
发布时间:2017-04-09 00:18



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1.What will the woman do tonight?

A.Look after her sister.

B.See a film.

C.Visit her sister.

2.Where are the speakers?

A.In a museum.

B.In a supermarket.

C.In a zoo.

3.Who will carry the box upstairs?

A.The man.

B.The woman’s son.

C.The man’s son.

4.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.To turn down the radio.

B.To play music.

C.To write a letter.

5.Why does the man go home often?

A.He misses his mother.

B.His mother is ill.

C.His home is not far away.




6.What did Mr.White go to London for?

A.To meet a friend.

B.For sightseeing.

C.On business.

7.How did him find the trip?

A.Interesting. B.Terrible. C.Unusual.


8.Whom does the woman buy a Tshirt for?


B.Her husband.

C.Her son.

9.How much will the woman pay for the Tshirt?

A.$25. B.$20. C.$15.


10.Where does this conversation probably take place?

A.In a company.

B.At school.

C.In a hospital.

11.Where does the man want to work after graduating?

A.In a big hotel.

B.In a foreign company.

C.In a middle school.

12.What is the woman’s major?

A.Hotel management.

B.Business management.



13.What are the two speakers?

A.Students. B.Teachers. C.Officers.

14.Where does the woman come from?

A.Canada. B.China. C.Australia.

15.How many teachers are there in the woman’s new school?

A.About 50. B.About 100. C.About 60.

16.What is the man’s favorite class?

A.History. B.PE. C.Chinese.


17.Which is the oldest way to get information for Americans?

A.Watching TV.

B.Surfing the Internet.

C.Reading newspapers.

18.When was the first newspaper published in America?

A.In 1400. B.In 1690. C.In 1960.

19.Why are daily newspapers cheaper?

A.The ads pay for most of the cost.

B.They are supported by the government.

C.They are published in large amounts.

20.What do some people complain about the newspapers in the United States?

A.There are too many ads in them.

B.The price is going up.

C.There are few kinds of them.


(Text 1)

M:Shall we go to see a film tonight?

W:That sounds great,but I have to look after my little sister.

(Text 2)

M:Mum,I like the monkeys very much.Can I get something to feed them?

W:Sure,here are four bananas.

(Text 3)

M:Would you like me to give you a hand and take this box upstairs?

W:Thanks a lot,but I’m waiting for my son to do so.

(Text 4)

M:Lucy,would you mind turning down the radio?


M:Please turn down the radio.The music is too loud.I’m writing a letter now.

(Text 5)

M:How often do you go home,Mary?

W:Once a year.You know,my home is far away from here.How about you,Jack?

M:Once a week.It’s only about fifty kilometers from here and my mother asks me to go home often.

(Text 6)

W:Good evening,Mr.White.Glad to see you again.

M:Good evening,Miss Liu.I arrived in London yesterday.

W:Really?Was it o n business or just for sightseeing?

M:On business.The trip was very interesting and enjoyable.

W:I’m glad to hear that.Would you like to have a drink first?

M:Yes.I’d like some juice.Thanks.

W:You’re welcome.Shall we take our orders now?

M:Yeah.I’m very hungry.

(Text 7)

M:What can I do for you,madam?

W:I’m looking for a Tshirt for my son.

M:What size does your son take?

W:He takes size 7 5.Oh,sorry,that’s my husband’s size.My son’s size is 65.

M:All right.I think this one is a best choice for you.It’s made of cotton.Nowadays people don’t like Tshirts made of silk or wool.It feels soft and comfortable,doesn’t it?

W:Yes,it looks nice.How much is it?

M:The price is $25,but now it is on sale for just $20.

W:It’s a little expensive.How about $15?

M:I’m afraid not.$20 is our lowest price.

W:Well,I’ll take it.

(Text 8)

W:Hi,Thomas.Long time no see.

M:Hi,Mary.How have you been?

W:Fine,thank you,and you?

M:I’ve been all right.As the final exams are coming,I have been busy studying these days.

W:By the way,what’s your major?

M:Hotel management.

W:What are you going to do when you graduate?

M:To be honest,I don’t know,but I’d like to work for a big hotel in a big city.What about you?

