
发布时间:2017-04-09 02:49


英汉对照的英语故事:The centipede Housekeeper


A single woman wanted someone to help her with the household chores, so she decided to get a pet to help out. She went to the local pet shop and asked the owner for advice on a suitable animal. The owner suggested a dog, but the woman said, "Nah,dogs can't do dishes." The owner then suggested a cat, but the woman said, "Nah, cats can't do the ironing."


Finally the owner suggests a centipede, "This is the perfect pet for you. It can do anything!" "OK," the woman thought, "I'll give it a try." So she bought it and took it home.


Once home she told the centipede to wash the dishes. The centipede looked over and there were piles and piles of dirty dishes that looked to be a month old. five minutes later, all the pots were washed, dried and put away. "Great," thought the woman.

