
发布时间:2017-02-26 08:02




Unit 20 Private Transportation

专 用 交 通 工 具

Part One: Expressions

1. I didn’t know you biked to work.


2. How far is it?


3. It takes me about an hour.


4. You’re doing your part for the environment by using public transportation, too.


5. It helps keep me fit.


6. I finally got rid of that old Nissan that got me through college.


7. How much did you pay?


8. Does that mean you’re not going to take the train to work anymore?


9. What to go for a ride?


10. Come on.


Part Two: Dialogues

1. Bikes自行车

A: Hey, Jim. I didn’t know you biked to work.

B: Yeah, it helps keep me fit and helps the environment, too.

A: One less car on the road means less pollution.

B: Right. Since my work is near a park, it’s a really nice ride, too.

A: How far is it?

B: Oh, about 10 miles. It takes me about an hour.

A: That doesn’t sound too bad. I wish I could do it, but I work in the city. So I take the train.

B: You’re doing your part for the environment by using public transportation, too.

A: True. Well, see you tomorrow.

B: See you.

A: 嘿,吉姆。我可不知道你骑自行车上班。

B: 是这样。他可以帮助我保持体形,同时也有利于环境。

A: 马路上车少也意味着污染更少。

B: 是呀。我上班的地方挨着公园,骑车是件很惬意的事情。

A: 有多远。

B: 哦,大概10英里。花大概1个小时。

A: 那还不至于太糟糕。我希望我也可以这样,可是我在市区上班,所以坐火车去。

B: 使用公交车也算是为环境尽了一点你自己的力量。

A: 这倒是。好了,明天见。

B: 再见。

2. Private Cars 私人汽车

A: Hey, John. Nice car.

B: Thanks. I finally got rid of that old Nissan that got me through college.

A: What is this, the new Ford?

B: No, it’s last year’s model.

A: True. How much did you pay?

B: $14,500. It only has 10,000 miles on it, so it’s like a new car.

A: Does that mean you’re not going to take the train to work anymore?

B: Well, sometimes, I think it’ll be nice to drive to work instead. We’ll see. Want to go for a ride?

A: Yeah, sure.

B: Come on.

A: 嘿,约翰,好漂亮的汽车。

B: 谢谢。我最终摆脱了大学时代用的旧尼桑。

A: 这是什么车?新款福特?

B: 不是,是去年的车型。

A: 是嘛。多少钱?


A: 这是否意味着你不再坐火车上班了?

B: 哦,有时候还是会的。我想改成开车去上班更惬意。看吧。想不想出去兜兜风?

A: 好,当然想。

B: 来吧。

Part Three: Substitution Drills

1. A: I didn’t know you (biked/ rode your bike/ bicycled) to work.

B: Yeah.



2. A: How (far/ close/ long of a trip) is it?

B: It’s about 10 miles.



3. A: (It takes me/ The ride is/ My trip takes) about an hour.

B: That’s not too bad.



4. A: You’re (doing your part for/ helping/ helping out) the environment by using public transportation, too.

B: True.



5. A: It helps keep me (fit/ healthy/ in shape).

B: That’s good.



6. A: I finally (got rid of/ sold/ threw away) that old Nissan that got me through college.

B: And bought this new car?



7. A: How much (did you pay/ did it cost/ was it)?

B: $14,000.



8. A: Does that mean you’re not (going to take/ taking/ going to ride/ riding) the train to work anymore?

B: Sometimes.



9. A: Want to go for a (ride/ drive/ spin)?

B: Sure.



10. A: (Come on. / Let’s go. / Let’s roll.)

B: O.K.



Part Four: Monologue

Americans love big cars. They buy huge trucks and sport utility vehicles (SUVs) that could go across a desert and back to take their kids to school. It really is a horrible thing for the environment, since these vehicles produce more pollution and use more gas than smaller vehicles. For Americans, however, cars are more than just a way to get somewhere. They’re symbols of wealth, and sometimes, the one place they can get away from everything. Driving in their cars by themselves, they don’t have to think about their work, family, love-life, or anything else but the open road. They put some good music on the car stereo, turn on the air conditioner, roll up the windows, and just drive.



Unit 19 Public Transportation

交 通

Part One: Expressions

1.Can’t you see there’s a line?


2. You haven’t taken the bus before?


3. Besides, you should let old people on first.


4. Excuse me, how do I get to Wall Street?


5. You should be able to find it from there.


6. Let the people off the train before you get on.


7. It’s faster than taking the bus or the subway.


8. Can I help you?


9. Would you like a window or an aisle seat?


10. I want an aisle seat.


Part Two Dialogues

1. Buses 坐公车

A: Hey, buddy, can’t you see there’s a line?

B: Oh, sorry. I didn’t know.

A: What? You haven’t taken the bus before?

B: No, I’m afraid not.

A: Well, you have to wait in line like everyone else. Besides, you should let old people on first.

B: Sorry.

A: It’s all right. Where are you going?

B: I wanted to see the White House.

A: Oh, well you don’t want this bus, anyway. It goes to Georgetown.

B: Oh, no.

A: It’s all right, though. Just get off at the next stop and catch the 79A.

