
发布时间:2016-11-19 12:06


Taxi drivers in Shanghai will be banned from picking up passengers through taxi-booking apps that allow tips, according to a new regulation issued by the city's transport authority.

The taxi-booking service management regulation, recently released by the Shanghai Transport and Port Administration, said the service provided by third-party taxi-booking apps should be integrated with those of the taxi companies' dispatch centers.

Smartphone apps that allow users to offer tips to drivers and bargain for rides are becoming increasingly popular in big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, where it's difficult to get taxis during rush hours






文中的###taxi-booking apps就是“叫车软件”的意思;book a taxi 就是叫一辆出租车。和taxi相关的词组还有take a taxi 乘出租车;flag a taxi 招来一辆出租车;get in a taxi 上出租车;get out of a taxi 下出租车等。

app是application的缩写,特别用来指智能手机上的各类应用和程序。苹果手机上的“应用商店”就叫App Store.
