
发布时间:2017-03-03 09:20





SEOUL, South Korea —Five yearsago, Sun Mi Stapel, a claims handler at a Dutch insurance company, begansearching for her South Korean birth family.

韩国首尔——五年前,在一家荷兰保险公司任核保员的善美·施塔珀尔(Sun Mi Stapel)开始寻找在韩国的亲生父母。

Stapel first turned to the Dutch adoptionagency that had placed her with her adoptive parents in Krommenie, theNetherlands, where she grew up.


Then she tried Korea Social Service, whichhad handled the Korean side of her adoption.

然后她又找到了在领养中负责在韩事务的韩国社会服务公司(Korea Social Service)。

Last year, she finally obtained heradoption files, but they were missing vital information.


She traveled to Seoul, appearing on amorning television show with her baby photos and asking viewers to call ahotline with any information.


She registered for a national database formissing people.


She distributed fliers in the neighborhoodaround her orphanage in Incheon, where she was born, and visited nursing homesand community centers there in hopes of finding someone who knew her parents.


No one did.


So on a recent Tuesday afternoon, Stapel,46, went to a guesthouse for adoptees in Seoul, where a volunteer rubbed theinside of her cheek with a cotton swab, dropped the swab in a tube and shippedit to a lab in Texas, where her DNA will be analyzed and uploaded to a websitethat scans submitted samples for genetic matches.


The result could link her to her birthfamily and fill in some of the blanks of her personal history.


I want to know the simple things, she said.


When is my real date of birth? Who is myfather? Who is my mother? Do I have siblings? Do I look like somebody?


Many South Korean adoptees who have thesame questions are turning to DNA testing to circumvent what has long been atortuous and often fruitless process.


For years, South Korea was the world’s leadingbaby exporter.


Since the 1950s, it has sent about 200,000children abroad for adoption, including about 150,000 to the United States.


Every year adoptees return, looking forinformation about their past.


But South Korean laws block them fromobtaining their full birth records without their birth parents’consent.


And government adoption files are oftenfalsified, incomplete or missing, making birth parents impossible to trackdown.


From 2012-15, fewer than 15 percent ofadoptees who asked to reunite with their birth parents were able to do so,according to Korean government figures.


For many, DNA testing offers a way aroundthe bureaucratic hurdles and flawed records.


Stapel was one of a few dozen adoptees whotook free DNA tests made available in Seoul this month during the InternationalKorean Adoptee Associations Gathering, which meets every three years.

本月,三年一度的国际韩国被领养人协会大会(International Korean Adoptee Associations Gathering)举行期间,几十名被领养人接受了免费的DNA检测。施塔珀尔就是其中之一。

Monica Toudahl Knudsen, 33, who grew up inthe Jutland peninsula, in Denmark, also took the test.

33岁的莫妮卡·托达尔·克努森(MonicaToudahl Knudsen)也接受了这项检测。

She has been searching for her birth familysince 2012.


According to her adoption file, her parentswere teenage sweethearts who could not afford to raise her.


On a previous trip to Seoul, she hadvisited the site of the midwife clinic where she was born.


It now houses a cafe and fried chickenrestaurant.


She feels grateful for her life in Denmark,where she is a chef.


If she is ever able to meet her birthparents, she said, I just want to thank them for letting me go.


The DNA testing movement has been largelyfinanced by Thomas Park Clement, a Korean adoptee who now lives in Manhattanand in Bloomington, Indiana.

这项DNA检测活动主要是由托玛斯·帕克·克莱门特(Thomas Park Clement)资助。他也是一名韩国被领养人,如今在曼哈顿和印第安纳州布鲁明顿两地生活。

A scientist who founded Mectra Labs, amedical manufacturing company, he has pledged to spend $1 million on DNA kitsto give away.

这名科学家是医疗设备制造公司梅茨特拉实验室(Mectra Labs)的创立者。他承诺支付100万美元购买成套DNA检测服务,用于捐赠。

I have throughout the years experienced somany of my fellow Korean adoptees’frustrations with birth relative searches, he said in a recentinterview.


DNA is shortcutting the search process andbringing all parties in direct communication with each other.


He has donated 2,550 kits to Koreanadoptees and Korean War veterans in the United States.


Some of the veterans are the fathers of thefirst wave of South Korea’s international adoptees.


He has also given 450 test kits to325Kamra, a volunteer organization started last year, to distribute in SouthKorea.


When testing works, it is remarkablyefficient.


This month, 325Kamra announced its firstmatch between a Korean birth mother and an American adoptee.


