雅思大作文范文 国际问题类

发布时间:2017-03-17 12:40

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Poverty reduction is again a hot topic worldwidewhen the economic crisis hits the poorest countieshardest. While more attention drawn to this issue,some problems emerge with people’s opinionsdivided. Many people believe countries have a moralobligation to help each other, whilst others arguethat aid money is, more often than not, misspent bythe recipients, so foreign aids, as a well-intendedmechanism, simply failed and need to be scrapped.

As a more widely shared knowledge than ever,poverty in the third world is an inevitable cause of all the chaos afflicting the world, fromcrimes, regional confrontations to terrorism, even pandemics. On this more and more globalizedworld, a nation could no longer be exempt from the unstableness and misery suffered by itsneighbouring countries. Even the cry from the faraway end of the globe will be brought to yourears through all the links and ties. It is, therefore, a consensus among both the rich and thepoor that only when poverty is eliminated once and for all, can peace and prosperity beattained and sustained. To this common end, the only possible way is to engage rich countriesin helping poor ones generously and unconditionally.

Sure enough, there are some high-profile scandals of fund misuse. It’s also true foreign aiddid foster corruption and irresponsible policymaking in some countries. Yet, this should notserve as the excuse of withdrawing these most needed aids which are supposed to and alsoproved to save lives and deliver hopes. A loose governance or corruptive government cannotcancel off the desperate needs of its people. On the other hand, there are some effectivemeasures can be taken to avoid, at least to some extent, such undesirable situations, forinstance, strengthening the supervision of fund disbursement, delivering aids through thenetwork of non-governmental organizations, or helping to promote recipient counties’governance and management.

In other words, the abuses involved with foreign aids can be checked through otheravailable means rather than just abandoning the whole package altogether. As I mentionedabove, there is hardly any way more effective than international aids in fighting world hungerand its tragic consequences. On no accounts would we give up on our shared dream of creatinga planet free from tears and bleeding. So let’s work together to hold the rich countriesaccountable in this tough battle.

雅思大作文范文 国际问题类


There is no doubt that internationalcooperation, from private enterprisestogovernments, has become increasingly prevalent (=more popular these years). It is on account ofgrowingly global economy, and it is beneficial foralmost every country in the world.

People firmly believe that the international cooperation is good for environmentprotection. It is well awarethat every country has its unique way to protect environment.For example, the Dutch do well in disposing of wastes. They point out that if their advancedtechnology can be introduced into the developing countries that are hardly to invent such goodtechnology, not only some countries or groups but also all of the people living on the earth willbenefit a lot. Of course, the countries that have invented these technologies will have to sufferfrom the damage in economy more or less.

On the other hand, the view taken by other people is that the main advantage ofinternationalcooperation is in terms of business. It is true that the imports have been soldeverywhere in my country. To illustrate, a modern car often consistsof different componentsfrom various countries. In the meanwhile, some necessary goods are always imported fromother countries. However, the competition between local businesses and exoticones is goingmore intense.

In my opinion, the meritsof international cooperation are in both environment and thebusiness. Also, people ought to make the best use of international cooperation to solvetheserious worldwide problems such as global warming.


There is no doubt that internationalcooperation, from private enterprises togovernments, has become increasingly prevalent (=more popular these years). It is on account ofgrowingly global economy, and it is beneficial foralmost every country in the world.

People firmly believe that the international cooperation is good for environmentprotection. It is well aware that every country has its unique way to protect environment.For example, the Dutch do well in disposing of wastes. They point out that if their advancedtechnology can be introduced into the developing countries that are hardly to invent such goodtechnology, not only some countries or groups but also all of the people living on the earth willbenefit a lot. Of course, the countries that have invented these technologies will have to sufferfrom the damage in economy more or less.

On the other hand, the view taken by other people is that the main advantage ofinternational cooperation is in terms of business. It is true that the imports have been soldeverywhere in my country. To illustrate, a modern car often consists of different componentsfrom various countries. In the meanwhile, some necessary goods are always imported fromother countries. However, the competition between local businesses and exotic ones is goingmore intense.

In my opinion, the merits of international cooperation are in both environment and thebusiness. Also, people ought to make the best use of international cooperation to solve theserious worldwide problems such as global warming.

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