
发布时间:2016-11-19 12:56


The 71-year-old carried on his daily activities only after attending a special memorial on Wednesday morning to mark the emancipation of serfs.

Tens of thousands of Tibetans flooded streets, squares, public parks and religious sites on Wednesday to celebrate the 53rd anniversary of the abolition of feudal serfdom in Tibet.





文中的emancipation of serfs就是“农奴解放”的意思。serf指农奴,serfdom指“农奴制”,emancipation为名词,意为“解放”,其动词形式为emancipate,常用的表达为emancipate sb. from sth.。liberate和set free也可表示解放。文末的abolition of feudal serfdom意为“废除封建农奴制”,abolition为名词,意为“废除”,其动词形式为abolish。