Within 48 hours, the adoptee, Kyung EunDavidson, 33, of Everett, Washington, was speaking to her mother for the firsttime in 30 years.

不到48小时,生活在华盛顿州埃弗雷特的被领养人、33岁的京银·戴维森(Kyung Eun Davidson)便和她的母亲说上了话,这是30年来的头一遭。

It’s been an amazing,crazy and wonderful experience, Davidson told The Korea Herald.

那是一种让人惊奇、有些疯狂同时也很棒的体验,戴维森对《韩国先驱报》(The Korea Herald)讲道。

Adoptees are not the only ones placingtheir hopes in DNA tests.


Last month, Song Chang-sook, 89, traveled200 miles from Pusan with his caregiver to take a DNA test in Seoul.

上个月,89岁的宋章肃(Song Chang-sook,音)与他的护理员跋涉200英里,从釜山来到首尔接受DNA检测。

Having heard about the testing on a morningtelevision program, he was searching for the three sons he relinquished foradoption more than 40 years ago.


When his wife died of typhoid fever in1970, his mother-in-law decided that the children should be given up foradoption rather than raised by a single father.


He gave up his three sons: Won Ho, born in1965; Won Young, born in 1967; and Won Hee, born in 1968.

他放弃了自己的三个儿子:生于1965年的元镐(Won Ho,音)、1967年的元融(Won Young,音)和1968年的元熙(Won Hee,音)。

Five years later, he returned to theadoption agency, Holt International, asking for their whereabouts.

五年后,他返回领养机构霍尔特国际(Holt International),询问他们的下落。

He inquired many more times after that.


At one point, someone told him that hissons were living together in France.


But Holt was prohibited from disclosingpersonal information about the three boys.


The 2012 adoption law that gives adopteesthe right to petition for their birth records offers no such benefit to theparents.


Song thinks about the last time he saw hischildren, on Nov. 3, 1971.


The year before, his oldest son, Won Ho,had been hospitalized for a month with a broken shoulder from a car accident.



在开罗 避孕和X光检查都能上门服务

CAIRO — When it comes to home delivery and services, Cairo has most other places beat.


Suffering from a hangover and perhaps some regrets? Costa Coffee will send around a singleshot of espresso ($2.70), and the neighborhood pharmacy will dispatch one morning-after pill($2).


Want a Brazilian bikini wax? It can be done in the privacy of your home for $6.


Need a birth or death certificate? Just put in a call to the government, which will dispatch itwithin 72 hours.


For city dwellers in Egypt, almost anything can be delivered, and for nearly nothing.


Home deliveries started with fast food, but have come to include an array of other goods andservices.


Upscale restaurants will deliver a salad or a single slice of cake; stationers will send pens to theoffice; liquor stores will supply alcohol if a party runs dry; bakeries will send fresh bread andpastries straight from the oven — most of it carried on the backs of battered old motorcycles.


Driving the trend is a middle class willing to spend money to avoid hassles, plus largenumbers of poorer people willing to zoom around on motorcycles for less than $10 a day.


Given Cairo’s bad traffic and long, hot summers, the capital’s dwellers need littleencouragement to pick up the phone. (Deliveries spike especially in July and August, whendaytime temperatures rarely drop below 90 degrees.)


The customers pay very little for the convenience — delivery charges are typically less than adollar.


It is too hot for anyone to walk, and no one wants to drive through a traffic jam and then haveto look for a parking spot, said Shady Ahmed, who delivers for Costa Coffee in Zamalek, anaffluent Cairo neighborhood.

天气太热了,大家都不愿意走路,也没人愿意开车遇到拥堵,然后还要找停车位,在扎马利克为Costa咖啡送货的沙迪•艾哈迈德(Shady Ahmed)说,扎马利克是开罗一个繁华的地带。

Why would anyone waste money on a cab coming and going when we can deliver to them forless?


Even the government’s creaky bureaucracy has seized on the trend.


In January, the civil registry created a call center for people to renew their national IDs andthen get birth, death and marriage certificates delivered to their homes, a service they can alsofind online.


We did this to make life easier, said Ehab el-Attar, the registry’s head.

我们这样做都是为了提供方便,注册处的长官埃哈卜•艾尔-阿塔尔(Ehab el-Attar)说。

Not everyone can use the internet, and this way they don’t waste time coming here and maketraffic worse.


I don’t think this particular service is a proof of laziness.


But, he added with a laugh, there is definitely plenty of laziness around.


