有关英文笑话故事短文:Jesus’s Telly
A child on Christmas time asked for some paper and crayons in order to draw a crib. Eventuallythe artistic masterpiece was displayed for parental approval. The manager, the shepherds,Jesus and Holy Family wore duly admired.
"But what’s that in the corner?" asked Mother.
"Oh, that’s their telly," replied the tot.
有关英文笑话故事短文:Jesus’s Telly
A child on Christmas time asked for some paper and crayons in order to draw a crib. Eventuallythe artistic masterpiece was displayed for parental approval. The manager, the shepherds,Jesus and Holy Family wore duly admired.
"But what’s that in the corner?" asked Mother.
"Oh, that’s their telly," replied the tot.
Ivan came home with a bloody nose and his mother asked, "What happened?"
"A kid bit me," replied Ivan.
"Would you recognize him if you saw him again?" asked his mother.
"I’d know him anywhere," said Ivan. "I have his ear in my pocket."
有关英文笑话故事短文:An Axe to Grind
A boy begs his father to get him a Christmas tree this year.
Each year, the boy asks and the father tells him, "I don't want to pay for it."
But the son kept begging. Unable to bear his son's whining, he picks up his axe one day andheads out of the house.
Thirty minutes later he returns with a great big Christmas tree. "How did you cut it down sofast?" his son asks.
"I didn't cut it down," the father replies.
"I got it at a tree lot."
"Then why did you bring an axe?"
"Because I didn't want to pay."