宇宙中是什么样的这些事情我们也是处在认知之中。

Although all couples have to make compromises you should essentially want thesame things out of life and be able to work towards them together. 尽管所有的夫妻都需要对彼此做出退步,但是你们的生活追求在本质上应是相同的,并且能够朝着这个目标携手共进。

After working through this tutorial, you should be familiar with all these topics andbe able to use them in your editing sessions. 在完成本教程的学习之后,您应该熟悉所有的这些主题,并且能够在您的编辑会话中使用它们。

Because all Americans should be able to have loved ones there for them in their time of need. 因为所有的美国人都应当能够在需要时有他们所爱的人在一旁相守。

Then hopefully we will be able to get something out of him. 到那时如果顺利的话我们将能够在他身上受益颇多。

It’s there all the time –we have to be able to see it. 事实上,机会一直就在我们身边,我们必须有发现它的能力。

You should be able to see how these definitions correlate to what you see whenyou use SMIT. 您应该能够看到这些定义如何与您在使用SMIT时所看到的内容相互关联。

So, we have to be able to detect them. 我们已经能够去检测他们了。

They should be able to read and understand everything on the printout. 他们应该能够阅读和理解打印输出上的所有内容。

We should be able to resolve our differences. 我们应该能够解决我们的分歧。

With these settings, you should be able to log onto the remote machine withoutprompting for the password. 完成这些设置之后,就应该能够登录到远程计算机,系统不会提示输入密码。

She or he should be able to convince you of stupid decisions and future consequences. 她或者他应该能够说服你的愚蠢决定和后面不堪设想的后果。

Because you want to be able to reconstruct what happened later. 因为您希望能够在以后再现已经发生的操作。

But I also believe that everyone who comments here should be accountable: in other words that the rest of us should be able to see who they are. 但我同样认为,在这里发表评论的每一个人都应当受到问责:换而言之,在其发言时,我们其他人应当能够知道他们是谁。

In doing so, businesses will be able to concentrate on what they know how dobest: their business. 这样,事情将能够集中在他们知道如何做得最好的事情上:他们的业务。

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