
发布时间:2017-06-13 18:17



1.dream homes 梦想的家

2. live in a palace / next to a restaurant 住在宫殿里/餐馆隔壁

3. learn about the homes in different countries 了解不同国家的家

4. countries and capitals 国家和首都

5. the capital of … ……的首都

6.homes around the world 世界各地的家

7. the home pages of four foreign students 四个外国学生的主页

In long beach 长沙滩

chat with friends与朋友聊天

8. sit on the floor坐在楼梯上

Look out at the beach向外看沙滩

From the bedroom windows 从卧室的窗户

Live in a small town住在一个小城镇

9. live with my family in a wooden house 和我的家人住在一座木屋里

10. climb a ladder to get into my house 爬梯子到房子里去

The second child第二个孩子

11. it rains a lot 下很多雨

in a town near london伦敦附近的城镇里

sit in the kitchen坐在厨房里

12. make dinner 做饭

On the fifth of june在六月五日

13. in the center of Moscow 在莫斯科中心

14. in a flat on a busy street 在繁华大街的一座公寓里

On the seventh floor在第七楼

15. share…with…. 和……分享……

Listen to music听音乐

Be friendly to……对……友好

16. write down the meanings of some of the words 写下一些单词的意思

17. make some mistakes 犯一些错误

18.write the correct words above each mistake 把正确的单词写在每一个错误之上

19.lie on his bunk beds 躺在他的双层床上

20. above the top bunk bed 在上层床的上面

I can’t wait to see you我等不及要见你

21. have a free day 空闲一天

22. be tired after the long plane journey在长途飞行后很累

That sounds great听起来很棒

23. where else we are going? 我们还要去哪里?

24. made a video / watch the video 拍/看录像

25. be really different from 真的与…….不同


1 Welcome to Sunshine Town 欢迎来阳光镇

2 dog food 狗食

3 how much money 多少钱

4 tins of dog food 几听狗食

5 a tin / can of …… 一听…… tins / cans of …… 几听……

6 order a pizza 点一份比萨饼

7 a group of exchange students 一群交换生

8 take them to a shopping mall带他们去购物中心

9 go to lots of different Chinese restaurants 去不同的中国餐馆

10 There be sth to do 有事要做

11 live in a modern town 住在现代化的城镇

12 by underground 乘地铁

13 less than 少于 ; 不超过

14 air pollution / make the air dirty 空气污染

15 a beautiful country park 一座美丽的乡村公园

16 go walking 去散步

17 most of us 我们中的大多数人

18 live in tall buildings 住在高楼里

19 such a tall building 如此高的一座高楼 such+a/an +形容词+名词

20 places like this 像这样的地方

21 be close to 接近;靠近

22 have to 不得不;必须

23 go far 走远

24 want help with our homework 需要人帮助我们的家庭作业

25 until ten o’clock at night 直到晚上十点


1 follow sb 跟随某人 follow me 跟着我

2 Let’s go down / up here 让我们从这儿下/上

3 Don’t be afraid 别害怕

4 come with me 跟我来

5 go on an outing 出去玩

6 north-west of the zoo 在动物园的西北 south-east of 在……的东南

7 get a call 接到一个电话

8 live nearby 主在附近

9 drive to the zoo quickly 快速驾车到动物园

10 get out of / ( into) the car 下 / 上小汽车

11 at once / right now 立刻 ;马上

12 three men in police uniform 三个穿警服的人

13 run out of the building 跑出大楼

14 ask somebody about something 问某人关于某方面的事

15 push…into… 把……推进……

16 drive away 开车逃走 run away 逃跑

17 try to do something 尽力做某事

18 fail to do something 做某事失败

19 take different routes 走不同的路线

take a route 走……的路线

take another route 走另一条路线

20 go along 6th street 沿着第六大街走

21 turn left into Park Road 左转进入公园路

22 run to the police station 跑向警察局

23 stop at the traffic lights 在交通灯处停下

24 stop doing something 停止做某事

stop to do something 停下来做某事

25 jump out of the van 跳出货车

jump into the river 跳进河
