名词解释:LAPP (Light App) 即轻应用是一种无需下载、即搜即用的全功能 App,既有媲美甚至超越native app的用户体验,又具备webapp的可被检索与智能分发的特性,将有效解决优质应用和服务与移动用户需求对接的问题。2013年 8月22日,百度在2013年百度世界大会上宣布推出“轻应用”,可实现无需下载,即搜即用和通过移动搜索能。你知道用英语怎么表达吗
Chinese search engine Baidu has said it will allow people to preview mobile apps without needing to download them.
Baidu's free Light App platform will run other apps, giving users a chance to access them without having to install them first.
The service would help less well-known apps get more visibility, the firm said at its annual Baidu World event.
Analysts say the move can be seen as an effort by Baidu to expand its reach in China's mobile Internet market. In a rapidly expanding mobile Internet market in China, some correspondents say the country's largest search engine must be more innovative to stay ahead.
文中的Light App就是“轻应用”的意思,其中app是application的缩写,意思是“应用程序、应用软件”。文中第一段出现的preview这个词,此处义为“预览”,它还有“预习”的意思。pre-这个前缀含有“预先”的意思,又如predict 预言、preface 序言和predecessor 前辈等;而-view这个词根就是“看”的意思,又如review 复习和interview 面谈等。