
发布时间:2016-11-19 12:56


A suspected killer wolf caught by police is to be given a DNA test after a man said it was his pet dog, a husky.

The white-coated animal was caught on March 23 at Nanshahe town in Tengzhou, Shandong province, and identified by a local zoo as a 5-year-old she-wolf.

Police believe it was responsible for attacks on seven people, two of whom died.

But a local man surnamed Wang claimed it was his pet dog Lady that he had reared for two years, and who was gentle in nature.







文中的“husky”就是“哈士奇”的意思,是一种狗。“husky”在作形容此时可以指“沙哑的”,如:husky whisper 沙哑的耳语,或者指“魁梧的”,如:husky man 魁梧的男人。文中的“wolf”是指“狼”,我们来看一些和“wolf”相关的常用语:cry wolf 发假警报;throw to the wolves 送入虎口,置于险境;keep the wolf from the door 勉强度日,wolf in sheep's clothing披着羊皮的狼,lone wolf 喜欢独来独往的人。
