
发布时间:2017-03-27 13:29



Good brother



This fully shows that China and Indonesia are good neighbors and good brothers.


Wen said China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic partners and good brothers sharing wealand woe.


Zambia is an important country with major influence on the African continent. It is China’s goodfriend, good brother and good partner in Africa.


Don't go my dear brother.


Chinese and Basotho peoples are not only good friends, but also good brothers and goodpartners.


We rejoice at every success you have achieved on the path of development, and we warmly congratulate you on all your accomplishments.


No matter how the international scene may change, the Chinese people will always be thetrusted brothers of the Arab people.


When LeBron left Cleveland to join forces with his friends and fellow superstars in Miami, itcreated a blueprint for future superstars to do the same.


Now, now, my good man, this is no time formakingenemies.


Since it has no common interests with Western countries in this area, Chinese authorityconsistently advocates to see Arab people as "good friends, good partners and good brothers".


1. Be a good chap and open the door for me, would you ?

好兄弟,给我开开门行 吗 ?

2. But you, mate, you have no dough so they're sure to rough you up.

你呀, 我的好兄弟, 手里没硬的,准拴在尿桶上!

3. Liu Xianbin is our good fellow, is a good Chinese citizen.

刘贤斌是我们的好兄弟, 是中国的好公民.

4. Well , Lumiere, old friend . Shall we let bygones be bygones?

卢米亚好兄弟,过去的事真是一场 恶梦.

5. China will remain a close friend, partner and good brother of Africa.

中国永远是非洲的好朋友 、 好伙伴、好兄弟.

6. We will remain forever a good partner and brother of developing countries.


7. Life has been a good two brothers had accompanied the sick again.


8. Jack and Jill have been bosom buddies since they were kids.


9. BENVOLIO: A right fair mark, fair coz, is soonest hit.

班: 好兄弟, 目标越好, 射得越准.

10. All right I've been feeling incrediblyabout this.


11. The corporal , too, a cheerful little cockney, appeared to regard us as his brothers. He aface.

连下士也显得那么和蔼可亲, 他操着欢快的伦敦腔, 把我们称做他的好兄弟.

12. Today is our Ghost Festival , and we worship our ancestors and ghosts from the underworld.

今天是我们的中元节, 我们要拜祖先和[好兄弟].

13. Qian Yi Jie: we are all good brothers. good fun when their own home!

钱义杰: 大家都是好兄弟. 就当自己家好好玩!

14. They are competitive rivals on the court, but they are like brothers in real life.

赛场上他俩是你争我夺的对手, 生活中却是好兄弟.

15. The belief in the implicit government guarantee allowed the pair to borrow cheaply.

