Ghosting refers to leaving a social gathering without saying your farewells. It usually happens when you are too drunk to say a proper goodbye or you don't want to interrupt the host and make other guests take it as a cue to leave and thus kill the party.
One moment you're at the party or the wedding lunch. The next moment you're gone. "Where'd he go?" your friends might wonder. But–and this is key–they probably won't even notice that you've left.
But is it rude to leave without saying goodbye? A perky thank-you text the next day is fine. What do you think?
文中的ghosting就是“不辞而别”的意思。ghost本是名词,此处用作动词,指像鬼一样溜走,引申作“不辞而别”之意。此外,ghost作为动词本身还有“替人代笔”之意,并有ghost-writer “代笔者”一词较为常用。
文中最后一段出现的leave without saying goodbye也是“不辞而别”的意思,其他同义表达还有:take French leave;say Irish goodbye;Dutch leave;peel out等。
kill the party是很形象的表达,指“把聚会给毁了”。与之类似,kill-joy与wet blanket指“扫兴或者煞风景的人”。