1. Indra Nooyi
Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo
Indra Nooyi joined PepsiCo in 1994 and was named president and CFO in 2001. She has directed the company s global strategy for more than a decade and led PepsiCo's restructuring, including the 1997 divestiture of its restaurants into Tricon, now known as Yum! In 2007 she became the fifth CEO in PepsiCo's 44-year history. Business officials rave at her ability to drive deep and hard while maintaining a sense of heart and fun. According to Business Week, since she started as CFO in 2000,the company's annual revenues have risen 72%, while net profit more than doubled. She's back on top for the fourth year, delivering strong profits on $43 billion in sales. Her August deal to buy Pepsi's two biggest bottlers should produce some $300 million in annual cost savings. One weak spot: Consumers panned the rebranding of Gatorade and Tropicana.
百事可乐的董事长兼首席执行官:英德拉 努伊
英德拉·努伊在 1994年加入百事可乐,并于2001年被任命为总裁兼首席财务宫。她指导公司的全球策略达十余年,领导百事可乐进行重组,包括 1997年剥离旗下餐馆,组建为百胜公司,即现在的YUM!。在2007年,她成为百事可乐44年历史上第五位首席执行官。业界的管理人士都盛赞她不仅有投入和努力拼搏的工作干劲,同时还保持着用心经营、乐观面对生活的良好心态。《商业周刊》称,自从2000年她担任首席财务官以来,百事可乐的年度收入增长了72%,净利润则增长了一倍多。这已是她第四次位居榜首,而百事可乐去年的销售额达的时乙美元。将购买两家最大的灌装厂,此举将使百事可乐每年节省3亿美元的开支。美中不足的是:佳得乐和果缤纷改头换面后,引来消费者骂声一片。
2. Irene Rosenfeld
Chairman and CEO of Kraft Foods
Irene Rosenfeld was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Kraft Foods in June 2006. She was appointed to the additional post of Chairman in March 2007, following Altria Group' s spin-off of Kraft. Rosenfeld has worked for 25 years in the food and beverage industry. She holds a Ph.D. in Marketing and Statistics, a Master of Science in Business Administration, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Cornell University. This pianist and avid Rollerblader has advertised heavily during the recession to keep sales of macaroni and cheese and kool-Aldflowing. Revenue was up 15% in 2008,and the stock -a recent addition to the Dow 30 -outperformed the S&P over the past year.
3. Pat Woertz
Chairman, CEO, and president of Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)
Patricia Woertz became CEO of ADM in 2006. Formerly an Executive Vice President at Chevron Corporation, Woertz left to pursue CEO opportunities. Born in Pennsylvania in 1953, she studied accounting at Penn State University, graduating in 1974. She first worked for Ernst & Young in Pittsburgh, then moved to Gulf Oil, an Ernst & Young c1ient. There she rose steadily through the ranks. The soybean company' s queen has bet big on ethanol1 , and ADM' s stock has risen 15% over the past 12 months. Woertz, who spent three decades in the oil industry before joining ADM, also sits on the Procter & Gamble board.
帕特丽夏·伍尔兹于2006年出任ADM的首席执行官。此前伍尔兹是雪佛龙石油公司的执行副总裁,离职后便追求变身首席执行官的机遇。1953年她出生于宾夕法尼亚州,在宾州州立大学学习会计学,并在 1974年毕业。起初她在匹兹堡的安永会计师事务所工作,随后到安永客户海湾石油公司工作。在那里,她稳步升迁,职位越做越高。作为ADM这家大豆油公司的掌舵人,她将巨额赌注押在乙醇上,最终ADM的股票在一年里升值15%。在加人ADM之前,伍尔兹曾从事石油业达30年之久,直到现在,她还是宝洁公司的董事。
4. Angela Braly
President and CEO of Wellpoint
Angela Braly received her undergraduate degree from Texas Tech University in 1982 and her Juris Doctor from Southern Methodist University School of Law. In January 1999, Braly joined Wellpoint, a large U.S.-based health care company. Prior to her current position, Braly served as executive vice president, general counsel and chief public affairs officer for WellPoint. In that role, she was responsible for public policy development, government relations, legal affairs, corporate communications, marketing, and social responsibility initiatives. A Texan who started out as a waitress, Braly now runs a $61 billion health insurer with 34 million members一more than any competitor. With a public insurance plan all but off the table, WellPoint's stock is up 71% since March.