
发布时间:2017-03-17 12:40



The roads are dotted with trash, the railways arelittered with decaying garbage and our cities aredisgraced by plastic bags. Lately, the worseningrubbish problem has aroused people’s wide concern.Some hold the belief that it is an overstatement toclaim that people have formed a “throw away”society, and that they just discard the used items,which is necessary. Others, however, firmly contendthat people do develop a habit of throwing thingsaway. Personally, I firmly side with the latter.

It is no doubt that our cities are on the waytowards becoming a huge landfill. To begin with,people are in the habit of littering. Nowadays, people tend to discard old items like outdatedfurniture and worn-out appliance, which are actually recoverable. Furthermore, due to theinadequate facilities of garbage collection, people throw away their refuse everywhere at will.In addition, rubbish is in rapid increase. In the first place the quickening tempo of modernlifestyle gives rise to people’s favor of disposable items for sake of convenience, which greatlyadds the amount of rubbish. In the second place, the development of science and technologyalso contributes to it. It generates new product in a more frequent way, which makes the oldones cast aside as rubbish at a quicker pace. Consequently, our cities are decorated withtrash..

In view of the severity of the issue, we should adopt immediate measure to address it.First of all, the government should play a leading role. It ought to bring in strong anti-litteringlaws, backed by heavy penalties and effective enforcement, to tackle the littering behaviors.Also, officials should make good use of mass media to promote the public’s awareness ofenvironmental protection, making sure that everyone will become a conscious environmentprotector. Additionally, scientists can develop efficient technologies to degrade and recycle therubbish. Research findings reveal that 63% of the refuse nowadays are recycled. Finally, it isessential for schools to attach importance to environmental education, so that every child willbecome environmentally friendly and get rid of the littering habit.

In conclusion, people’s littering habit is turning our communities into a rubbish holder. Itis high time that we took joint effort to solve the rubbish problem. Otherwise, we will live withrubbish in the future.



The graph and table illustrate respectivelyinformation about worldwide water use by sector over a span of 100 years from 1900 to 2000and water consumption in Brazil and Congo in 2000.

As can be seen from the graph, global water use in three different sectors, namely,agriculture, industry and household clearly reveals two trends in the past century: slow increaseand fast increase. Comparing figures of the two sampled countries, we see that the differencesbetween Brazil and Congo were just huge.

Firstly, 1900-1950 was a trend of increase. Agricultural water use gradually increased fromthe original 500,000 cubic meters to 1,000,000 cubic meters in 1950. That of industrial andhousehold use remained almost unchanged, only rising from almost zero in 1900 to 500 cubicmeters and 200 cubic meters respectively in 1950.

Secondly, around 1950, agricultural water use entered a period of substantial increase,jumping from 1,000,000 cubic meters to 1,500,000 cubic meters in 1960. Afterwards, theincrease slowed down slightly, but then gained even stronger momentum and by 2000, it hadreached 3,000,000 cubic meters. After 1950, industrial water use also began to increasegreatly, arriving at 800,000 cubic meters in 1985. Then it continued to increase at an evenbigger rate and reached 1,200,000 cubic meters in 2000. Household water consumption startedto increase a little bit faster between 1950-1970, rising from 200 cubic meters to 400 cubicmeters, then the increase accelerated and quickly climbed to 300,000 cubic meters in 2000.

Thirdly, from the table, we see the huge disparities between Brazil and Congo inpopulation, irrigated land area and the average water consumption per person. Thepopulation of Brazil was over 170 million more than that of Congo, its irrigated land area was265 times that of Congo, and its average water consumption per person was almost 45 timesthat of Congo.

All in all, after having analyzed the graph and the table, we may safely draw the conclusionthat water is playing an increasingly important role in every aspect of our lives and that thewater consumption gap between the two sampled countries indicates that the more developed acountry is, the more water it will consume.


Nowadays, experimental usage of animal hasbecome a widely concerned issue around the world.People hold diverse views towards it.

Adversaries claim that it is an extremely crudebehavior. Animals, especially mammals, like dogs,cats, rabbits, rats, which are the major victims in theexperimentation, are usually human’s pets. Petowners are strongly against it for they firmly believethat animals suffer physically and mentally as we do.When equality is advocated in the modern world, it isinhuman to disrespect creatures that are nothuman beings.

Furthermore, a number of experts pointed out that it would be at high stake of dependingon the results of animal experiment; since they differ from us in many ways. Take the bodystructure for example, we can’t imagine humans try to jump from the height of nine storieswithout any protection because cats survive out of the same test.

Those in favor of the idea about usage of animal declare that using animal is an advisablechoice. On one hand because their bodies are similar in function to ours. For instance, theycatch colds, suffer from stomachs and heart diseases, which more importantly influenced by dietand habits. The consequences of the test may not be applied to humans, although they arehighly connected to the human situations. On the other hand, those creatures yell and actabnormally when they feel uncomfortable, which is what exactly researchers expect. Inaddition, there is an easy-to-answer question: isn’t it crueler to test directly on people withlittle knowledge on the objects’ effects? In a word, there is nothing better than animal thatresemble human the best for experiment.

Personally, I am not a supporter of animal experiments, yet there is anything more suitablecan replace them, I accept using animals for tests, but take good care of them when they arenot in the laboratory.
