
发布时间:2017-01-03 10:48



短篇英语文章:Kiss of Reality

To talk of illusions, are't they great? Illusion or day dreaming help us to think of what we want to become in life. We literally see how life revolves us in that position. It's an entirely different world of pleasure, comfort and imagination. Most of our day dreaming or illusions make us more and more egocentric. The word ego means self. Hence by dreaming and visualization we become self-centered. We never realize that things we dream of can be achieved by us by programming ourselves to work for it. But somehow the pleasure of dreaming ourselves as someone important takes us away from the realistic approach to achieve that level of self-satisfaction and self-accomplishment.

This leads to an increase in the frustration levels of our mind. Why frustrations? This is because what we are, and what we dream of are totally different. We raise ourselves to a very high pedestal and we see that we are not able to live up to our expectations. And when this happens, we become mentally restless.

The vital solution that will dissolve all our problems is to make up our minds to get realistic. This approach will make us come in terms with reality. And there is no better road to self-improvement rather than the path of reality. When you gauge yourself, you subconsciously make two columns in your mind. One consists of the things that you are good at, and the other consists of the ares where you can improve. And believe it will boost us to work on our weak areas and strengthen them. Fortifying your weak areas will harness your conscience and improve you convert would be to must be. And when someting must happen, it always happens. This new you will improve you for the better and increase your levels of self-esteem.It will change your outlook to things.

I would like to type the thoughts that have just sprung up in my mind. Read and ponder on each line.I admit that it's a sad aim at poetry, but I am allowing my mind to control my typing.

If you want to achieve what you couldn't have

If you want to be what you want to be

If you want to do what you can do,

but aren't doing

If there is a place,you want to be

but haven't been

You will get there, become the one and do it

Cos its all in a state of mind.

Make up your mind and rule the stars.

Control your mind and make your fate.

I hope this conveys my thoughts with clarity. So it's some advice and suggestion to all those eyeballs running through this part of the book, to keep their heads on their shoulders without using heads and shoulders! And believe me guys; you guys have it in you to make it big. Just don't let that teenage iconoclastic habit rule over sense.

短篇英语文章:Listen to Your Inner Voice

Very much, ever since you were brought into this world. When you coulden't open your mouth till the first two years on planet earth, inner voice is the one through which you interpreted and understood things.

Inner voice is the voice mouth of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is always acting as a secondary reflector of thoughts and ideas in the body. It justifies and rationalizes what is right and what is wrong. When we go aganist what the inner voice say we get a guilty conscious and are bothered by it throughout our lives.

At times when we are feeling low or those unforgettable moments when we are let down, we seem to need some kind of emotional or mental support. We usually speak to our closest pal or our dearest family member during times of distress to ease the burden. At such times we get over the initial drizzle of emotional anxiety and mental restlessness, because of the pepping up by our empathic listener. we suddenly feel rejuvenated because our inner voice alerts us to get on with things and leave the things of past on the memory books of our brain.

The inner voice is always right most of the times because it knows us better than others and probably even ourselves. It is the dare devil child of the intuitions which we have been having since childhood. It's good to go by intuitions most of the tims because its the response provided due to the synchronism between our mental and physical being.

Whenever you are trying your first cigarette, or whenever you are asked to take sides in an argument, you are always in a sense of dilemma. During these times your inner voice automatically gives its verdict, which when over written, might leave us unhappy in the future. It's up to us to either ignore the morale booster inside us or go out to the world and search for spiritual guru's and happiness, when all these things are very much present within us.

短篇英语文章:Importance of Time

They say Life and Death are not in anyone's hands.

They are things that just happen every time and with everyone. Same is the case with time. Most of the times we take it for granted that there is always plenty of time. Due to this perhaps we indulge in various activities, which are a wholesale waste of time.

The clock is always ticking. The seconds keep on ticking just like busy ants. The ants keep themselves always busy by always hunting for food everywhere. Similarly the seconds always keep on ticking to attain short-term goals of making a minute with 60 ticks. After reaching a milestone of a minute the second's hand of a clock don't take a break, but start afresh for another round of 60 ticks. The take it minute by minute and inadvertently reach a quarter of an hour, and hour and then a day. They always focus on the smaller targets-that is a minute and the bigger aim of the clock itself gets fulfilled. That's why the minutes hand have to work less, as the seconds hand does most of the running around. The minute hand just has to make 60 movements on a clock dial. The hours hand is the luckiest of the lot. It just moves for 12 times in an hour. But the seconds hand movies for 3600 times around the dial for the same hour!

Parallel to this, in our life to we never realizes that we have lots to do. Between every big task we can always find enough time to fit in a plethora of smaller tasks. If you are waiting for a train at the station, you can always read a magazine or rather chalk out your study timetable for exams. While traveling in the bus too one can find enough time to at least skim through the previous days notes.

Be like the clock. Always keep on ticking by involving yourself in various things and learning new things. These small knowledge and experience modules will perhaps one day take you to your bigger goal some day. They say "Time and Tide waits for no man". If so, now stop staring at the screen and utilize your time effectively!
