
发布时间:2016-12-01 22:54



In the dense mountain forest, there lived herds of stout and strong red deer. They were alert and suspicious animals and ran about with agility. It was very difficult for people to catch them. When some people came to the mountains to hunt, they would


first seek for yu (supervisor of the mountain forests in ancient times), request him to be their guide, and inquire in detail about the red deer's pattern of activities and their usual haunts. Only with full preparations would they carry their knives and arrows, lead their hounds and enter the dense forest for the siege. As a result, all the red deer dashed into their ring of encirclement, and one by one fell dead under the rainfall of arrows.


But when some other people came to the mountains to hunt, they would not first seek for yu to fmd out the situation, but rushed rashly into the forest. As a result, after a busy day they couldn't find a single trace of red deer and could only return de jectedly with empty hands.



During the Spring and Autumn Period (770一476 B.C.), a skillful craftsman named Gongshu Zi in the State of Lu, known to people as "Lu Ban", made a magpie with bamboo and wood.


A machine was installed in this magpie which, when started, could fly high like a real bird. It actually flew continually for three days and nights before it landed.


Gongshu Zi greatly appreciated this excellent work of his own.


When Mo Zi (Master of the Mohist School) heard of this, he went immediately to see Gongshu Zi and said to him:


"As you know, it takes an ordinary carpenter a very short time to make a linchpin of a wheel with the minimum amount of timber. A vehicle with a linchpin inserted into each end of an axle can carry many things and bear a heavy load of 50 dan(1 hectolitre). But you took painstaking effort to make this wooden magpie. Though pretty and able to fly, it cannot compare with the linchpin in terms of practical value. Things made by a carpenter should be useful for people's life, so that everyone will praise him for his cleverness and skill. Otherwise, he is bound to be derided."



Once upon a time, there was a young girl wearing a strand of precious pearls around her neck and a jade loop around her waist, and carrying a great deal of gold with her.


One day, while walking in the hills, she encountered a bandit and was very much frightened.


When the bandit saw the gold, silver and other treasures, an evil thought occurred to him. Holding a weapon in his hand, he intended to rob her. The young girl was scared out of her wits. Trembling all over and not daring to look at him squarely in the face, she quickly bent and knelt down before the bandit, begging

him piteously, and saying that she was even willing to marry him to be his concubine.


Yet, the atrocious bandit still killed her in the end.


It is thus clear that one should never expect mercy from a bandit.

