
发布时间:2017-03-07 08:36



First, in the study of theory, firm ideals and beliefs on the communist model.

Learning theory has a depth, there is a high level of understanding, check the pendulum problem and anatomical problems have the intensity. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the collection and study of Marxist-Leninist books and treatises, and collect more than 60 articles of the "Three Represents" and "Three Represents", and apply relevant articles to the political study of the departments. Recognizing that the ideals and beliefs of communism are not produced out of thin air, they are derived from the scientific understanding and rational grasp of the law of human social development and the value of life, and arises from the armament of Marxist theory.

Second, learning modern management knowledge, improve management ability to set an example.

Scientific and cultural management knowledge is the basis of social civilization, is the basis of social civilization, is the ladder of human progress, knowledge of the world economy is now emerging, economic globalization, the pace of information technology is faster and faster. Self-deep not wait for my urgency, therefore, can continue to learn the management of hotel and hotel knowledge, and from time to time to enrich the work to go. Actively promote the "model meeting room" in the department, named "service star", "recommended two books a month", calligraphy competition and other health activities.

Third, in the work attitude, style of doing a good example.

As a department manager, always forget the trust of the organization, treat the work diligently and earnestly, every day early, late, take the lead to comply with the rules and regulations of the unit, the leadership assigned to work can actively do a good job. Dare to clarify their own point of view, his integrity, style decent, able to put themselves under the leadership and supervision of the masses, not the hands of the power for personal self-interest, a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility.

4, concerned about the masses of life, to fulfill the "three represents" model.

To adhere to the principle of "three represents" means, in the final analysis, to unify and realize the fundamental interests of the people and the masses. Only by getting close to the masses and rooting in the masses and understanding the masses and benefiting the masses can they truly represent the masses. Therefore, in conjunction with the actual sector, there are plans for home away from the building staff home visits. Usually concerned about the suffering of the masses, sick employees condolences at home, the difficulties of individual families can also give employees the power to do the economic help. The building staff encountered legal problems can also be patient answers.


First, the study, the lack of Marxist-Leninist theory of systematic learning.

Second, the work of staff to carry out the value of incentives and emotional incentives to promote the work of the work there is still much to do.



I'm young in spirit. *in spirit“心理的”、“精神上的”。

I have a youthful spirit.

I'm young at heart.


I'm all thumbs. *thumb“大拇指”,注意b不发音。每根手指都像拇指一样笨手笨脚的。 Can't you fix it? (您能帮我修理一下吗?)

I'm all thumbs. (我可是笨手笨脚的。)

I'm clumsy.

I'm very clumsy.

I have butterfingers.

I'm (such) a klutz. *俚语。


I like being alone.

I enjoy having time to myself.

I'm a loner.


I'm easygoing. *easygoing“悠闲的”、“不小气的”、“不小心眼的”、“不拘小节的”。 I'm temperamental. (我爱发脾气。)

I'm not. I'm easygoing. (我可不是,我挺随和。)

I'm an optimist. (我是个乐天派。)

I'm carefree.

I like to take it easy.


I get embarrassed easily. *embarrass“使……发窘”、“使……尴尬”、“让……为难”。 Your face is red! (你脸都红了。)

I get embarrassed easily. (我遇事就慌。)


I'm practical about everything. *practical“(人或想法)很现实的”,褒义。

I like to be practical about things. (我喜欢现实地考虑问题。)

I'm a very practical person. (我是个非常现实的人。)


I have a one-track mind. *track 表示“轨道”,one-track表示“单线轨道”。这句话表示“只能考虑一件事的人”,一般为贬义。

I'm obsessed with one idea.

I can't take my mind off of... (我无法不去想……)


I'm a good judge of character. *judge“能辨别好坏的人”、“鉴定者”。

I have a good eye for character.

I'm a poor judge of character. (我不会看人。)


I have a sweet tooth. *have a sweet tooth 直译是“有甜牙”,实际意思是“爱吃甜食”。 You like sweets, don't you? (你爱吃甜食,是吗?)

Yeah, I have a sweet tooth. (是的,我爱吃甜食。)

I love sweets. (我特喜欢吃甜的。)


I prefer wine to sweets. *直译是“比起甜东西来我更爱喝酒”。

I prefer savory to sweet. (比起甜的来我更爱吃辣的。)


I have led a dog's life. *lead a dog's life 直译是“像狗一样的生活”。应该记住这句惯用表达方式。

I have had a miserable life.

I've had a terrible life.


I have poor eyesight.

I have good eyesight. (我的视力很好。)


Personal advantages:

First, the seven practices of skilled qc, qc seven methods can be applied to analyze problems and solve problems, this can reduce the company's product defect rate, cost savings.

Second, familiar with the Toyota production management model, high cost consciousness, reduce costs, seeking business growth. Third, standardize their work, correct work attitude, management standardization, job standardization.

Fourth, in the system for two months work, familiar with the management of day-to-day affairs, and presided over the internal audit and two systems of the trial.

Position: Quality Management

Personal advantages: First, familiar with the use of a variety of common gauge instrument, and two years of practical experience, holding the primary length measuring test certificate.

Second, can skillfully manipulate qc seven methods, through the computer proficiency Plato, histogram, the application of fish bone chart analysis of the causes of the problem, the use of control chart analysis of quality and process control, and the company staff training; Xx year in November to strengthen the quality of the month as the qq circle long, first of all seven practices circle, brainstorming, training methods and radar chart, and then in accordance with qc story qcc activities, and published results, and getQuality control minister of praise. Third, a certain understanding of ts16949, familiar with spc process statistics, msa measurement system analysis.

Fourth, have a good training experience, many of the training to the quality control practice staff, the favorite sentence is: Now, you are quality control personnel.




