
发布时间:2016-12-11 14:25


英文寓言故事短一点1:The Stag and the Vine

A Stag, pursued by the huntsmen, concealed himself under cover of a thick Vine. They lost track of him and passed by his hiding-place without being aware that he was anywhere near. Supposing all danger to be over, he presently began to browse on the leaves of the Vine.

The movement drew the attention of the returning huntsmen, and one of them, supposing some animal to be hidden there, shout an arrow at a venture into the foliage(植物,叶子). The unlucky Stag was pierced to the heart, and, as he expired, he said, "I deserve my fate for mytreachery(被判,变节) in feeding upon the leaves of my protector."

英文寓言故事短一点2:The archer and the lion

An Archer went up into the hills to get some sport with his bow, and all the animals fled at the sight of him with the exception of the Lion, who stayed behind and challenged him to fight. But he shot an arrow at the Lion and hit him, and said, "There, you see what my messenger can do: just you wait a moment and I'll tackle you myself.' The Lion, however, when he felt the sting of the arrow, ran away as fast as his legs could carry him.

A fox, who had seen it all happen, said to the Lion, "Come, don't be a coward: why don't you stay and show fight?"

But he Lion replied, "You won't get me to stay, not you: why, when he sends a messenger like that before him, he must himself be a terrible fellow to deal with."


英文寓言故事短一点3:The Wise Servant

How fortunate is the master, and how well all goes in his house, when he has a wise servant who listens to his orders and does not obey them, but prefers following his own wisdom.

A clever John of this kind was once sent out by his master to seek a lost cow. He stayed away a long time, and the master thought, "Faithful John does not spare any pains over his work!"

As, however, he did not come back at all, the master was afraid lest some misfortune had befallen him, and set out himself to look for him. He had to search a long time, but at last he perceived the boy who was running up and down a large field.

"Now, dear John," said the master when he had got up to him, "hast thou found the cow which I sent thee to seek?" "No, master," he answered, "I have not found the cow, but then I have not looked for it."

"Then what hast thou looked for, John?" "Something better, and that luckily I have found." "What is that, John?" "Three blackbirds," answered the boy. "And where are they?" asked the master. "I see one of them, I hear the other, and I am running after the third," answered the wise boy.

Take example by this, do not trouble yourselves about your masters or their orders, but rather do what comes into your head and pleases you, and then you will act just as wisely asprudent(谨慎的) John.
