A: Now tell me something about your professional education.
B: All right. My nursing school offered professional courses such as nursing science, nursing psychology, nursing ethics, internal medicine and its nursing, surgery and its nursing, pediatrics and its nursing, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion, etc.. I also studied some basic courses, such as maths, physics, chemistry etc..
B:好。我就读的护士学校开设了以下专业 课程:护理学、护理心理学、护理伦理学、 内科及其护理学、外科及其护理学、儿科 及其护理学、中医、针灸等。我还学了一 些基础课程,如数学、物理、化学等。
A: Did you learn English at the nursing school?
B: Oh, yes. And I went on to study English at Chuntian School of Foreign Languages for two years after my graduation from the nursing school.
B:哦,学过。我从护士学校毕业后,还在春 田外语学校继续学了两年英语。
A: Your resume says you worked at Zhu-jiang Hospital for one year. What were you responsible for?
A:你的个人简历说你曾在珠江医院工作过 一年。那你负责什么工作呢?
B: I was responsible for clinical nursing of patients in the Internal Medicine Division. My responsibilities included taking histories, keeping charts, giving injections, administering medication, taking temperature and blood pressure, preparing for patients, treatments’ changing sheets and quilts, etc..
B:我在内科负责病人的临床护理。我的工 作职责包括记载病历、保管给病人拍的 片子、打针、给病人服药、测量体温与血 压、为病人的治疗做好准备、换床单、被 褥等。
A: Your present work unit is South Hospital. What section do you work in?
A:你现在的工作单位是南方医院,那你在 什么科室工作?
B: I work in the surgical section.
A: Wonderful. It was reported in the newspapers that your section won the title of “ Advanced Section ”, I think everybody in your section must be great in technical skills and service attitude.
A:好极了。据报道,你们科已经获得了“先 进科室”的光荣称号。我想你们科的每 一个人在专业技术和服务态度上一定很 好。
B: Thank you for your compliment. But we are far from perfect.
A: What does your work entail there?
B: I perform rehabilitation nursing. My work involves taking actions according to doctors, helping patients restore their organic functions, training patients in speech, carrying out massage and physiotherapy. I’m also responsible for patients’ nutrition and diet, and satisfying their personal needs.
B:我从事康复护理。我的工作包括执行医 嘱、帮助病人恢复肌体功能、对病人进行 语言训练、进行按摩与理疗。我还负责 病人的营养和饮食,以及满足他们的个 人要求。
A: Have you received any honor personally?
B: Yes, I was three times singled out as an “Advanced Nurse.”
A: Well, considering your qualifications, we believe you would be a suitable candidate. But, as you know, we have dozens of applicants to be interviewed. We can not reach a final decision until we have talked to all the applicants we asked to come here.
A:嗯,纵观你的资历,我们认为你将是个合 适的人选。不过,你知道,我们有几十个 求职者要面试。要等我们对所有被请到 这里来的人面试过后,我们才能作出最 后选择。
B: When can I know whether I am accepted or not?
A: I think we’ll send you a letter by early next week, if you are hired. Or we may give you a call.
A:我想,如果你被录用,我们将在下星期一 或星期二给你寄发出专函。或者,我们 也可以电话通知你。
A: Welcome to the OMA HOUSE Company.
B: Thank you. (while shaking hands ) My name is Vance, and I’m here for the position in sales.
B:谢谢。(一边握手)我叫范斯,我想应聘 销售职务。
A: Nice to meet you, I am the big boss. Please have a seat.
B: Thank you very much.
A: Why did you quit your last job?
B: It was a small company with no future. Your company, however, is growing very quickly in very productive directions.
B:那是家小公司,前途有限。而贵公司正 朝气蓬勃地高速发展着。
A: Do you feel you are a good worker?
B: I certainly do feel I am a good worker. As you can see from my resume, I have often been the best employee of the month.
B:我当然觉得自己是个合格的职员。您从 我的简历中可以看到,我经常被评为月 度最佳员工。
A: What did you do at your last job?
B: I sold all kinds of cars, motorcycles and trucks.
A: Did you enjoy your job?
B: Always, of course. I enjoyed helping my customers best of all. I was happy when they were happy.
B:当然,一直都喜欢。我喜欢尽我所能帮 助客户。客户高兴我就高兴。
A: So why do you want to sell houses now?
B: I want to sell houses because they are the way of the future in Beijing. Lately, many families are looking to buy a good house but need a friendly, intelligent salesperson to help them. I believe my experience with people, my hard work and motivation make me perfect for this job.
B:我想做房产销售是因为这个行业在北京 有很好的前景。最近,许多家庭计划购 买好的住宅,他们需要热情、精明的销售 员来帮助他们。我相信凭我与人打交道 的经验,再加上努力工作和进取精神,我 一定能做好这份工作。
A: What are your personal strengths?
