
发布时间:2017-03-15 01:20




cashew; Anacardium occidentale; cashew nut ;



Cashew nuts and walnuts are both nuts.


He sells me a bag of nuts for a pittance andrefuses to accept a tip.




The cashew nuts contain a toxin which is eliminated through frying.


Cashew nuts and walnuts are both nuts.


The method can improve the yield and purity of the cardanol.


Cashews are a good source of iron and folic acid.


Cashew nuts are rich in carbohydrate.


Control measures of major pests and diseases are also described in this paper.


The edible seeds are referred to as cashew nuts.


Phenolic resin modified by melamine and cashew nul shell oil can be used as adhesive for various base materials in brake shoes.

1. Cashew nuts are rich in carbohydrate. 腰果含丰富碳水化合物.

2. A person who is allergic to cashews may break out in a rash when he consumes these nuts. 对腰果过敏的人吃了这些坚果后身上可能会出疹子。

3. The output of some export crops, notably cashews, cotton, and pyrethrum, felldrastically. 有几种出口农作物, 特别是腰果 、 棉花和除虫菊的产量大幅度下降.

4. They liked to eat nuts, such as cashew nuts and walnuts. 他们喜欢吃坚果, 比如腰果和核桃.牛奶用来给他们的身体提供养分.

5. Ella's original creation , Fairtrade Cashew Butter Cookie could be youranswer. 胡慧贤)原创之公平贸易腰果曲奇能为你提供答案.

6. Chop cashew nuts, pine nuts, peanuts and pumpkin seeds. Mix themtogether. 把腰果 、 松仁 、 花生、南瓜子切成碎,混合在一起.

7. HL series of shoe adhesives, since the hard Furan Resin, cashew oil. HL系列鞋用胶粘剂, 自硬呋喃树脂, 腰果油等.

8. Each nut grows inside a small, pear - shaped peduncle — a false fruit. 每颗腰果位于一条梨形的小肉茎中, 也就是假果.

9. People love all kinds of nuts: peanuts, cashews, walnuts, pecans and more. 各式各样的坚果广受人们喜爱: 有花生 、 腰果 、 胡桃 、 美洲薄壳胡桃等许多种.

10. Lightly press with hazelnuts or cashew nuts to flatten the cookies. 用榛子或腰果轻轻压平饼干.

11. Buy: broccoli, cauliflower, red kidney bean, lotus root, frozen strawberry. 采购: 西兰花, 花菜, 红腰果, 藕, 冷冻草莓.

12. Ferrous and Non Ferrous Scrap, Cashew Nuts , Raw Cotton. 采购产品有色金属和非有色金属废料, 腰果,原棉.

13. Sprinkle the deep - fried shallots, cashew nuts, sultanas and coriander ontop. 然后撒上炸脆的乾葱头 、 腰果 、 无核提子乾和芫荽.

14. Cashew nuts and walnuts are both nuts. 腰果和核桃都是坚果.

15. Or, how about shelled shrimps with cashew nuts? 要么, 腰果虾仁 怎么样 ?

16. Yes, every dish was delicious, especially the fried shrimps with cashews andchestnut chicken stew. 是的, 每一道菜都很香, 特别是腰果炒虾仁和栗子炖鸡.

17. It's known that tree nuts, such as cashews and walnuts, can trigger seriousallergic reactions. 大家知道吃腰果和胡桃这些树上生长的坚果会引起严重的过敏反应.

18. Seed green bell pepper and tomato . Chop. Wash cashew. Bake until goldenbrown. Set aside. 青椒和番茄洗净去瓢,切块. 腰果洗净后放于焗炉内焗至金黄色, 备用.

19. Cardanol - aldehyde ferric polymers were prepared by condensationpolymerization with formaldehyde, n - butyl aldehyde, furfural and iron trichloride ... 以溶液缩聚法,由腰果酚分别与甲醛 、 正丁醛 、 糠醛和三氯化铁制备了腰果酚醛铁聚合物.

20. There were also significant increases in exports of natural products such asfish and cashew nuts. 自然产品(如鱼类和腰果)的出口有显著增长.
