
发布时间:2016-11-17 17:53


This is the golden torch that will be carried by the 8,000 runners on the London 2012 relay.


The Olympic Flame will burn from a curved triangular aluminium tube which has a lace-like mesh complete with 8,000 holes - one to represent each torchbearer.

London 2012's Olympic torch relay will start on May 19 in Land's End and travel as far as the outer Hebrides.





文中的“Olympic torch”就是“奥运火炬”的意思,“torch”可以指“火把,火炬”或者“手电筒”,“carry a torch for someone”是指“暗恋某人”,如:He is still carrying a torch for an old sweetheart. (他依然痛苦地单恋着一位昔日的情人。)“torchbearer”是“火炬手”,“Olympic torch relay”是指“奥运火炬传递”。
