
发布时间:2017-04-06 10:14


英语二人对话范文: 建议与要求

A:Hi. Could you give me a hand with this report?

B:Sure. I’d be happy to give you some hints and advice.

A:Thanks. Would you mind taking a look at the layout? Do you think it’s appropriate? I want it to be formal, but not boring to look at.

B:It looks good to me. I would suggest that you put the client’s logo and our logo on each page. The bosses seem to like that.

A:That’s an excellent suggestion. I can easily do it on the computer.

B:Why don’t you use a different font the headings? They’ll be more distinct.

A:I’ll take that suggestion too. How about the content?

B:I think you’ve included all the essential things. You might want to make the conclusion a little longer. Restate your reasons clearly.

A:Is it OK to include the pictures?

B:Definitely! I would include one or two on each page if possible. Remember that you should make the report as eye-catching as possible.

A:Thanks for those ideas. I’ll get to work on them right away.



A:谢谢。看一下布局好吗?你认为它是合适的吗? 我想要考虑是正式的,但不是令人厌烦的。










A: hello. How was the marketing meeting?

B: hi. It was awful. I think I put forward some great ideas, but none of them were accepted.

A: I’m surprised to hear that. I thought you had some very good suggestions.

B: So did I. I ran the ideas by a few people before the meeting and the ideas seemed to have the supports of some people.

A: So what happened in the meeting?

B: One or two people didn’t take to my ideas very well. That was to be expected. The worst thing was that the people who said the ideas were good before the meeting didn’t support me during the meeting.

A: I wonder why not. We could always revise the suggestions, to take into account any objections.

B: That’s good advice, but I’m not confident that even revised proposals will be accepted.

A: may I make a suggestion?

B: sure. I’m open to any reasonable suggestions.

A: Is there a chance you could contact the client confidentially and see what they think? If they like your ideas, perhaps they could put them forward as their own proposals. You won’t get credit for the ideas, but the client will know they were yours.

B: I’m not sure that’s a good idea.

A: Go on. Take a chance. You could just hint at your idea. The client should be smart enough to take a hint.

A:你好! 销售会议开得怎样?













英语二人对话范文: 表达思想与观点

A:Are you good at making decisions?

B: Not really. Sometimes, I even let other people make key decision for me.

A: What kinds of decisions do you leave to other people?

B: There are basic decisions like which restaurant to go to. I can never seem to choose. I let my parents make big decisions for me. They chose my university and my course. I ended up studying something that I didn’t like, although the university they choose was fine.

A: Your parents will be choosing your girlfriend if you aren’t careful! Why don’t you try being more decisive? Start with some basic ones. When your friends are discussing which restaurant to eat at, make a suggestion. As you haven’t suggested anything before, they’ll probably accept your choice.

B: That’s a good idea. You’re very decisive, I’ve noticed. So, which bar are we going to this evening?

A: I can’t make a decision. You’ll have to put forward an idea.

B: you see? You’re becoming more decisive already!

A: 你是否善于做决定?

B: 的确不行。有时,我甚至让其他人为我做重要决定。

A: 哪种决定你让他人为你做?

B: 有的基本决定如去那家饭店等,我好象从来就不会选择。我让父母给我做重大决定。他们为我选择了大学及其专业。尽管他们选择的大学不错,可我却在学习我不喜欢的专业。

A: 如果你不小心,你的父母会选择你的女朋友。你为什么不尝试更为果断呢?从一些基本的决定开始。当你的朋友都讨论哪些餐厅吃饭时,提出一个建议。当你提出建议时,他们可能会接受你的选择。

B: 好主意。你很果断的,我已经注意到了。那么,我们将今天晚上去哪个酒吧?

A: 我不能决定。你必须提出一个想法。

B: 瞧,你已经变得更会决定了!


A: I find it really hard to express myself in class. I have lots of ideas, but they never seem to come out of my mouth.

B: Let me give you a little advice. You know what the topics are going to be, so prepares what you would like to say in advance.

A: I often do, but I’m worried about the responses from other people.

B: You have to be realistic. Not everyone is going to agree with you, but people will respect your opinion and they will respect the fact that you have contributed something to the discussion.

A: I’m worried that what I say will not make sense.

B: We could chat about the topic before class. I could check that what you want to say is logical and it would also give you a chance to practice speaking.

A: That’s a good idea. What should I do if I am in two minds about a topic?

B: That’s easy. Express both possibilities. People will think that you are pretty smart to be able to look at the topic from more than one angle.

A: I didn’t realize that speaking in class could be so easy.

B: The most difficult thing is being able to predict what other people will say. They will reply to your statements, but you can’t be sure how.

A: 我发现真的很难在课上表达自己。我有许多想法,但是他们好像从未从我的嘴里说出来。

B: 我给你一点建议。你知道话题会是什么,就提前准备你想说的。

A: 我经常做,但是我担心其他人的反应。

B: 你必须面对现实。不是每个人都会同意你的意见,但是人们会尊重你的意见,他们会尊重事实,就是你尽力参加了讨论。

A: 我担心我说的将毫无意义。

B: 我们上课前就此话题聊天。我能检查你想要的说的合不合乎逻辑,而且还会给你机会练习讲话。

A: 好主意。如果我对一个题目犹豫不决,我该做什么?

B: 那很容易。表达两种可能性。人们将认为你能从一个以上角度看问题是相当聪明的。

A: 我没意识到在课上讲话能够如此简单。

B: 最困难事情能预计其他人将说什么。他们将对你的陈述作回应,但是你不能确定他们怎样回答。


A: hello! How are you today?

B: hi. I’m feeling very nervous. I just had a test and I’m not sure how well or how badly I did.

A: it’s not use worrying about it now. you’ve done test and you can’t change any of your answers.

B: that’s true. I really should go home and prepare for the next test, but I’m feeling tired.

A: let’s go and get a coffee together. That will help you to wake up again!

B: ok. I feel like sitting down and having a chat. How have you been recently?

A; oh, you know me. I’m always happy! If I think I’m getting into a bad mood, I call some friends and socialize or have a chat.

B: that’s a good idea. I usually just sit at home alone and get increasingly moody.

A: I hate spending too much time at home. I get bored of it really quickly. I’m always excited about going out to party or other social event and meeting people.

B: perhaps I’m being too shy. I should go out more too and not spend time worrying about tests!


A: hello! What are you reading about in the newspaper?

B: hello! I was exhausted form studying, so I decided to read the newspaper to relax. Unfortunately, the news is so depressing. There has been another murder in the city center. I’m shocked that the police haven’t caught the killer yet.

A: people are starting to get frightened by it. Everyone will be relieved when they finally catch the murder.

B: you mean “if” they catch the murderer. I’m scared stiff about going into the city center at night.

A; there must have been some good news in the newspaper. I can’t believe that none of the news stories make you happy or excited.

B: well, there was one good piece of news. You remember the local girl who was dying of a rare blood disease?

A: yes. Her parents were raising money to have her treated in the united states.

B; well, they’ve got the money and she’s going tomorrow for treatment.

A: I’m so happy for the family! They must be very relieved and excited about that.

B; I’m sure they are. Oh, and a local man won the lottery. I’m so jealous! I wish it were me! I buy a lottery ticket every week and I’m amazed that I haven’t even won a small prize yet. It’s so unfair!

A: don’t be moody! I hope you’re not tired, because we’ve been invited to a party this evening. I know how excited you get about parties.
