牛津版八年级上册英语Unit 2检测试题及答案

发布时间:2017-05-12 15:59

对于英语的学习,除了背单词、背课文之外,还要多做练习!那么,对于八年级英语究竟要怎样有效的去做题呢?别着急,接下来不妨和小编一起来做份牛津版八年级上册英语Unit 2检测试题,希望对各位有帮助!

牛津版八年级上册英语Unit 2检测试题

一、选择填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

( ) 1. Chinese students have _______ weeks _____ in the summertime than British students.

A. fewer; on B. less; off C. more; on D. more; off

( ) 2. Would you like _______ with me tomorrow afternoon?

A. play baseball B. play the baseball C. to play baseball D. to play the baseball

( ) 3. If you want to be healthier, you have to eat _______ and take ______ exercise.

A. little; more B. more; fewer C. less; more D. less; fewer

( ) 4. People around the world like to read plays and poems _______ Shakespeare.

A. with B. on C. in D. by

( ) 5. —What’s another way of saying “movie”? — It’s “_______”.

A. rubber B. film C. lift D. fall

( ) 6. Mary has _______ free time than Amy. She is busy all day.

A. much B. less C. more D. fewer

( ) 7. ______ the buddy club, you can talk to your friends about your school life.

A. On B. In C. At D. From

( ) 8. Dick is not good at football, so he spends a lot of time ______ it.

A. practising B. to practise C. practise D. practises

( ) 9. —_______ does your brother watch TV? —Once a week.

A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How

( ) 10. David, ______ his sister, _______ watching TV.

A. likes, like B. like, likes C like, like. D. likes , likes

( ) 11. Who has_______ orange juice, John, Simon or Nick?

A. more B. most C. the fewest D the least

( ) 12. The weather in Guangzhou is hotter than ________ in Beijing.

A. this B. one C. it D. that

( ) 13. Most British high school students ________ uniforms at school.

A. put on B. dress C. wear D. dress up

( ) 14. The number of the students in my class is ________ than yours.

A. more B. fewer C. less D. larger

( ) 15. —What is your cousin like? —_______

A. He is 14 years old. B. He is very friendly.

C. He likes apples. D. He is a student.


Dear Mrs Smith,

I was a ____1____ of yours in Grade Six, and I ____2___ that you still remember me. I’m writing this letter ____3___ I want to let you know that the school year with you was important and special to me.

I know I was very quiet in your class, and you never ____4___ much to me. But you did something that made a big difference in my life. You see, all through my first year in school, I hated to read. Books full of words had ____5___ to do with me, and I was ____8___ with them. I’ll never forget the first day in Grade Six ____7___ you took out a thick book and began to read a story to our class. Your ____8___ seemed to change with the people in the story, and you drew pictures in my mind as you read aloud. You read all kinds of wonderful stories to us.

During the summer after my year in your class, I missed listening to the stories you read. So one day, I picked up a book and read it all on my own. I ____9___ that I could make the words interesting, too. Now I love reading! Thank you for ____10___ the world of books for me.

Yours, Linda

( ) 1. A. cousin B. teacher C. student D. classmate

( ) 2. A. tell B. wish C. forget D. hope

( ) 3. A. so B. because C. but D. and

( ) 4. A. spoke B, told C. said D. talked

( ) 5. A. something B, everything C. anything D. nothing

( ) 6. A. happy B. bored C. excited D. boring

( ) 7. A. while B. before C. when D. after

( ) 8. A. whisper B. noise C. sound D. voice

( ) 9. A. looked for B. found C. found out D. looked after

( ) 10. A. close B. open C. closing D. opening


( A )

My name is Simon. I have a new online friend named John. He studies in Sunshine Middle School in Beijing. It’s a very large school. There are 3,500 students and 158 teachers in their school. But in our school, there are only 1,200 students and 45 teachers.

| John’s school life is very interesting. He has five lessons every day and I have eight. After class, sometimes he goes to the Buddy Club and sometimes the Drawing Club. Every Friday afternoon, the students in their school have a basketball or football match.

