
发布时间:2017-03-31 14:18


出国日常英语对话:Change My Seat

W: Excuse me, Sir, you are not supposed to smoke here.

M: I beg your pardon.

W: Your seat is in the non-smoking section, so please refrain from smoking.

M: Oh, I see, since I'm a heavy smoker. May I change my seat?

W: Then I'll try to find a seat in the smoking section. One moment. please.

( a few minutes later)

W: Thank you for waiting. I found a seat in the smoking section for you.

M: Oh, did you? Thanks a lot.

出国日常英语对话:bottoms up

W: excuse me,would you like a drink before a meal?

M: pardon me?

W: would you like a drink?

M: oh,i see.i'll have a beer please

W: ok,here you are

M: thank you.how much is it?

W: well,our drink including beer are free of charge.

M: are you sure?then i'd love more beer please

W: don't worry.i will be back again.a little later(a few minutes later)

W: are you finished?

M: yes,may i have some more beer

W: oh,sure.i'll be back in a few minutes

M: thank you for waiting,here it is.did you enjoy your meal?

W: did you enjoy your meal?

M: yes,the meal was very delicious.i am enjoy it very much,i am full

W: is that so,i am glad you enjoy it.

出国日常英语对话: Where is the toilet

M: by the way miss,where is the toilet?

W: toilets are in the rear,i am afraid all the toilet are fully occupied at the moment

M: what?oh,what we live!thank you very much for your help,miss.

W: you are welcom
