
发布时间:2017-03-16 11:19

名词解释: 圆明园是坐落在北京西北郊,与颐和园相邻,由圆明园、长春园和万春园组成,也叫圆明三园。 圆明园是清朝著名的皇家园林之一,面积五千二百余亩,一百五十余景。建筑面积达16万平方米,有“万园之园”之称。清朝皇室每到盛夏时节会来这里理政,故圆明园也称“夏宫”.你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

"About a decade ago, I found some French scholars had suggested rebuilding the Old Summer Palace," said Xu Wenrong, founder of Hengdian World Studios and the initiator of the reconstruction project.

"I want to present the old days' glory to nurture patriotism among the young generation by letting them better know our ancestors' creativity."


Construction of the replica began in 2012. Part of the park, including a replica of the Great Fountain Dashuifa, one of the best known sites at the Old Summer Palace, is still being built and will open to the public next year.





文中的Old Summer Palace就是“圆明园”的意思,是清代著名的皇家园林(imperial garden )之一,其中palace意为“皇宫,宫殿”,如:luxurious palace (豪华的宫殿);北京著名的旅游景点还有:故宫(The Imperial Palace / Forbidden City),十三陵(The Ming Tombs),天坛(The Temple of Heaven),香山(The Fragrant Hill)等。

第三段中的replica是名词,意为“复制品”,如:He bought an original, not a replica.(他买的是真迹,不是复制品。)
