
发布时间:2017-03-16 15:54

以下是小编整理的情感类英语美文欣赏:网络墓园, 希望对你有所感触。

Graves on the Web


1. Looking for a dead person? Don't 1)wander fromgraveyard to 2)graveyard, reading endless3)tombstones. Find out exactly where you need tolook by 4)consulting Findagrave.com, a 5)directory ofthe graves of thousands of famous people, and 2.5million not so famous ones.


1.1) wander (v.) 徘徊,闲逛 2) graveyard (n.) 墓园 3) tombstone (n.) 墓碑 4) consult (v.) 参考 5) directory (n.) 姓名住址簿,指南

2. At Findagrave.com's 1)website, you can create a 2)memorial to someone you loved, or learnabout the 3)tomb of someone you admired. If you're looking for the grave of rock musicianCurt Cobain, who died in 1994 at the age of 27, Findagrave.com lets you know that there isn'tone. Cobain was 4)cremated, and his 5)ashes were 6)scattered in the Wishkah River,Washington.


2.1) website (n.) 网站 2) memorial (n.) 纪念物,纪念碑 3) tomb (n.) 墓 4) cremate (v.) 火葬 5)ashes (n.) 骨灰6) scatter (v.) 分散,洒

3.Actress Marilyn Monroe, who also died young, at the age of 36, can be found at WestwoodMemorial Park, Los Angeles, in the 1)Corridor of Memories, #24. Fresh flowers always cover hergrave.

女星玛丽莲梦露亦英年早逝,享年三十六岁,其墓地位于洛杉矶西林纪念公园的「回忆走廊」24号。她的墓上总是覆满鲜花。 3.1) corridor (n.) 走廊,回廊

4. The body of the 1)brilliant pianist and 2)composer Frederic Chopin, who died on October17, 1849, can be found in a Paris 3)cemetery. Chopin's heart, on the other hand, is at the HolyCross Church in Warsaw, Poland.

才华扬溢的钢琴家暨作曲家萧邦逝于1849年10月17日,他被葬在法国的一处公墓。然而萧邦的心脏却留在波兰华沙的圣十字教堂里。 4.1) brilliant (a.) 光芒四射的 2) composer (n.) 作曲家 3) cemetery (n.) 公墓

5.Walking slowly through Findagrave's 1)online cemetery, you also come across 2)virtual3)gravesites like that of Sarah Elizabeth Green Mooney, who died in 1961 at the age of 83.There is a picture of her, and you sense from her lovely smile that even if she wasn't famous,Sarah Mooney was a remarkable lady. She is buried in 4)plot 869 of a cemetery in CarbonCounty, Pennsylvania.

缓慢浏览「找坟墓」网站的线上墓园,你会偶然发现如莎拉慕尼之墓的虚拟墓地,她逝于 1961 年,享年八十三岁。这里有一张她的照片,你可以从她可爱的微笑中感受到,即使并不出名,她仍是位很杰出的女士。她被埋在宾州卡本郡一处公墓的第869号墓地。

5.1) online (a.) 线上的 2) virtual (a.) 虚拟的 3) gravesite (n.) 墓地 4) plot (n.) 小块土地