B: I work well with others and I am a committed friend.I believe customers should be treated like friends.
B:我的人际关系很融洽,而且我是一个值 得信赖的朋友。我认为应该像对待朋友 那样来对待客户。
A: What is your greatest weakness?
B: Although I have had many foreign friends and teachers,I have never been abroad to study English.I believe this is my greatest weakness. However, I hope to improve my English in the near future.
B:尽管我有许多外国朋友和老师,但我从 没去国外进修过英语。我想英语是我最大的弱项。但是我希望我能在短期内尽 快提高我的英语水平。
A: Would you be willing to go abroad for English and Sales training?
B: It would be my pleasure to go abroad to study English and Sales.
A: Great. Do you have any questions for us?
B: How long would our contract be for?
A: We ask our employees to sign two-year contracts.
B: One last question. Seeing my work experience and motivation, if I get the job, what salary could I expect?
B:最后一个问题,根据我的工作经验和进 取精神,如果我被录用,我的薪水会是多少?
A: If you get the job, you will earn two thousand Yuan RMB a month plus commission, in proportion to what you sell.
A:如果你被录用,你的薪水是每月2000元 人民币再加上按你销售额的比例提成的佣金。
B: Thank you, sir. I hope I hope the chance to work with you in the future.
B:谢谢您,先生。我希望能有机会和您一 起工作。
A: And thank you for your time.
B: Good-bye.
A: Nice to meet you, Mr. Ou. Please come in and have a seat.
B: Thank you, Mr. Park.
A: Well, as you know, we are expanding our sales network. We have a big plan for Rocket ID program and need experienced salesperson to help us make them come into reality.
A:嗯,正如你知道的,我们正在扩大我们的 销售网络。我们有一个“火箭m”计划, 因此需要有经验的销售人员帮助我们实 现它。
B: Well, I know I can be an asset to Rocket QI program because of my past work experiences.
B:嗯,我觉得我能为“火箭瓜”计划出力,因 为我有销售经验。
A: So, tell me something about your experience.
B: Well, I’ve been in IT sales for ten years now, with three companies. The first was a small computer company. I stayed there for three years, and during that time our sales increased an average of 30% per year. I was responsible for sales in the East China area. After three years, I felt I was ready for a new challege, so I moved to a computer hardware manufacturer, where I stayed for another three years. At present I was working in a software company, and in charge of sales in the North China area.
B:好的,我在3家IT公司做销售已经10年 了。第一家是一家小型的电脑公司。我 在那儿工作了 3年,那时我们的销售额 增长率为每年30%。我当时负责华东地 区的销售。3年后,我认为自己已经有能 力应付新的挑战,于是我去了一家电脑硬件生产公司,在那里我又工作了 3年。 现在我在一家软件公司工作,负责华北 地区的销售。
A: What’s your sales record been like there?
B: Well, as you know in my resume, when I joined that firm they had a slump since 1998. Now we have recorded good growth every year except for 2003. The last two years have seen an increase in sales of about 10% to 20% each year, so we,re very pleased. Our sales prospects are quite good for the next two years, as we already have secured a large number of advance orders.
B:从我的简历上您可以看到,当我加入公 司的时候,公司正处于从1998年以来的 萧条期。现在公司一直保持良好的增 长,除了 2003年。过去的两年销售增长 率大约在10%~20%左右,对此我们非 常满意。我们今后两年的销售前景相当 好,已经有了大笔的提前订货单。
A: If things are going so well, why do you want to leave the company now?
A:既然情况这么好,你为什么要离开现在 的公司呢?
B: Er... once again, I think I am ready for a new challenge. I’ve put a good team together in my present company, a solid foundation has been laid, and I think if I want to take the next step for my career, ifs time to move on.
B:嗯……像我之前提到过的,我已经作好 了迎接挑战的准备。我现在在公司已经 有了良好的协作团队和良好的基础,如 果还要想在事业上有所进步的话,现在 正是时候。
A: Mr. Ou, you mention taking steps in your career. What are your career goals?
A:那么,欧先生,你说要在事业上有所进 步,那么你事业的目标是什么?
B: I’m a salesman, Mr. Park. That’s what I do best. That’s what I’m trained to do. My career goal is to work at increasingly larger firms and then take on more challenging assignments.
B:我是一个销售人员,帕克先生。从事这 行是我的专长。在这方面我受过训练。 我的事业目标就是在不断扩大的公司里 做更有挑战性的工作。
A: Why do you want to work with a foreign company? You’ve spent ten years with Chinese firms.
A:那么你为什么要到一家外国公司工作 呢?你已经在中国公司里工作10年了。
B: I’ve always wanted to work with a foreign company, but I want a lot of solid experience before I made the move. And I believe I would fit into the environment of a foreign company. And I be-lieve I have a lot to offer a foreign firm. I want to work with a foreign firm that wants to grow because I could help them achieve their sales targets.
