
发布时间:2017-03-08 12:02




Settle down and settle up 一字之差

When my brother, a notorious1 spender, came home for a visit, he told my father he was going to get married and settle down. Dad said, "Why don't you stay single and settle up."



To Drum Up Business 招揽生意

A man accidentally slipped on a banana peel(香蕉皮) and performed a very funny fall. He was not hurt, but had his dignity somewhat ruffled1.

When he got better a moment later, he found a number of people standing2 round in a circle. He said angrily, "What are these idlers doing here.?"

"They are not idlers," explained his friend. "This man is a doctor. He wants to look you over." That man is a lawyer. He is ready to file suit for you. And a producer of comic films is waiting for you to sign a contract agreeing to work for him."





Giving Degrees 授予学位

Woodrow Wilson disapproved1 very strongly of indiscriminate(无差别的) giving of honorary degrees when he was president of Princeton University.

He said, "Our universities have learned recently to give honorary degrees carefully. But in the past it was very promiscuous2(混杂的). I had met a n uncouth3(笨拙的) person who had three degrees, but then he spoke4 and behaved very rudely."

I asked an acquaintance why it was. He said, "Well, the third was given because he had had two. He was given the second because he had had one, and he was given the first because he had gone."





Each Man Has His Merits 各有所长

A foreigner applied1 for citizenship2 paper in New York. The judge asked him, "Do you want to be made a citizen of the United States?" The foreigner replied, "Yes, Mr. Judge."

Then the judge said, "I must examine you, do you know how many states are in the Union?" The foreigner answered, "Mr. Judge, I think I should talk to you that each man has his merits. You know your business so you know how many states are in the Union. I know my business, so I know how many bananas are in a bunch."

有个外国人在纽约申请美国公民身份的证件。法官为他:“你想成为美国公民吗?” 外国人回答说:“是的,法官先生。”



Simple Calculation 简单估算费

A housewife didn't know how to estimate the cost of living, so she asked her husband about it。 Her husband said, "It's very simple. Take our income and add 30 per cent."

有个家庭主妇不知道怎样估算他们的生活费用,就去问她的丈夫。 她的丈夫说:“很简单。就是把我们的收入另外加30%”
