
发布时间:2017-05-17 16:25



It is more difficult to spend money than to earn money, said Jack Ma, the founder and CEO ofAlibaba Group, during a commencement speech.


Ma was invited to share his insights about charity with the first batch of students who will getMaster Degree of Public Welfare years later from the Peking University.


"Entrepreneurs should use money to invest in the first place," Ma said, "It is no good forentrepreneurs to donate money if they do not create more jobs and fortunes in the firstplace."After the massive Tianjin blasts on Aug. 12, 2015, Ma was under fire because he did notdonate to the victims of the blasts.


Netizens turned the weibo account of China's second richest man into a battlefield debatingcharity giving after other celebrities publicized their donations.


In response to the netizens' questions, Ma said he was bothered when he owned more than 10million yuan. "I have to take depreciation of the RMB and investment into account," Ma said, "Ifone has hundreds of million yuan, one should always bear in mind that such amounts of moneydo not belong to oneself but to the whole society. One should do the right thing to pay off theconfidence from society."


China at present lacks infrastructure, legal systems and personnel nurturing system in thefield of charity, said Ma in the speech.



American philanthropists gave more money to charitable causes in 2014 than the year before.The journal Chronicle of Philanthropy says that the top 50 donors from the U.S. gave a total of$9.8 billion. That is an increase of 27 percent over the past year.

A major part of the increase came from Bill and Melinda Gates. They gave stock worth morethan $1.5 billion to their Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Other major donations came fromseveral entrepreneurs who made their money in the technology industry.

Three of these tech industry entrepreneurs and their families gave more than $500 million eachin 2014.

They are unusual not only because of the amount they gave, but for their age. The founder ofthe messaging company WhatsApp joined the ranks of major donors last year. Thirty-eight-year-old Jan Koum gave to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. Sean Parker, founder ofNapster and former president of Facebook, similarly gave over half a billion dollars to his ownfoundation and other charities. Nicholas and Jill Woodman, both under 40, are founders of thepopular camera maker GoPro. They gave more than $500 million also to the Silicon ValleyCommunity Foundation.

Other famous donors from the tech industry are also on the list. Sergey Brin, the 41-year-oldco-founder of Google and Paul Allen who founded Microsoft with Bill Gates were among the top10.

The changing faces of philanthropy

For decades, the San Francisco Bay area has been the heart of the computer technologyindustry. Many of the biggest technology companies have their headquarters in the area calledSilicon Valley, after the silicon chips long used in computers. The area south of San Francisco ishome to innovative computer technology and services companies and an investment center forrisky start-up companies. But, the area has not always been associated with philanthropy.

Now, a new generation of entrepreneurs appears to be changing Silicon Valley. One example isMarc Benioff, a philanthropist who has called on wealthy donors to give more to theircommunities. Mr. Benioff is founder of Salesforce.com, a computer services company in SanFrancisco. Mr. Benioff has helped build a children's hospital and given millions of dollars to non-profit foundations in the city.

Money from the technology industry has also started to change the face of philanthropy.Benjamin Soskis writes about the history and ideas behind philanthropy in America. His articleshave appeared in The Atlantic magazine and a number of major publications. He says,traditionally, donors have given after they spent much of their lives building up wealth.

Usually philanthropists are in their 70s. But an increasing number of people appearing on thelist of top donors are younger than 40 years of age. Benjamin Soskis says that is somethingnew.

"There's a whole new model that's emerging in which people give and accumulate at the sametime."

Some of the young philanthropists on this year's top 50 list have started to change in the waypeople see philanthropy. That is especially the case in the San Francisco area where the linesbetween philanthropy, giving money, and industrial capitalism, making money, appear to becoming together.

"I think it's fair to say that philanthropy is now a part of the Silicon Valley identity."

Big gifts get attention, but a small part of all charitable giving

There has been a movement among some big givers to persuade other industry leaders togive more to philanthropic causes. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet started the Giving Pledgecampaign five years ago. They wanted more billionaires, like themselves, to give half of theirmoney away. As of last May, the website for the effort says more than 120 individuals from atleast 12 countries have joined.

Benjamin Soskis says people often look at the total amount of philanthropic gifts. This year'sincrease in big donations is notable.

"If you look at the jump, it's partially the result of a number of very large donations from Billand Melinda Gates, and a few other young tech entrepreneurs, but if you take a step back youcan start to see some patterns. In the case of those gifts, many of them were not made toactual non-profit institutions that would spend the money on various social goods, a hospitalor social service organization, they were donated to either to a foundation or a donor advisedfund."

But, the announcements of the gifts are only the beginning of the process of philanthropy.Reporters need to do more, says Mr. Soskis, to look at the effects of charitable gifts. Eachgift, he says, has a story from its beginning to how it is used. Telling this story is important forfinding out what philanthropy is doing for society and the part it plays in a democracy.

Also, billionaires get a lot of attention when they offer large gifts, usually to foundations. But itis worth remembering that most giving in the U.S. is from individuals who donate much smalleramounts.

"Large scale giving is still a relatively small amount compared to total charitable giving,something like $300 billion to $350 billion, in the U.S. and still a large part of that is giving toreligious institutions."

The Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University says Americans gave $335 billion tocharity in 2013 in its most recent Giving USA report.


The chairman of one of China’s largest internet companies is looking to join the ranks of thetechnology world’s big philanthropists Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, by donating more than$2bn to charity.

中国最大互联网企业之一的董事长承诺向慈善事业捐赠逾20亿美元,此举将使他加入高科技领域最大慈善家马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)和比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)的行列。

Pony Ma, who is founder and chief executive of Tencent Holdings, plans to cash in 100mcompany shares to make the donation to the Tencent Foundation, which gives money tohealthcare, education and environmental protection in China, the company said yesterday.

腾讯控股(Tencent Holdings)昨日表示,创始人和首席执行官马化腾(Pony Ma)计划捐献1亿股腾讯股票给腾讯基金会(Tencent Foundation)。该基金会将向中国的医疗、教育和环保事业捐赠资金。

Tencent shares in Hong Kong closed up 0.24 per cent at HK$165.7, making the donationworth about $2.1bn.


The company operates QQ and WeChat, two of China’s largest online and mobile chattingapplications. The Shenzhen-based, Hong Kong-listed group has a market capitalisation of$185bn and owns entertainment and online gaming businesses, as well as a bank and otherfinancial services.


Mr Ma has a net worth of about $20bn, according to Forbes but his success has often beenovershadowed by Jack Ma of Alibaba, the e-commerce company. The Alibaba founder wasreportedly worth more than $22bn. Alongside his chief financial officer, he said last year that hehad set up a fund using share options worth about 2 per cent of the company’s equity, orabout $3bn at the time of the announcement.

根据《福布斯》(Forbes)的统计,马化腾的财富净值约为200亿美元。不过,他的成功经常笼罩在电子商务公司阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的创始人马云(Jack Ma)的阴影之下。马云的财富净值据报道超过220亿美元。去年,马云曾表示已和他的首席财务官一道,用相当于阿里巴巴约2%股本的股票期权设立了基金,消息公布时这一捐赠价值约为30亿美元。

The Tencent chairman said in a statement: “After 10 years of exploration and participation inphilanthropic activities, I increasingly feel a better way to continue giving back to the society isto do it over a longer term and in a more organised way.”


Tencent said its foundation, which was established in 2007 and co-operates with othercharities in China, was set to become one of the biggest charitable funds in the world.