But I can spend only about half an hour playing every day because I have to help my parents do the housework after class. And I have less time for studying than him. In the summertime, I have six weeks off but John has eight.

I hope I can join some clubs like John. And I hope our school life is as interesting as his.

( ) 1. Who is John?

A. Simon’s brother. B. Simon’s friend. C. Simon’s classmate. D. Simon’s cousin.

( ) 2. There are ________ students in John’s school.

A. 1,200 B. 2,400 C. 3,500 D. 4,200

( ) 3. What does John do after class?

A. Play basketball. B. Go to the Buddy Club.

C. Play games. D. Chat with his classmates

( ) 4. Simon spends about ________ playing every day.

A. twenty minutes. B. Forty minutes. C. Thirty minutes. D. Sixty minutes.

( ) 5. When does John have a football match?

A. At the weekend. B. On Friday afternoon.

C. On Thursday morning. D. After school.

( B )

Dear Mum

I don’t think you understand my life. You think I should be studying all the time. I know you want me to find a good job when I grow up, but I would like to have a wonderful time, too. You never think about fun things for me to do like music, sports. Two days ago, when I was watching a football game on TV, you asked me to stop and to do my homework. After finishing my homework, still I wasn’t allowed (允许) to read my football magazines. You said I had to go to bed early. That was bad enough, but yesterday was the worst day. I bought some computer games, and put them in my bag so that you wouldn’t see them. I told you I had to do my homework first. I know it was wrong to lie (说谎) to you, but you told me that Dad would talk to me later. Mum, I didn't quite like what you did to me! I really love you, Mum, but I wish you could try not to be so hard on me.



( ) 6. Lily’s mother wants him _____ when he grows up.

A. to be a teacher B. to find a good job

C. to work in a big city D. to become a football star

( ) 7. ________ is Lily’s favourite sport.

A. Football B. Volleyball C. Basketball D. Baseball

( ) 8. Lily is asked _____.

A. to watch TV B. to do sports C. to play computer games D. to study all the time

( ) 9. Why did Lily put the computer games in the bag?

A. Because he didn’t like them.

B. Because he played them many times.

C. Because he wouldn’t like his mother to find them.

D. Because there was something wrong with them.

( ) 10. We know from the letter that _________.

A. Lily lives a very happy life B. Lily hates his mother

C. Lily wishes to study all the time D. Lily’s parents are very hard on him


A. 根据汉语提示、英文释义和句意,写出所缺单词。 (共5分)

1.They’re going to visit some _______ (外国的) countries next year.

2. Look! The paper flowers look like the _______ (真实的) ones.

3. This is a _______ (every day) newspaper.

4. You can see a clothes ________ (shop) near the restaurant.

5. English is one of the most important ________ in the world.

B. 从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其正确形式填空。(共5分)

6. My brother can’t speak _______ very well.

7. Is there a _______ school near that hospital?

8. There are three ________ students in our class.

9. They have a _______ test on Wednesday afternoon.

10. My cousin jumped _______ of all the students.

C. 将下列词组翻译成英语。(共5分)

11. 首先 _________________________ 12. 有一个读书周 ________________

13. 学生数 ___________________ 14. 重复做某事 ____________________

15. 放假四个星期 _____________________


1. It’s raining, You must stay at home. (改为同义句)

It’s raining. You _______ _______ stay at home.

2. My brother reads newspapers every day. (对划线部分提问)

________ _______ _______ your brother read newspapers?

3. What other things would you like to buy? (改为同义句)

________ _______ would you like to buy?

4. I don’t know how I can learn English well. (改为简单句)

I don’t know ________ _______ _______ English well.

5. Why don’t you go to the park after school? (改为同义句)

_______ _______ go to the park after school?


1. 房间里至多有十个人。


2. 每节课快结束的时候,我们用英语交谈。


3. 在晚上我父亲经常浏览报纸和杂志。


4. 在课堂上不要和你的同学交谈。

_____________________________ _____________________

5. 你理想中的学校是什么样子的?


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