
发布时间:2017-03-16 15:54

以下是小编整理的情感类英语美文欣赏: 美的力量,希望对你有所感触。

The Power of Beauty


1. One of the most successful, influential and1)beloved women in American history, EleanorRoosevelt once said that she had one regret: shewished she had been prettier. Who hasn't felt thesame way? We are all too 2)aware of our 3)physical4)imperfections. To overcome them, we spend5)billions upon billions of dollars every year-on6)cosmetics, 7)diet products, fashion, and 8)plastic surgery.



1.1) beloved (a.) 受人喜爱的 2) aware (a.) 明白的 3) physical (a.) 身体的 4) imperfection (n.) 不完美,瑕疵 5) billion (n.) 十亿 6) cosmetics (n.) 化妆品 7) diet (n.) (特种)饮食 8) plastic surgery (n.) 整形外科) 兴奋的

2. Why do we care so much about how we look? Because it matters. Because beauty ispowerful. Because even when we learn to value people mostly for being kind and wise andfunny, we are still moved by beauty. No matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be1)immune, beauty 2)exerts its power over us. There is simply no escape.


2.1) immune (a.) 免疫的 2) exert (v.) 发挥出

3. Aristotle said, "Beauty is a greater 1)recommendation than any letter of introduction." It'snot fair, but it's true. We simply treat beautiful people better than we do others. 2)Attach aphotograph of a beautiful author to an essay, and people will think that it is more creative andmore 3)intelligently written than exactly the same 4)essay 5)accompanied by the photo of a6)homely author.


3.1) recommendation (n.) 推荐 2) attach (v.) 贴上,附上 3) intelligently (adv.) 聪明地 4) essay(n.) 论文,小品文 5) accompany (v.) 伴随 6) homely (a.) 平凡的

4. As children, beautiful people are more likely to become favorites with parents and teachers.Later, they're more likely to get good jobs and 1)promotions. Beautiful lawyers get paid morethan their less attractive 2)colleagues. Good-looking 3)criminals are more likely to win the4)sympathy of judges and 5)juries. Attractive people 6)in need are more likely to receive helpfrom strangers.


4.1)promotion (n.) 升迁 2) colleague (n.) 同事 3) criminal (n.) 罪犯 4) sympathy (n.) 同情 5)jury (n.) 陪审团 6) in need (a.) 穷困的,有需要的

5. In 1)bodily form, 2)symmetry is beauty. One thing that makes men and women attractiveto each other is having a 3)symmetrical body. Men with an 4)alluring, symmetrical 5)figurebegin having sex at an earlier age, have sex earlier in relationships and have two to three timesas many sex partners as their 6)asymmetrical 7)pals. It doesn't seem fair-it isn't-butsymmetrical men also make better lovers. In her book, 8)Survival of the Prettiest: The Scienceof Beauty, Harvard 9)psychologist Nancy Etcoff describes research which shows that the bestway to predict whether or not a woman will have an orgasm during sex is to look at thesymmetry of her partner. This turns out to be a better 10)predictor "than the couple's feelingof love, the 11)investment of either party in the relationship, the male's 12)potential13)earnings, or the level of sexual experience or frequency of lovemaking of the couple."


5. 1) bodily (a.) 身体的 2) symmetry (n.) 对称 3) symmetrical (a.) 对称的 4) alluring (a.) 诱人的 5) figure (n.) 身材 6) asymmetrical (a.) 不对称的 7) pal (n.) 伙伴 8) survival (n.) 生存 9)psychologist (n.) 心理学家 10) predictor (n.) 预测工具 11) investment (n.) 投资 12) potential(a.) 潜在的

6. Symmetrical women have it better, too.Surprisingly, women's symmetry 1)variesthroughout each month. As 2)indicated by changesin the 3)measurements of their ears, fingers andother body parts, women become mostsymmetrical-and most attractive-when they mostneed to be: on the day when they ovulate.


6.1) vary (v.) 变化 2) indicate (v.) 显示 3) measurement (n.) 测量

7. Many of the physical 1)features that make us attractive to one another are, in fact, signalsof our health and 2)fertility. For thousands of years, women have been using 3)makeup to tryto look like teenagers. Why? Men everywhere find young, 4)fertile women to be the mostsexually attractive.


7. 1)feature (n.) 特征 2) fertility (n.) 生育能力 3) makeup (n.) 化妆品 4) fertile (a.) 有生育能力的

8. Men have a natural preference for women with youthfully narrow 1)waists and full 2)hips.Psychologist Devendra Singh tested men in 18 different cultures for their response to womenof varying shapes. 3)Overwhelmingly they found women with a waist-to-hip 4)ratio of 0.7 asthe most attractive. Marilyn Monroe was shaped just so. Another 1950s beauty, AudreyHepburn, had a much 5)slimmer figure that 6)resembles the 7)skinny, 8)supermodel look thathas recently been fashionable in the United States. But Hepburn's waist-to-hip ratio wasexactly 0.7, just like Monroe's. It is no 9)coincidence that scientists have discovered thatwomen with such a waist-to-hip ratio are the most fertile. By following their 10)instinct, menare naturally attracted to the most fertile women around.


8.1) waist (n.) 腰 2) hip (n.) 臀部 3) overwhelmingly (adv.) 压倒性地 4) ratio (n.) 比例 5) slim(a.) 苗条的 6) resemble (v.) 类似 7) skinny (a.) 瘦的 8) supermodel (n.) 超级名模 9) coincidence(n.) 巧合 10) instinct (n.) 本能

9. These days, in addition to cosmetics, women and men both rely on 1)advanced technologyto 2)enhance their beauty. 3)Wrinkles can be 4)stretched away with a face lift. Special5)injections can make lips look attractively young and 6)plump. 7)Countless 8)creams and9)chemicals promise clear, 10)glowing skin for men and women. Besides being a sign of youth,good skin also means that the person is likely to be healthy and free from 11)parasites.


9.1) advanced (a.) 先进的 2) enhance (v.) 促进 3) wrinkle (n.) 皱纹 4) stretch (v.) 绷紧 5)injection (n.) 注射 6) plump (a.) 丰满的 7) countless (a.) 数不尽的 8) cream (n.) 乳霜 9) chemical(n.) 化学药物 10) glow (v.) 发亮 11) parasite (n.) 寄生虫

10. Still, it's possible to go too far. At the end of the 19th century, some women even had1)ribs 2)removed so they'd have that perfect narrow waist. Some people today have poisoninjected in the face to get rid of wrinkles, even though this means that their 3)facial muscles willbe 4)paralyzed, unable to express certain 5)emotions.


10.1) rib (n.) 肋骨 2) remove (v.) 除去 3) facial (a.) 面部的 4) paralyze (v.) 瘫痪 5) emotion (n.) 情感

11. Our 1)sensitivity to physical beauty is not something we can control at will. We are bornwith it. Experiments 2)conducted by psychologist Judith H. Langlois showed that even small3)infants prefer to look at attractive faces. Before they have met a single supermodel, beforethey have watched a single TV show, before they have opened up a single fashion magazine,they are drawn to the same faces which 4)adults have judged to be attractive.


11. 1)sensitivity (n.) 敏感度 2) conduct (v.) 进行 3) infant (n.) 婴儿 4) adult (n.) 成年人

12. There are more important things in life than beauty. But as Etcoff says, "We have tounderstand beauty, or we will always be 1)enslaved by it." If you aim to be wise and kind andfunny, it doesn't mean that you can't also try your best to look beautiful. There's no reason tofeel guilty about being moved by beauty's power. It moves us all.