B: Oh, well thank you very much.

A: You’re welcome.

A: 嘿,朋友,你没看到有一条线吗?

B: 哦,对不起。我不知道。

A: 什么?你以前没有坐过公车吗?

B: 没有,恐怕我真没有。

A: 那么,你必须和其他人一样排队等候。而且,你应该让老人先上(车)。

B: 很抱歉。

A: 没什么了。你去哪里?

B: 我想去瞧瞧白宫。

A: 哦,可是,你不用坐这趟公车的。这车是开往乔治敦的。

B: 噢,糟糕。

A: 不过也没关系。可以在下一站下车改坐79A。

B: 噢,好的,很感谢你。

A: 不客气。

2. Subways & Urban Railways地铁和市区铁路

A: Excuse me, how do I get to Wall Street?

B: Take the A train south to the Liberty Ave. stop. You should be able to find it from there.

A: I’m sorry, but how do I know the subway train is going south?

B: The southbound A trains say Brooklyn.

A: O.K., so it’s this one?

B: Yeah. Hey? What are you doing? Let the people off the train before you get on.

A: Oh, sorry.

B: Jeez. Tourists.

A: 打扰一下,请问去华尔街怎么走?

B: 坐往南开的A 列车到自由大街站。在那儿你就可以找到了。

A: 抱歉。我如何知道地铁是往南开的呢?

B: 往南开的A列地铁上写着 “布鲁克林”。

A: 噢,所以就是这列了。

B: 对了。嘿,你在干什么?坐车先下后上。

A: 噢,抱歉。

B: 天哪,这些游客。

3. Taxicabs 出租车

A: Oh, no. We’re going to be late for the meeting.

B: No. We’ll get a cab. It’s faster than taking the bus or the subway.

A: Oh, good.

A: How much will it cost?

B: Well, cabs are more expensive than the bus or the subway. It’ll probably cost around six dollars.

B: Taxi!!!

A: I can’t find the business card. Do you know the address?

B: Yeah. I met with them back in March, remember?

A: Right.

B: Driver, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., please.

A: 噢,糟糕。我们开会要迟到了。

B: 不会的。我们坐出租车去。那比坐公车或搭地铁快。

A: 哦,好啊。

B: 要多少钱?

A: 嗯,坐出租车比坐公车或地铁贵。可能大概要花6美元吧。

B: 出租车!!!

A: 我找不到名片了,你知道地址吗?

B: 知道。我在三月还和他们见过面,记得吗?

A: 对呀。

B: 司机。去宾夕法尼亚大街1600号。

4. Airlines航班

A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

B: Yes, I need to check-in for the 11:20 flight to New York, please.

A: O.K. Ticket, please.

B: Here you are.

A: Would you like a window or an aisle seat, Mr. Smith?

B: I want an aisle seat as close to the exit door as possible, please.

A: Very well. Do you have any bags to check?

B: No, I just have this one small bag.

A: Here you are, seat 12c. Please go to gate 23 after passing through the security checkpoint.

B: Thank you.

A: Have a nice day.

B: You, too.

A: 早上好,先生。可以为您效劳吗?

B: 好的,我要办理11点20分开往纽约的航班的登机手续。

A: 好的,您的票据呢?

B: 在这儿。

A: 您想要靠窗还是靠过道的座位,史密斯先生。

B: 我想要靠过道的座位,尽可能靠近出口的。

A: 好的,您有行李要托运吗?

B: 没有,我只有这个小包。

A: 给您的票,座位是12c。通过安全关卡后请到23号门。

B: 谢谢你。

A: 祝您愉快。

B: 你也是。

Part Three: Substitution Drills

1. A: (Can’t you/ Don’t you) see there’s a line?

B: Oh, sorry.



2. A: You haven’t (taken/ ridden/ been on) the bus before?

B: No, I’m afraid not.



3. A: Besides, you should let (old people/ children/ pregnant women) on first.

B: Oh, I didn’t know, sorry.



4. A: (Excuse me/ Pardon me/ I beg your pardon), how do I get to Wall Street?

B: Take the A train…



5. A: You (should/ will) be able to find it from there.

B: O.K. Thank you.



6. A: Let the people (off/ get off/ disembark from) the train before you get on.

B: I see, that makes more sense, doesn’t it?



7. A: It’s (faster/ slower/ more expensive) than taking the bus or the subway.

B: Oh, o.k.



8. A: (May/ Can) I help you?

B: Yes. I need to check-in.



9. A: Would you like (a window or an aisle seat/ smoking or non-smoking/ first or business class)?

B: An aisle/ window seat. / Smoking./ Non-smoking. / First class./ Business class.



10. A: I just have this one small (bag/ carry-on/ piece of luggage).

B: O.K. Here’s your ticket, sir. Thank you.



Part Four: Monologue

The public transportation systems in most big cities in America are very good. New York, especially, has one of the largest and most useful subway and bus systems in the world. Public transportation helps to cut down on pollution and traffic. In big cities, with so many people, this is a very important problem. However, Americans do love their cars. The average family has two. So much more money goes into building roads, than new subway or train lines. In some cities, like Atlanta, this has meant a quick increase in pollution and traffic congestion as its population has grown.



