
发布时间:2016-11-16 15:13



You have got to admit that it takes a lot of courage to propose to the one you love. Marriage proposals come in different forms that people are oftentimes excited when seeing such events happens in one’s life. But as much as there are successful stories of dreams coming true to guys falling head over heels for their girl, unfortunately, there are also broken lives because of proposals being rejected. Can you imagine the drama, the frustration, and the disappointment of the person who hoped for love? Know these top 10 epic fail wedding proposals and learn from the mistakes and mishaps of these hopeful guys.


10. Time to Turn the Tables


At the usual, it’s guys that make the wedding proposal to a girl. Have you ever wondered why this is such the pattern? When you watch the video, the proposal was made by a girl who had been dating with her boyfriend for only 2 weeks. With the notion that a leap year happens every four years, she mustered the courage and proposed to her guy anyway, in a party housed at a friend’s. The boy did not know how to react, and the other guys knew of the rejection when they cheered four more years. The girl freaked out like crazy, throwing the family’s 200-year-old heirloom to the floor. Know you know why guys are supposed to do this.


9. 20 Seconds of Fame


Everything ended up short and sweet with a halftime that was never meant to be an event for a wedding proposal. The couple was a basketball fan, which explains why the girl is given the ball to make a shot at the ring. However, the ring that was in the mind of the gentleman was different, where he actually knelt on the court, in front of thousands of people. The girl was so shocked that she got loose of the ball, stepped back a bit, and had gone away from the court. All of the tension occurred in 20 seconds less.


8. Marriage in the News

It was not supposed to be a national controversy, not until Fox News actually showed the epic fail marriage proposal on TV. It can be funny at how the caption “Surprised” actually made meaning at the end of the coverage. The girl was in the middle of the court, running aimlessly, blindfolded for fun’s sake. When she was able to touch the mascot, which was her boyfriend, the guy wasted no time in kneeling and pleading for her to say yes for the proposal. In the end, it was the guy, along with the people within the stadium that were surprised with the turn of events.



7. Burning Love on the Ice Rink

While watching a nice game of bashing heads and puck-hitting action on the ice rink, you suddenly notice that people are looking up the huge TV. Viewers are making all that buzz about a guy making a marriage proposal over a girl, in front of thousands of the Tampa Bay Lightning and New York Rangers fans. With the sudden turn of events overwhelming Melissa with the thought of being a Blue Shirt Bride, she walked away and disappeared, maybe shy of what really happened on that Valentine’s Day.



6. Cheesy in the Food Court

Some have even wondered why this special moment was even shared and done inside a mall where lots of people are seeing the sheer wonder of a marriage proposal. Imagine the surprised faces of the people waiting in line, eating their lunch, and chatting with friends. It’s like the world stopped when the guy waited for the girl’s response of an invitation to a relationship of deeper love. The lady just gasped with awe and just left, not knowing how to refuse such a deed. Guess the guitarist did not do so well…



5. Proposal at a Basketball Game

So it’s halftime and you are expecting cheerleaders and mascots doing dance numbers and some crazy antics. But would you even anticipate that such an event with lots of people viewing will be used as a time for a marriage proposal? At the time when the proposal during a Houston Rockets game was made, the girl felt the pressure of saying what she had to say. Unfortunately for the guy, it did not turn out fine when he was slapped with the worst kind of rejection ever, caught on national TV. Oh well, at least the mascot was there to console the sorrowful gentleman.



4. UCLA Marriage Proposal

It’s close to Christmas and there is nothing better for lovers in watching a game than to be caught together on a jumbo vision where over thousands of game fans could see your wonderful relationship. Smiling on the cam or making some fun gestures should be enough of recognition, but popping out a question that is seen in the whole stadium? If your partner says, yes, then lucky you. But considering how the event turned during a UCLA game at the time when a Mistletoe cam spotted two lovers with a guy giving out the proposal, everything was just humiliating.



3. Humiliated on Live TV

The TV host, together with the pianist may have known the plot for the evening, where it has been mentioned that nobody will know what would happen next. The host even gave a disclaimer that the proposal was never staged nor planned to begin with. So the chance was given to Mike in order for him to have that chance to speak to his girlfriend and ask for that yes to marriage, with all the kneeling and the gasping in the background. The Almost Late Show was a bit late realizing that everything was a flop.



2. Videotaping the Moment of a Lifetime

First of all, this is to be treated as an icebreaker for all the heartache, the pain, and the sorrow of a failed marriage proposal. But just imagine if this situation is taken for real? You call a perfect stranger to videotape your marriage proposal in a mall, and you witness the heartbreak of a person you barely knew. The worst is, you have not only caught the grief of the rejected guy, but he also gets slapped for the said attempt for love. But since this is from Just For Laughs, it was meant to be funny.



1. A Baseball Slap to Reality

Okay, being refused of a marriage proposal is already one thing that’s too hard to take for a man. His pride gets hurt for thinking that he has done his all and that everything is ready to step up into a higher level. But being slapped after receiving the humiliating rejection? Now that tops everything. It’s just like being poured with a freezing bucket of water at the back and then hit by a baseball bat at the head; all these happening in a game of baseball…


