
发布时间:2016-12-02 02:22




MR SING: Excuse me. Is this Modern Office Ltd.?

ROSE: Yes, that's right. Can I help you?

MR SING: Well, I'd 'like to see the Director about contracts for office furniture. Here's my card.

ROSE: Thank you. (READING CARD) Mr Sing. Have you an appointment, Mr Sing?

MR SING: Er... No, I'm afraid I haven't.

ROSE: Well, the Sales Manager usually deals with contracts. That's Mr Shelli.

MR SING: Oh, is it possible to see him now?

ROSE: Just a moment please. I'll phone his secretary to see if he's free. Please take a seat.

MR SING: Thank you.


MARIA: Mr Shelli's office.

ROSE: Hello Maria. Rose here, Reception. I have a Mr Sing here. He wants to know about office furniture contracts. Is Mr Shelli free to see him?

MARIA: Yes, he is. In fact, he's in his office, now. His 10:15 appointment was cancelled. Send Mr Sing up.

ROSE: Right. (REPLACES PHONE) Mr Shelli is free, Mr Sing. Please go up to his office. It's Room 3 on the second floor.

MR SING: Room 3 on the second floor.

ROSE: That's right. The stairs are on the left… or there' s a lift at the end of the corridor.

MR SING: Second floor... I think I'11 take the lift.


MR LEFERE: Good morning.

ROSE: Good morning. Can I help you?

MR LEFERE: Er, yes. I have an appointment with Mr Ballito at a quarter past ten.

ROSE: May I have your name please?

MR LEFERE: Paul Lefere… from the International Hotel Group.

ROSE: Thank you. Please take a seat, Mr Lefere, and I'll phone Mr Ballito's office.


OPAL: Mr Ballito's office.

ROSE: Hello, Opal. This is Reception. Mr Lefere is here for his 10:15 appointment.

OPAL: Oh yes Rose. Mr Ballito's expecting him. He is in Room 9 on the first floor.

ROSE: Thanks. (REPLACES PHONE) MR Lefere, would you please go up to Room 9 on the first floor. Mr Ballito's expecting you.

MR LEFERE: Room 9 on the first floor.

ROSE: That's right. The stairs are on the left.

MR LEFERE: Thank you.


The second visitor is Mr Li. He has not an appointment, but he wants to see Mr Shelli.

MR LI: Good morning.

ROSE: Good morning. Oh, Mr Li. How are you? '

MR LI: I'm fine, thanks, and you?

ROSE: Oh, busy as usual. Do you want to see Mr Shelli?

MR LI: Yes, please.

ROSE: Have you an appointment?

MR LI: Er... No, I haven't. You see, I only arrived in the country this morning.

ROSE: Well, I know he's busy at the moment but I'll ask his secretary when he'll be free. Please sit down.

MR LI: Thank you.


MARIA: Mr Shelli's office.

ROSE: Oh, hello Maria. It's reception again. I have Mr Li here. He hasn't an appointment but he'd like to see Mr Shelli. When will he be free?

MARIA: Let me see ... Well, Hmmm, he'll be free about 12.30. Can Mr Li wait?

ROSE: Mr Shelli will be free about half past twelve. Can you wait?

MR LI: What's the time now?

ROSE: It's nearly 12: 00.

MR LI: Oh that's fine. I'll wait.

ROSE: (TO MARIA) Maria, Mr Li will wait.

MR LI: Right. I'll fetch him when Mr Shelli's free.

ROSE: Thanks. (REPLACES PHONE) (TO MR LI) She'll come and fetch you later.

MR LI: Thank you.

ROSE: Where are you staying, Mr Li?

MR LI: At the Plaza.

ROSE: The Plaza?

MR LI: Yes, I usually stay there.


1.英语情景会话 酒店前台订房









10.英语情景会话 问路英语