B:我一直就想在外国公司工作,但是我想 在此之前积累大量的经验。我相信自己 可以适应外国公司的工作环境,而且我有许多技能可以为外国公司服务。我希 望能在发展的外国公司工作,因为我认 为自己有能力帮助他们达到销售目标。
A: How would you describe your relation ship with your previous supervisors?
B: Very good. Once our sales plan was put together, I had a great deal of freedom to handle my sales item in the way I felt best.
B:非常好。一般来讲,只要我们定了销售 计划,我就有权用我认为最好的方法进 行销售。
A: What would you say is the accomplishment you feel most proud about?
A:那么你认为最值得自豪的业绩是什么 呢?
B: Definitely it was the increasing of our sales record each year.
A: I see. Mr. Ou, tell me how you see your strong points and your weak points? How do you evaluate yourself?
A:我明白了,欧先生。那么告诉我你怎么 看待你的强项和弱项呢?你怎样评价自 己?
B: Er...I think that I’m a very disciplined person. I think every salesperson must be disciplined. Also, I’m very organized. I like to break problems down into manageable parts and accomplish each part in a step-by-step way. My weak points. let’s see. .. are probably my impatience at times. When I set a goal for myself, I know there will be obstacles along the way. But I sometimes feel impatient when I can’t reach the goal according to my schedule. Recently, however, I have learned to stay calm and not get overly impatient. I’ve learned this as I’ve gained more experience.
B:喔,我认为自己是一个受过培训的人。 我想每一个成功的销售人员都受过培 训。还有,我做事有条理。我喜欢把问 题分化,然后一个一个来解决。我的弱 项是……我想想……我有时候缺乏耐 心。当我为自己定了一个目标以后,我 知道达到目标会有困难。但是当不能按 期达到目标时,有时候会表现得不够耐 心。最近,我正在学习怎样保持冷静而 不要过度急躁。学会这些同样也获得了 更多的经验。
A: What do you dislike most about sales work?
B: Er... I think ifs difficult to say. Since l,ve been in sales as my professional career, ifs a part of my life. I really can’t think of any one thing I dislike about it. I like sales because ifs constantly challenging and I like to keep pushing myself.
B:嗯……这很难回答。自从我开始干销售 起,我就把它当成了自己生活的一部分。 我几乎找不出我不喜欢的地方。我喜欢 销售,因为它总是充满了挑战,我喜欢保 持进取的状态。
A: How does this affect your family life?
B: Because I always so busy with my sales work, I seldom have time with my wife and my son. But whenever I have time I will stay with them, at present I try my best to spend one or two evenings a week with them at home.
B:因为我的工作总是很忙,所以在家陪妻 子和儿子的机会很少。但是只要我有时 间我就会和她们在一起。现在我每周都 会有一两个晚上和他们在一起。
A: Are there any questions you would like to ask about the post or the company?
A:你对这一职位和公司的情况还有什么要 问的吗?
B: Yes. How many salespersons do you have now and how many new members are you planning to hire?
B:是的。你们现在有多少个销售人员,还 需要招多少?
A: We have three salespersons now in North China area, and we will be adding three more next week. The six will report to our senior manager of marketing, and you will put together into a new four-year plan. You’丨丨 meet the senior manager at your second interview and he’ll provide you with more details. I think you two will get along well.
A:现在在华北地区我们有3个销售人员, 下周准备再增加3名。这6人直接由营 销部经理领导,这些全包括在新的4年 计划中。在第二轮面试的时候你会见到 销售经理,他会向你详细介绍情况。我 想你们两个会处得很好。
B: Does your company have a periodic performance review for its employees?
A: Yes, we do. Again, I'll have our senior manager go over the details with you in the second interview.
A:是的,有。我们的销售经理会在第二轮 面试中和你详谈。
B: OK, Well, Mr. Park, I’m glad to hear that I’ll be given a second interview. I really do believe that I’m the person for you. I’m ready and eager for new challenges, and it would be a pleasure for me to be one of your company. I’d like to help your Rocket IH program in China.
B:好的,帕克先生,很高兴能让我参加第二 轮面试。我确信我就是贵公司要的人。 我已经准备好了迎接新的挑战。能成为 贵公司的一员,我感到很荣幸。愿为贵 公司的“火箭m”计划在中国的发展和实 现贡献自己的力量。
A: Thank you. It seems that your background will fit us, and I’ll pass along my positive comment to the senior manager.
a:谢谢。看来你很适合我们公司,我会向 高级经理转达我的意见的。
B: Thank you. So how long would you inform me?
A: Within two or three days. Well call you. Thanks again for coming, Mr. Ou.
A:两三天以后吧。我们会打电话给你的。 欧先生,再次感谢你来参加面试。