The home delivery culture is spreading into the service sector as well.


Now an ailing runner can have her knees X-rayed in bed for about $55, and while she is at it,get a haircut and a pedicure.


While businesses have jumped at the opportunities, some of their workers grumble about thecustomers’ attitudes.


They’ll just sit there with coffee mugs and barely look at you.


You just want to tell them, ‘You are not rich, this is just cheap,’ said Nagat Hosny, a bodywaxer who does home visits.


Mostafa Mahmoud travels the city taking blood from people at home — he is a phlebotomist,not a vampire — and delivers it to Al Borg, one of the capital’s leading medical labs.

穆斯塔法•马哈茂德(Mostafa Mahmoud)在整个城市四处上门采集血液——他是抽血者,不是吸血者——然后把这些血液提供给开罗最大的医疗实验室之一Al Borg。

It is often exasperating when you go and find that the person is absolutely fine and justchilling at home, he said.


Some even have the audacity to scold you if you are 10 minutes late.


With an increasing number of goods and services finding their way to the doorsteps ofcustomers, it was inevitable that some high-tech solutions would also come along.


Waleed Rashed is the founder of a company that plans to introduce a delivery app called Vooin October.

瓦利德•拉希德(Waleed Rashed)是一家公司的创始人,该公司计划在10月推出一款名叫Voo的快递手机应用。

Voo (the name is meant to suggest the sound of speed) aims to do almost any chore foranyone.


There is no incentive to go outside, Mr. Rashed said.


Just one hour outside is enough to ruin anyone’s day.


Voo might, for example, pick up keys you left at a friend’s house and return them to you withinan hour for an average of $5, he said.


Ingez, an Egyptian company whose name translates as hurry up, has also latched onto thedelivery craze.


It offers services such as driving sundry goods — a single cellphone cover, say — from one endof Cairo to another for as little as $2.50, or taking flowers to someone in the hospital on behalfof a busy relative.


Sometimes we find it funny, said Ahmed Farouk, the company’s manager of operations.

有时候,我们觉得这很有趣,公司的运营经理艾哈迈德•法鲁克(Ahmed Farouk)说。

I personally wouldn’t request a delivery for a small order myself, but people generally arenever shy about it.


Ammar Ali Hassan, a prominent Egyptian novelist and political sociologist, attributes suchattitudes to the return of many relatively affluent Egyptians who were guest workers in SaudiArabia and other countries on the Persian Gulf.

埃及著名的小说家和政治社会学家阿马尔•阿里•哈桑(Ammar Ali Hassan)觉得,这种态度是因为许多相对富裕的埃及人正在回国。他们曾在沙特阿拉伯和波斯湾其他国家打工。

Many were influenced by the Gulf, Mr. Hassan said.


They think, ‘Oh I am a big deal and can act like a member of the upper class now.


I am too big for queues.’ ’


Home delivery has become so habitual here that Egyptians abroad tend to feel deprived.


Salma Adel, a young Egyptian physician who moved to Ireland more than a year ago, saiddelivery was one of the things she missed most.

一年多前移居爱尔兰的年轻埃及医生萨尔玛•阿德尔(Salma Adel)说,快递是她最怀念的一件事。

It has to be up there with family, she said.


It’s not like it’s just fast food. It’s all food.


There’s something beautiful about being able to conjure up a beautiful meal out of thin airwhen you’re sat at home and can’t be bothered to cook, she added.




China on Tuesday released images of a Mars probe and rover which the country plans to send to the Red Planet within five years.


China plans to send a spacecraft to orbit Mars, make a landing, and deploy a rover in July or August 2020, said Zhang Rongqiao, chief architect of the Mars mission at a press conference in Beijing. "The challenges we face are unprecedented."


According to Ye Peijian, one of China's leading aerospace experts and a consultant to the program, the 2020 mission will be launched on a Long March-5 carrier rocket from the Wenchang space launch center in south China's Hainan province.


The lander will separate from the orbiter at the end of a journey of around seven months and touch down in a low latitude area in the northern hemisphere of Mars where the rover will explore the surface.


Images displayed at press conference showed a device with six wheels, powered by four solar panels, two more than the rover sent to the moon.


Weighing around 200 kilograms, it is designed to operate for three Martian months, according to Sun Zezhou, chief designer of the probe.


The probe, for its part, will carry 13 payloads including a remote sensing camera and a ground penetrating radar which could be used to study the soil, environment, and atmosphere of Mars, as well as the planet's physical fields, the distribution of water and ice, and its inner structure.