W:My major is English,so I want to find a job in a middle school or a foreign company.I’m going to study business management in my spare time.

M:I think you will be very busy these days.Remember to take it easy.

(Text 9)

M:How do you do!My name is Li Ming.What’s your name?

W:How do you do!I’m Helen.

M:Welcome to our class,Helen!Are you from Canada?

W:No,I’m from Australia.Would you please tell me something about our school?

M:Certainly.There are about 100 teachers and 2,000 students in our school.

W:Wow,that’s much bigger than my former school.We had only 50 teachers and 800 students.And what about our class?

M:There are 60 students in our class.

W:Can you tell me what subjects we are going to learn?

M:We have Chinese,maths,English,physics,chemistry,politics and so on.

W:Do we have history?I’m very interested in Chinese history.

M:Of course.So am I.But my favorite is the PE class.We can take many different activities in that class,for example playing football,basketball and pingpong.

W:That’s wonderful.Thank you for your introduction,Li Ming.

M:It’s my pleasure.

(Text 10)

W:Good morning,Mr.Black.Welcome to our school.Would you like to tell us something about American newspapers?

M:Well,in the United States today,there are many ways for people to get news and information.They can watch TV,listen to the radio or surf the Internet,but one of the oldest ways to get information is to read daily newspapers.Newspapers have played an important part in Americans’ live s since the country was founded.

The first American newspaper was published in Boston in 1690.Today there are more than 1,400 different kinds of daily newspapers in the United States.Because more and more advertisements are printed in newspaper s these days,some people complain that there is not enough news to read in them.However,if those companies do not pay for the ads,the cost of the newspaper would be much higher for the public.Daily newspapers are cheaper to buy because the ads pay for most of their cost.

答案:1~5.ACBAC 6~10.CACBB 11~15.ACACB


第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.Children can get close to________nature by taking part in________series of outdoor activities.

A.the;/ B.the;a

C./;the D./;a

解析:选D。句意:孩子们可以通过参加一系列的户外活动接近大自然。get close to nature“接近大自然”;a series of“一系列”。

22.Have you seen Jack recently?I wonder________with his classmates.

A.how is he getting along

B.that he is getting along well

C.what he is getting along

D.if he is getting along well

解析:选D。考查宾语从句。I wonder if...为常用句型,后用陈述语序。此处意为:我想知道他与同学相处得是否融洽。

23.Robert often thinks of________he can do for his country.

A.what B.how

C.that D.which


24.Now I’ve got him in my________;I can make him do anything I want.

A.power B.energy

C.strength D.right

解析:选A。考查名词辨析。in one’s power在某人的掌握中。题意为:现在他受我支配,我可以随心所欲让他为我做事。

25.Emily’s grandma________poor health for several years,so she always takes care of her after school.

A.joined in B.has got tired of

C.went through D.has suffered from

解析:选D。考查短语动词。suffer from...受……之苦。根据从句的时态和主句中的时间状语可知,应用现在完成时。join in加入;get tired of对……厌烦;go through经受。

26.—What’s wrong with him?

—He’s________a bad cold.

A.suffering from B.catching

C.having on D.keeping on

解析:选A。此处表示正在进行的动作,意为“他正患感冒”。catch a cold虽然可搭配,但只表示瞬间的动作,不能表示持续的状态。

27.You look well.The air and the sea foods in Sanya must ________you.I suppose.

A.agree with B.agree to

C.agree on D.agree about

解析:选A。句意:你看起来很好,我认为三亚的空气和海鲜食品一定适合你的口味。agree with sb.(气候、食物)适合某人。agree to同意(建议/计划等);agree on就……达成一致意见。一般无agree about结构。

28.I don’t like the pop singer’s songs.In fact.I’ve trouble________the words of his songs.

A.understand B.to understand

C.understood D.understanding

解析:选D。have trouble(in) doing sth.表示“做某事有困难”。

29.Drivers are warned that it is dangerous to talk on the phone while________.

A.drive B.driving

C.drove D.to drive

解析:选B。当while引导的时间状语从句与主句主语一致且谓语含有be时,可省略从句的主语和be,while driving=while they are driving。

30.—Have you ever been to Shanghai Expo Garden?

