牛津译林版高一英语必修一Unit 1练习试题及答案

发布时间:2017-04-09 00:25

每每临近期末的时候,对于高一英语的复习要怎样做好练习呢?还很困惑的话,那不妨和小编一起来做份牛津译林版高一英语必修一Unit 1练习试题,希望对各位有帮助!

牛津译林版高一英语必修一Unit 1练习试题

1.—Guess what, we've got our visas for a shortterm visit to the UK this summer.

—How nice! You________a different culture then.

A.will be experiencing

B.have experienced

C.have been experiencing

D.will have experienced

2.Some people________playing football while others enjoy________football matches.

A.be fond of; watch B.are fond; watching

C.are fond of; watched D.are fond of; watching

3.Harry has been out of work for six months,so he has difficulty________.

A.earning livings B.earning his living

C.to earn livings D.to earn his living

4.He has devoted all his time________the disabled(残疾人) in the past years.

A.to help B.to helping

C.help D.helped

5.This was the best plan________was based on a number of reporters.

A.where B.what

C.that D.how

6.—Hi,Mary,what are you doing these days?

—I am________the examination.

A.preparing for B.preparing

C.prepared for D.preparing to

7.(2013•长沙高一检测)—Haven't you realized the use________the used paper?

—Yes, already.

A.we make of B.which we make

C.for our making D.for us to make

8.The doctor says________may be necessary for me to have an operation.

A.it B.that

C.which D.what

9.As a student of Senior Three, he has very little free time________he can spend developing his own interest.

A.when B.in which

C.at which D.that

10.What an enjoyable town it________! But now there are so many factories and so much pollution.

A.used to be B.was used to be

C.was used to being D.used to being

11.________regular(有规律的) exercise is very important, it's never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime.

A.If B.As

C.Though D.Unless

12.The way she thought of________money was to sell her hair.

A.got B.getting

C.to get D.get

13.All people,________they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster(灾难).

A.though B.whether

C.if D.however

14.(2013•益阳高一质检)He is________my English teacher. He is in a way a friend to me.

A.no more than B.nothing but

C.not more than D.more than

15.That's the new machine________parts are too small to be seen.

A.that B.which

C.whose D.what

Section B(18 marks)

Mr. and Mrs.King have lived in our town for nearly twenty years. They have a bookshop by the bus station. They're__16__to everybody and have a lot of friends. They often__17__the poor students and sell them some books cheaply. So there're many young men in their shop. Of course people__18__them and their friends often call on(拜访) them and__19__them. We can always hear their rooms are full of__20__and quarrel.

It was a Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs.King were going to have a picnic on the island the next morning. It was a little far from our town. So they had to__21__earlier than usual to catch a six o'clock train. After supper a few friends came to see them while they were cooking some__22__and drinks for the picnic. Mr.King and his wife had to stop to__23__them. They talked a lot and few of them looked at the__24__on the wall. Mr. and Mrs.King were anxious(焦急) but they couldn't tell the visitors about it. The woman thought for a few__25__and had an idea. She said to her husband, “Oh, it's eleven o'clock! You'd better stop talking, dear! Our guests are anxious to__26__!

Mr.King heard this and stood up and said__27__to the visitors and they left soon.

16.A.had B.polite

C.cold D.careful

17.A.help B.hurt

C.hit D.watch

18.A.know B.understand

C.meet D.like

19.A.play with B.fight with

C.talk with D.catch up with

20.A.cry B.shout

C.noise D.laugh

21.A.go to work B.get up

C.go to sleep D.open the shop

22.A.clothes B.bags

C.books D.food

23.A.get B.receive

C.make D.accept

24.A.phone B.photo

C.clock D.picture

25.A.minutes B.days

C.weeks D.months

26.A.go home B.go to bed

C.go shopping D.have a rest

牛津译林版高一英语必修一Unit 1练习试题及答案的评论条评论