
发布时间:2017-06-13 09:00

Next Plane Home,只要你想,这首英文歌就能代表你的爱情。下面是小编给大家整理的代表爱情的英文歌,供大家参阅!


Next Plane Home歌手简介

丹尼尔·理查德·波特(Daniel Richard Powter),亦作丹尼尔·帕德,1971年2月25日,出生于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省弗农市的欧垦娜根山谷地区,加拿大唱作音乐人。

丹尼尔·波特在2005年发行了自己的首支单曲作品《Bad Day》。《Bad Day》一经发行便在法国、德国、美国、加拿大等多个国家和地区的单曲榜夺得冠军,并且成为了世界上第一首付费下载量超过200万的歌曲。2005年发行了录音室专辑《Daniel Powter 同名专辑》。2006年获得朱诺奖最佳新人奖。2007年获得格莱美最佳流行男歌手提名。2008年发行录音室专辑《Under The Radar》。2010年发行精选集《Best of Me》。2012年发行录音室专辑《Turn On The Lights》。

Next Plane Home歌手介绍


在仅四岁的时候,丹尼尔就开始在母亲的钢琴伴奏下学习练习小提琴。天资聪慧,进步神速的丹尼尔不久之后就可以在学校举办的活动中演出,甚至10岁时就开始尝试作曲。 但这同时也招来了同学的嫉妒和围攻。因为患有严重的诵读困难症,难以阅读乐谱的丹尼尔还遭到了小提琴老师的侮辱,在这之后,丹尼尔再也没有碰过小提琴。 在母亲的影响下丹尼尔开始试着学习钢琴,而他也一下就为这种“能够同时奏出多种音色”的乐器所着迷。 无法阅读琴谱的他靠听力学会了弹奏钢琴。

Next Plane Home歌词

I woke up early to baby blue eyes from afar

And when the sun comes through

Lights you like the angel you are

I know I do you wrong

When I'm with you I've been gone

With every season change it looks the same

November to June

And on these empty streets

I skip a beat the flowers don’t bloom

I can't believe I missed your birthday again

And I want to come back

But I just don't know when, now

And I'm so lonely

You're not here with me

That’s why I'm gonna be on the next plane home

The road that never ends

Round the bend I see you smile

I'd swim across the sea

To be with you for awhile

Cause I made a life of being gone

Now the way that I feel is that I just don't belong here

And I'm so lonely

You're not here with me

That's why I'm gonna be on the next plane home

And you're, you're zhe800y.com place I wanna see

That’s why I'm gonna be on the next plane home

I stand around trying to make every moment

And be somebody yeah anybody

It seems the whole world is taking me over

I need somebody to help me get back to you

And I've always been a million miles away

But things are gonna change I just wanna come home

And you're, you're the only place I wanna see

That's why I'm gonna be on the next plane home

Yeah I'm taking the next plane home

Now I'm getting the next plane home

Now I'm taking the next plane home