—No.It is the first time that I________to China.

A.come B.have come

C.am coming D.came

解析:选B。在句型it is the first/second...time that...中,that后的从句一般用现在完成时。

31.David said that it was because of his strong interest in literature________he chose the course.

A.that B.what

C.why D.how

解析:选A。这是一个it强调句式,对原因状语进行的强调。原句为:David said that he chose the course because of his strong interest in literature.。

32.—Did the boys break the window________?

—No.They did it when they were playing football.

A.by accident B.on purpose

C.at dusk D.as usual

解析:选B。考查短语辨析。由答语可知问话人主要是问“是否故意打破窗户”,故选on purpose(故意地)。by accident偶然;at dusk在黄昏时;as usual像往常一样。

33.As we all know,parents are concerned________their children’s study,because it is concerned________their future.

A.about;with B.about;for

C.for;about D.with;about

解析:选A。be concerned about“对……关心”;be concerned with“涉及到,牵扯到,与……有关”。句意为“众所周知,父母对孩子的学习非常关心,因为这关系到孩子们的将来。”

34.I have some trouble________physics.I would be grateful________you if you could give me some advice on it.

A.with;for B.in;to

C.in;with D.with;to

解析:选D。have trouble with sth.“学……困难”;be grateful to sb.(for sth.)“因……而感激某人”。

35.—So you didn’t say “Hi” to your partner when you saw her?

—Well,I stopped and smiled at her,but she________me and walked on with her head high.

A.refused B.failed

C.missed D.ignored

解析:选D。由对话的语境可知,正确答案为D,ignore sb.没理睬某人。

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


There are thousands of people across the United States without any food or shelter(住所).Every Saturday or Sunday night,my family and I go out and __36__the homeless people in the city.

There is one__37__thing I like to mention here.Before we begin our__38__,my family and I do not eat.We do this__39__we know how it feels to be hungry.We all get together in the kitchen and__40__the food.We then__41__the food for 30 or more people.I like to write a special__42__on the bags like “God loves you”.

A lot of people__43__homeless people.Not all homeless people are bad people.Some are really__44__.Many people hate them__45__no good reason.In the beginning,when my family and I went out on the street,we had to__46__their trust.Later,as they__47__us every week,they started to trust us.We__48__know some of their names.We all have to keep in mind that they also have__49__.Some of them shake our hands for giving them food,and__50__ us.Some of them do really funy dances because they are__51__.

We have become__52__close to a man named Tony and his wife.After meeting with them several times,he has told us a lot about his__53__.He graduated from college and has a PHD.He used to teach French and Spanish.

After we get done feeding the homeless,it makes me__54__what I have at home.Sometimes it makes me sad,and makes my mom cry.I love feeding the homeless,and __55__in someone’s life.

36.A.visit B.introduce

C.save D.feed


37.A.common B.exciting

C.special D.embarrassing


38.A.show B.journey

C.vacation D.meal


39.A.so B.when

C.if D.because


40.A.design B.prepare

C.buy D.give

解析:选B。根据We all get together in the kitchen的语境,可知作者一家在准备食物。

41.A.bag B.cook

C.fetch D.find


42.A.passage B.saying

C.note D.message


43.A.please B.help

C.love D.misunderstand

解析:选D。根据Not all homeless people are bad people的语境,可知作者是说很多人都误解了那些无家可归的人。

44.A.helpful B.nice

C.funny D.beautiful


45.A.for B.at

C.of D.on

解析:选A。根据no good reason的语境,可知应选A,表示很多人讨厌无家可归的人并没有什么好的原因。

46.A.bring B.earn

C.create D.share


47.A.served B.told

C.saw D.needed


48.A.hardly B.never

C.sometimes D.even


49.A.words B.looks

C.d esires D.feelings


50.A.change B.thank

C.impress D.disappoint


51.A.happy B.great

C.surprised D.bored


52.A.only B.too

C.also D.really


53.A.dream B.future

C.life D.friend


54.A.want B.appreciate

C.keep D.think


55.A.taking care B.watching out

C.showing up D.making a difference