Unit 18 The Internet & Email因 特 网 和 电 子 邮 件

Part One: Expressions

1.How do I set up an email account?


2. Go to yahoo.com.


3. It’s asking me for a password.


4. What do you want to find?


5. I want to find information on the American Civil War.


6. If I’m interested, I’ll go to the library.


7. Can you find a good price there?


8. You don’t have to be mean.


9. I’ll let you know what I find.


10. Have you tried the Internet?


Part Two: Dialogues

1.E-mail account 电子邮件帐户

A: How do I set up an email account?

B: Oh, that’s easy. Go to yahoo.com. Now, click on the link with the picture of an envelope.

A: Which link?

B: That one, the one that says, “Mail.”

A: Oh, no. What did I do? It’s asking me for a password.

B: Don’t worry. See where it says, “New User”?

A: Yes.

B: Click on that.

A: Oh, I see.

B: Yeah, just fill out this form and choose a password. The computer will do the rest.

A: 我怎样可以建立一个电子邮件账户?

B: 哦,那很容易。上雅虎网站。现在,点击这个图片为信封的链接。

A: 哪一个链接?

B: 那个,叫做“邮件”。

A: 哦,不,我做了什么?它要我输入密码。

B: 别急。看是是否问是新用户?

A: 是的。

B: 点击这个。

A: 哦,我知道了。

B: 是的,填了这张表,选择一个密码。其他的就交给电脑来做。

2.Searching 查找资料

A: Can you help me do an internet search?

B: Sure. What do you want to find?

A: I want to find information on the American Civil War.

B: Well, can you be more specific? There are a lot of websites about that.

A: Yes, I want to know about the battle of Gettysburg.

B: O.K. Well, go to google.com, and type in “Battle of Gettysburg.”

A: Oh wow, there are a lot of sites.

B: Here, try this one. It’s a good site about Gettysburg.

A: Thanks.

B: For detailed information, however, you should read a history book.

A: Thanks. If I’m interested, I’ll go to the library.

A: 你能帮助我上网查找吗?

B: 当然。你想查找什么?

A: 我想找一些美国内战的相关资料。

B: 喔,你能再具体一些吗?相关网站可有不计其数。

A: 好的,我想了解关于葛底斯堡战役的事情。

B: 好的,好,上google网站,输入“Battle of Gettysburg”。

A: 哇,有这么多网站。

B: 这儿,点击这个试一试。这是关于葛底斯堡战役的一个挺好的网址。

A: 谢谢。

B: 可是,要查到详细的资料,你应该看看历史书。

A: 谢谢。如果我感兴趣的话,我会去图书馆的。

3.Shopping on the Internet 网上购物

A: I really want to go to China for vacation, but I can’t find a cheap plane ticket.

B: Have you tried the Internet?

A: No, not yet. Can you find a good price there?

B: Wow, you really live in the Stone Age, Mom.

A: Well, you don’t have to be mean. How do I do it?

B: Go to yahoo.com and click on “Travel” and “Tickets.” They’ll be about a billion sites to look at.

A: O.K. Thanks. I’ll let you know what I find.

B: All right.

A: I’ll look for a ticket for you, too. Thanks.

A: 我想去中国度假,可是买不到价钱便宜的机票。

B: 你上网试过了吗?

A: 不,还没有。你可以查到价钱合适的吗?

B: 哇,妈妈,你还生活在石器时代。

A: 你不要这么小气。我该怎么查找?

B: 上雅虎网站,点击“旅游”和 “车票”。就有成千上万的网站供你查找的。

A: 好了,谢谢。我找到了会告诉你的。

B: 好的。

A: 我也会帮你看看票的。谢谢你。

Part Three: Substitution Drills

1. A: How do I (set up/ get/ sign up for) an email account?

B: Oh, that’s easy.



2. A: (Go to/ Type in/ Open up) yahoo.com.

B: O.K.



3. A: It’s asking me for a (password/ username/ my email address).

B: Don’t worry.



4. A: What do you want to (find/ search for/ research)?

B: The American Civil War.



5. A: I want to find (information/ stuff/ websites) on the American Civil War.

B: Can you be more specific?



6. If (I’m interested/ I want to/ I decide to), I’ll go to the library.


7. A: Can you find a good (price/ deal/ bargain) there?

B: Wow, you really live in the Stone Age.



8. A: You don’t have to (be mean/ a jerk about it/ put me down).

B: Sorry.



9. A: I’ll (let you know/ tell you/ show you) what I find.

B: O.K., I’ll look too.



10. A: Have you tried (the Internet/ some websites)?

B: No.



Part Four: Monologue

The Internet has changed the way Americans do many things. Increasingly, Americans use the Internet to shop, bank, keep in touch through email and chatting, get their news, and research topics of interest. Websites such as ebay let them pursue hobbies such as coin or stamp collecting. You can even get radio and television shows on the internet. Email is still the most common use of the internet, and its uses are growing everyday. People joke that soon the only reason to leave your house will be to find a wife, since you’ll be able to do everything else over the Internet.

