
发布时间:2016-11-19 11:02


A recent survey showed that 59 percent of respondents polled agreed with the spouse selection of "well-matched marriage" and 67.7 percent thought it would be conducive to the future of the marriage.

The survey was conducted among 79,446 people by the Social Survey Center of China Youth Daily, an influential Beijing-based comprehensive daily newspaper in China.


Compared with traditional society, an increasingly diversified view of spouse selection has come into being in modern society. The enduring "well-matched marriage" has been people's strategy in response to economic, cultural and social changes.





文中的well-matched marriage就是“门当户对”的意思,其中well-matched用作形容词,解释为“相配的”,这是由形容词+过去分词的形式构成的合成词,类似的词语还有:well-known(著名的 )、highly-developed(高度发达的)、newly-invented(新发明的)等。

此外,文中的conducive用作形容词,解释为“有助的;有贡献的”,常见的词汇搭配为:be conducive to(有助于…);其动词形式为conduce(有益于)。
